
The Hook Up

When Sandeul first felt the light of morning disturb his sleep, he stretched his arms out wide to wake his tired muscles. Only, when he tried to move, his limbs wouldn't budge, as if they were being held down by a weight. A really warm weight... That was breathing.. His eyes flew open to find that his boss was on top of him. .


He suppressed a squeal as he realized where he was and what had happened last night. He shifted his eyes around, studying the current state of his boss's living room which was littered with the pairs' clothing they had frantically removed in order to ensue with their sudden hook up.


... what was that all about? He sighed looking down at the handsome man resting soundly upon his chest. As he softly brushed Shinwoo's hair behind his ear, he only confirmed that he had truly wanted this. The problem was that although Sandeul was in his right mind last night, aside from the strong haze of lust that overcame him, Shinwoo wasn't completely accountable for his drunken actions. 


Would he even remember? Sandeul thought while gazing upon the sleeping bear's peaceful face. He didn't know what he would begin to say to Shinwoo, so he decided to take the easy way out.


He wriggled his way out of the bear's entrapment, regretting the movement instantly. Not only was it difficult to squeeze out of the tight space, his pushing ended with him landing on the hard floor. Blinding pain shot up the model's backside immediately. My .. he sobbed internally. His erupted in soreness the more he tried to move. Just what a lube-less impromptu granted. He was starting to regret last night even more. Gritting his teeth and moving through the pain, he stood and straightened out his sore body. He supressed his squeals of pain as he wriggled into his pants he had found discarded on the ground during his fall. Peering over the side of the couch he located his shirt and slipped it on quickly while heading toward the door quietly.


Hopefully Gongchan won’t be here yet Sandeul thought as he descended the stairs, before being intercepted by Gongchan turning into the kitchen doorway. Great, just the person I wanted to see... Sandeul thought sarcastically.


"Oh! Hyung! Good morning!" The maknae cheered, pulling his hyung into a hug. "You're here early.. huh, wait didn't you wear this yesterday?" Gongchan questioned confusedly, eying Sandeul's outfit.


"O-oh.. this..." Sandeul stammered, not sure how to answer to the sudden questioning. Damn... he doesnt miss anything, he murmured internally.


"Hyung! Did you even go home last night? Where did you sleep?" Gonchan further questioned, suspiciously.


"Oh, uh.. Where? I.. uh on Shinwoo's couch..." Sandeul stammered, telling the truth, in a way.


"Bwoh?! Hyung is so mean~ I wasn't invited to the slumber party," The younger pouted.


"Augh, it wasn't like that. I just fell asleep because we were up late.." He elaborated slightly, in order to make the younger feel better.


"Oh, really? You guys were together last night?.. Oh, I know. Now I see how you got this job," Gongchan grinned, proud that he had figured it out.


Oh god, he's getting ideas. "No, it’s not that, Shinwoo had--" He cut himself off abruptly. He had wanted to say that he was taking care of his drunken boss in order to avoid letting out the truth, but should he be telling Shinwoo's personal business without his permission? Sure it was also Sandeul's to share, but maybe his boss had a secret drinking problem that he wouldn't want others to know about.


"Shinwoo what?" Gongchan questioned impatiently.




"You called?" Shinwoo interrupted, just in time for Sandeul to be off the hook.


"Hyung! Good morning~ did you have a good sleep? You look a little tired," Gongchan giggled at his boss's current 'just rolled out of bed' look.


"Ah, how perceptive Channie," Shinwoo chuckled. "I didn't get enough sleep actually," He frowned slightly, probably trying to recall his memories Sandeul assumed, shooting Sandeul a glance.


"Hyung you always say that! You sleep more than a bear," Gongchan exclaimed with a laugh.


"Hmm, I just love sleep~" Shinwoo mused grinning lazily.


"Well have your rest~ I'll make you some breakfast and bring it to you, okay?" Gongchan smiled before disappearing into the kitchen.


Leaving Sandeul and Shinwoo alone, the awkwardness grew now that the loud chatter that the maknae produced had ceased.


"Morning," Shinwoo offered to clear the silence.


"Hmm morning.." Sandeul murmured barely meeting Shinwoo's gaze.


"You must have left really quietly this morning, huh?" Shinwoo mused, smiling softly.


"So... you remember..?" Sandeul looked up in surprise. If he remembers then why is he acting so casual?


"Actually I was more concentrated on my headache, I almost didn't think about it. But a pair of ducky patterned underwear in my living room helped it all come flooding back," He answered with a smirk.


Sandeul hung his head in shame. "Oh... Right.." Great… He had left so quickly that he had unknowingly gone commando for the morning.


"So... we uh, should probably--" Shinwoo began, before a flustered duck interrupted him.


"Okay we are not talking about this right now," Sandeul spat frantically as a blush invaded his cheeks. He definitely wasn't ready for casual conversation about the affair, he was still getting comfortable with the idea that it had actually happened. In just a night his life had turned into a gay and the City episode, and Sandeul wasn’t accustomed to having friends to speak with so loosely, let alone to be having with.


Shinwoo sent a long look at Sandeul before nodding understandingly. "Okay.."


It was a lot to process, and Shinwoo understood how Sandeul must feel. Shinwoo was fine with Sandeul taking as long as he needed to adjust, since he was obviously embarrassed currently and some clear thought could do them both well. "Uh Shinwoo.. can I go home?" Sandeul suddenly voiced.


Shinwoo looked at him questioningly. "You know... I haven't changed or anything," Sandeul muttered, gesturing towards his body that probably held the essence of .


"Oh! Of course. Do whatever you need to," He smiled.


"Okay, thanks," Sandeul muttered gratefully, scurrying towards the door.


When Sandeul returned, he had planned to avoid Shinwoo at all costs. He knew that he would want to talk about what happened and he really didnt need that right now. Sandeul marked the night as one of his ty moments of weakness and he really just wanted to forget it. The less he thought about it and talked about it, the quicker he could get over it, right?





[AN] They just had se~~~ex~ yeah, those two s all comfortable on the bed. 

theyre totally flirting here idc what anyone says

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I've kinda been re-editing all the chapters, so yeah. everything looks really different, so don't be surprised xD


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Chapter 10: eottoke !! ShinDeul is just sweet ! . OMG ! . I'm a big BaDeul shipper .. but after reading this fic. .. IDK anymore !! ahahhaa
Baravois #2
Chapter 16: Update soon:)
the jinchan couple are sooooo cute >0<"
Chapter 16: Please Update Soon...Pwease? *puppy dog eyes*
vayne89 #4
Chapter 16: Hi...^^
Finally you comeback with this story.
Chapter 16: WHY?! WHY?! WHY IS IT SO SHORT?! Please update soon! I beg of you! :((
Chapter 10: oh my godson this was hawtttt nosebleeeed.and omo why did cnu flash the boys???XD WHAT SHOW IS THAT.YOOU MUST TELL ME OR I MAY DIE!!
vayne89 #7
Chapter 15: WOoow! (/*°▽°)/* & fluffy part.. U make me crazy in the morning.. Lol :P
It's really hot..
So, sandeul really fall into shinwoo now?? Hope they will be happy forever.^^
Next chapter pls.. :)
Btw congrats for your computer comeback..<3
vayne89 #8
Yay finally u updates..^^
I really hope your computer comeback soon..XD
Yaay they official. Shindeul n Jinchan..<3
Waiting for they date( maybe some make out session):D
What happened with badeul?
I hope it will reveal at next chapter..^^