Getting Comfortable

The Hook Up


Sandeul flushed as he felt Shinwoo's semi-hardened length buried within his warmth as he blinked himself awake. " bastard," He groaned as he pulled himself off of his sleeping hyung, who moaned in his sleep and rolled over.


He sighed, ruffling his poofy hair, deciding to shower and dress since his boss would probably still be busy sleeping for at least another hour. He had already slipped into his tight clothes and was just finishing his eyeliner when 'The Sleeping Beauty' had finally decided to wake up.


"Morning," Shinwoo's sleepy voice came from the bed. Sandeul turned to see him lean up and grin tiredly.


"Good Morning~" Sandeul offered before clamping his teeth down on his lip to keep from laughing at Shinwoo's less than classy appearance. "Uh.. Do you always look like this in the morning?" He giggled anyway, moving over to Shinwoo's side upon the bed.


"Ah, I don't know.. you saw me last time didn't you?" he mumbled as Sandeul patted his hair in a halfhearted attempt to tame it.


"That I did.. Hmm.." He feigned concentration, leaning close to study Shinwoo's features. "You looked better the first time," He concluded with a grin.


Shinwoo gasped dramatically and threw his arms around Sandeul, pulling the surprised younger down on top of him. "Apologize or I'll make you pay for it," He stated in Sandeul's ear, holding him tight to his chest in a locking bear hug.


"And how do you suppose you will you do that? I'm the one on top right now," Sandeul quipped while he struggled, unable to get out of the elders grip.


"Well now that you mention it, you can make it up to me while you're here," Shinwoo smirked and released his hold. Sandeul sprang up ending with him sitting astraddle Shinwoo, his face flustered from his semi-suffocation.


Shinwoo grinned and slid his hands on top of Sandeul's jean covered thighs eagerly. The younger's eyes widened as he looked down to see that little Shinwoo had invited himself to the party.


"Don't start that again. I've already showered," Sandeul warned with a small grin, looking like he actually wouldn't mind that at all.


"Sandeulie.." He sang out in a pleading voice, almost causing Sandeul to throw his resolve out of the window.


"Yah, later, okay? I just put these clothes on, I don't need you getting me out of them. Yet," He smirked as he leaned forward and took Shinwoo's lips in a soft kiss.


Before Sandeul could pull completely away, Shinwoo s his arms around him and whimpered when he tried to get away again. "I just want to hold you Deulie~"


"For a little bit then," Sandeul smiled and relaxed against the elder, who leaned up to plant kisses on his face in appreciation, which Sandeul responded to with soft giggles.


"You're unusually cheerful this morning," Shinwoo smiled appreciatively. "I like it."


Sandeul merely smirked in response and climbed off of Shinwoo's lap, much to his disappointment. "Okay, times up!"


"Aww, come on, cant you at least go back to teasing me?" Shinwoo pouted.


"Ah, I would stay and entertain you some more but I think you need a shower," He teased.


"Fine~ you're right," Shinwoo hopped out of the bed walking towards the bathroom in all his glory, which Sandeul's eyes followed appreciatively. "Anyway, its your fault. You got me so dirty so hard on me last night," He offered over his shoulder as he walked.


Sandeul snapped his eyes up from his hyung's bare to glare at him, his face reddening.


"Aww, theres that blush again~ Sandeul you should really stop trying to get me to have with you. I mean jeez, can I at least wash up from our last round?" He smirked, dodging into the bathroom as Sandeul threw a pillow towards his face.


"Yeah, you better run," Sandeul murmured as he heard the shower cut on behind the door.


He sighed and rose from the bed, heading to the kitchen to make something for the two of them. He wondered when he had gotten so -whipped. He had jst finished setting the breakfast onto the table just as Shinwoo appeared from the hallway.


"Good Morning, again," Shinwoo smiled as he sat down in the spot across from Sandeul at the small table.


They smiled and ate in near silence, though it was comfortable and natural. When they finished Sandeul stood and took their dishes to the sink before turning and nearly colliding with Shinwoo's body. "Oh!" He exclaimed in surprise, his eyes immediately snapping up to the elders face, he then quickly relaxed.


Shinwoo smiled and ran his fingers along Sandeul's cheek, stopping at his jaw to tip his face up and bring their lips together. He pulled back and stared at the younger for a moment before speaking. "So.. you like me?" Shinwoo couldn't resist the grin that formed on his face.


"Ah, so what if I do?" He blushed furiously in response as he realized that Shinwoo was referring to the words he spoke in his tired and ed up state last night.


