A present like No Other

Famous by accident

here a bonus cuz u waited so long after me to finish chapter 3.....a little from chapter 4 ^__^


~Alex's POV~

  - I'll pretend to sleep! If they say something, I'll hear it! Good night! Nikky hugged her pillow and went under the blanket.

  - Ya!!! I whispered. Why do I have to be the one awake?

  - Cuz you are older than me and I'm the "little" one so I have to sleep more, her voice came under the blanket. It sounded as if she was in a tomb. Creepy!

  I turned back to the computer and saw again the article about Rain and MBLAQ...MBLAQ...I sighed. I wish I could meet them. They are so close...much closer than they'll ever be. Aish...hate this. Why don't I have money to move to Korea already? There are so many people i want to meet. But for now I really want to meet him, his beautiful voice, G.O.-oppa. But that would never happen, right? *sigh* Aish, I really like his voice in the song "O-WI-O" with Nassun... that was a great collaboration as well as their second song "One", but the first one is my favorite <3<3<3

   A window popped up from nowhere. Oh, it's that mysterious person again. Let's see.

 Raizo_7288:  Annyeong!^^ Long time no talk... ㅋㅋㅋ

 Sweetheart9: Hey, chingu! How are you?   

 Raizo_7288: Well, I've been working a lot since we last talked. Sorry for not telling you anything.    

 Sweetheart9:  Well...at least you didn't abandon me... ^^


      So...let me introduce you to my virtual best friend. I don't know his name or job, but he is my best friend on the internet. I don't even know how he looks. We just talk about what makes us angry, happy or sad. I first "met" him an year ago. I was really upset & mad cuz my "real" best friends didn't really care about my birthday so I posted on me2day: "Today it's my bday and the only thing I wish is to disappear T__T". I was feeling really down that day but his comment made me feel better: "I don't want you to disappear...Who would make me laugh everyday if you are not here? Oh and btw ~Happy Birthday!~ ^^ I'm glad you were born ^__^" 
    Yep..this is the sad story that actually turned to be not that bad. At least I got to know this weird and funny guy. Yeah, I know that he's a guy lol. But only that and of course his personality.

Raizo_7288: Ya! I'm not that easy :P You know I wouldn't abandon you.

Sweetheart9: Yeah, yeah...whatever..

Raizo_7288: Well, if you say so...I won't talk to you anymore. Bye!

Sweetheart9: Ya! Get back here or else...


No response... Did he really leave?


Raizo_7288: Or else? *curious* Don't tell me. You'll break up with me =))

Sweetheart9: LOL. No! I won't speak with you ever again! *merong*

Raizo_7288: I was the one who was supposed to be mad, not you. :))

Sweetheart9: What goes around, comes around :P I was just kidding ^^ But promise you won't disappear like that ever again. I mean, without a word. Tell me, okay?^^

Raizo_7288: Okay, I promise. But I can still joke around, right? Life wouldn't be fun if I don't.

Sweetheart9: LOL. Of course you can. What will I do without you? <3

Raizo_7288: Aw...you love me.

Sweetheart9: No, I don't.

Raizo_7288: Yes, you do.

Sweetheart9: Just a little, but only as a friend.

Raizo_7288: I didn't say otherwise :P

Sweetheart9: Ya! Let's drop it!

Raizo_7288: Someone is defensive :))

Sweetheart9: No, I'm not :)) anyway, what are you doing right now?

Raizo_7288: And now you are changing the subject. Fine. I'll play along. I'm at a restaurant  with my members ^^ I mean with my co-workers. We are taking dinner ^^ In London.

Sweetheart9: In London? Really?

Raizo_7288: Yep. We are in a well-deserved vacation. 

Sweetheart9: Wow! That's cool. 

Raizo_7288: And the coolest thing is that our boss was the one who proposed this ^^


Sweetheart9: Ah...you are so lucky...London must be nice...you know, you are kinda close to me...I mean where I live :P

Raizo_7288: Jinjja? Lol...you wanted me to be close to you, right?

Sweetheart9: Anio! You are misinterpreting my words...again!

Raizo_7288: You are so easy to tease, you know?....shoot! mianhae, I have to go now, okay? but I promise we will talk soon *hugs*

Sweetheart9: already? okay okay...take care...hwaiting! *hugs back*

Raizo_7288: I love your hugs...they are so warm & fluffy~~

Sweetheart9: Ya!! You said you were leaving!

Raizo_7288: I am now :P Just take care of you, okay? Don't do anything stupid, arasso?

Sweetheart9: Arasso ^__^ now go!

Raizo_7288 has signed off.


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I hope so too ^__^ thanks for your concern^^
sunnyvpz #2
hope u feel better and update soon ^0^