A little before Christmas

Famous by accident

Here I am once again ^__^ yep...I'm back after a busy month with school, holiday in Italy and school trip ^__^ let's see if I'm able to update chapter 3 ^__^

The rest of this chapter I'll upload tomorrow cuz it's 11:20PM here and tomorrow I woke up at 6AM...yep...damn & funny school


 ~ My POV~

My sister was on computer like always checking Koreannews on allkpop while I was sitting behind her on the bed. Our parents have been acting strange since we woke up at 12PM. I wonder what happened to them.

   - Hey, Alex, don't you think our parents are acting a little weird since noon. I went to the kitchen a few moments ago and they were talking about something but when I entered the room, they stopped talking like I wasn't supposed to hear their conversation. Don't you think it's curious? I asked her, but no reaction. YA!!! I yelled at her. Didn't you hear what I said?

   - Huh?! What did you say? I was too focus reading the news so I didn't hear a thing. Sorry sorry. Kekeke.

   - I SAID: 'Our parents are acting weird, don't you think?'. I sumed up in an angry tone what I said before when she wasn't listen to me.

   - Why are you so angry? my sister asked me.

   - I don't know! Maybe because I'm speaking with the walls?! I replied sarcastically.

   - Ha Ha Ha! Very funny! she said ironically and then we burst into laughter.

   - So back to the subject. Something definitelly happened.

   - Maybe they can't give us presents for Christmas, my sister came up with this odd idea.

   - I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree, I started to sing. And I think they know that too. Alex laughed.

   - Yeah, I know. I was just trying you know, she told me and shruged her shoulders.

   - Hmmm....it must be something else, but what? I'm dying of curiousity here. Aish! I pouted.

 Because I started to space out, Alex went back on reading the news, but then something hit me.

   - Stop! What's that? I kinda screamed and scared my sister a little.

   - Ya! Do you want to me to have a heart attack? she asked still in shock. Which one?

   - That! and I pointed at an article.

                                                              RAIN & MBLAQ in Europe!!!!

 Alex clicked on it and we began reading it.


     It seems that Rain & MBLAQ's members took a break from the practice for their upcoming comeback. As you all know, MBLAQ are having their comeback this January so they have been working really hard for their first full album. So Rain decided to give them a week off, especially that next year he'll be going to army and he wants to spend more time with them. "This short vacation will be an experience for the MBLAQ's members, an opportunity for them to see and learn new things as well as improving their English. So the destinations I chose are Rome, Paris and London." Rain stated some days ago. Currently, MBLAQ & RAIN are on their way to London, after visiting Rome and Paris. A+ from England be aware! MBLAQ are on the way!!! Are you excited?

     Source: SeungHo's twitter


  - Source: SeungHo's twitter? I said surprised.

  - Yeah, he posted it 3 days ago, Alex said. I knew about it.

  -YAAA! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER??? It's like a dream come true! SUJU started it first. Of course, they had to be the first and now Rain & MBLAQ came in Europe. Step by step, Kpop will take over and spread everywhere. I was so excited.

  - Well, I forgot! And when I wanted to tell you, you were already asleep. What did u want me to do? my sister asked me.

  - Keeping me awake? I asked to make fun of her.

  - Hahaha! Very funny!! she said sarcastically and I started to laugh cuz I know very well she can't keep me awake, especially when she is talking with her bestfriend on yahoo because I get bored by doing nothing so I fall asleep.

  - Anyway, back to the main subject, I said after stopped laughing.

  - Oh, right. Sometimes we are so random. So maybe we'll find out tomorrow what happened.

  - Yeah..since it's Christmas, but it'll better be good news or else I'm going to kill someone if they ruin my Christmas spirit.

  And we both sighed.

  - Aish! This is giving me a headache. I'm going to bed. It's almost 12 AM, I said after looking at the clock. I really hope tomorrow we'll find out what it's all about. I hate when I don't know what it's going on...

  - Sorry to say this, but I don't think you'll wait till tomorrow, Alex murmured.

  - What makes you to believe that? I murmured as well.

  - Cuz our parents are coming! I can hear their steps.

  - What? I was taken by surprise so I immediatelly went under the blanket and pretend that I was asleep.

phew...finally finished this chapter ^___^ sorry that it took so long ^__^ enjoy ^__^

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I hope so too ^__^ thanks for your concern^^
sunnyvpz #2
hope u feel better and update soon ^0^