"I'm just saying," He held his hands up in a mocking defensive gesture. "I'm glad," He grinned, lowering his hands to the younger's waist.


"You're so sappy, and romantic.. and cute," Sandeul muttered, smiling and embracing his hyung. "I'm glad too," He spoke muffled into Shinwoo's chest, but he picked up the words easily.


"So you're not mad at me anymore?"


"No." Shinwoo smiled in relief, a little too soon. "As long as you are willing to answer one question."


"So, ask me." He held his breath, hoping it wasn't going to be about that night.


"That night I found you.. upstairs.. why were you drinking alone like that?" And, of course, it was about that night.


Shinwoo exhaled slowly in a sigh, letting his breath escape before taking a new one to speak. "Why are you so concerned with that?"


Sandeul responded without thinking, "Because I care about you." Shinwoo looked at him in surprise. "I mean.."


"No, you said it, no taking it back now," He smirked before pulling Sandeul close and placing a kiss on his cheek. "I care about you, too," Shinwoo muttered against his skin pulling a smile from the younger.


He settled into Shinwoo's touch for a moment before starting the conversation again. "Tell me why you do it.. why do you drink?" He whispered as his gaze sat on Shinwoo's chest awaiting his reply. Sandeul noted that his chest was moving raggedly as the elder took a couple shaky breaths before he answered. "I sort of took it up when my parents died."


Sandeul's eyes shot up to study his face with concern. It seemed that he wasn't going to cry, but his tone was a bit emotional. "W-when did they die?" He questioned softly. He rubbed Shinwoo's arm in a comforting manner, urging him to continue.


"It was a while ago.." He smiled sadly. "When I was in high school."


"In high school? What happened to them? What happened to you?" He questioned in a panic, slightly confused as to why he was trying to keep from crying.


Shinwoo smiled at the younger's worry, touching his face in an attempt to calm him before he answered. "There was a car accident," He finally stated, his expression pained.


"Oh my god... Shinwoo. Where were you?"


"I was in school at the time. I got a call out of class when it happened. They were the only ones in the car, but neither of them survived," He closed his eyes as he relived the memory.


"It must have been so hard on you.." Sandeul sighed. "Losing both of them just like that."


Shinwoo nodded sadly. "It was pretty hard on me then. I had nowhere to go, except with my mom's brother who was cruel and homophobic.. There was no one from school I could really trust, since most of them were the same way." He shook his head at the thought before continuing.


"I finished school and dove into working so I could move away from him as quick as possible. I finally ended up here in Seoul, when I had enough money I bought the shop so I could live and work somewhere where nobody was judging me or telling me how to be." He smiled at Sandeul before he sighed. "I'm happy now its just that.."


"Just what?" Sandeul questioned as he trailed off.


"That day... you saw me. That was the anniversary of their death." Sandeul's mouth dropped open in an 'O' a heavy feeling of regret pouring throughout his body as he recalled every negative assumption he had made about Shinwoo's drinking.


"Shinnie.. I'm so so so sorry! I had no idea.. I should have been comforting you but instead I was being stupid and rude to you," He apologized frantically.


"Shh, shh, its okay," Shinwoo cooed, pulling Sandeul close and chuckling. "I forgive you. Don't feel bad for something you weren't aware of. I accept some responsibility for it for not telling you."


"Yeah but you didn't have to tell me.. I mean its personal," He muttered.


Shinwoo looked thoughtful. "Well from now on, I'll tell you everything. Especially if its personal," He grinned and placed a kiss on Sandeul's nose. "And if anything, you did offer me some comfort that night.. and even more last night," He added with a smirk, going from sweet to seductive in the blink of an eye.


"I have the feeling that you like to be comforted a little too much," Sandeul smirked, catching on to the innuendo quickly. He moved out of Shinwoo's arms and walked towards the hall. "Lets get you out of here before you try anything sneaky," he teased as he led Shinwoo to the door.


"Aww, did Shinnie overstay his welcome?" He pouted as he put on his shoes.


"No, Sandeul just needs his energy if Shinnie still wants him to work for him," He responded in the same manner as Shinwoo. "But Sandeul will gladly reward Shinnie if he takes him out sometime."


"Of course, only the best for Deulie," He smiled, kissing the younger quickly before he headed out the door. He suddenly turned back as though he just remembered something. "Hey, Deulie.. where are my glasses?"


Sandeul thought about it, turning his head pensively. "Ah, I think I left them in the car when I was 'comforting' you."




[AN] Omfg guys. Have you seen the subbed b1a4 hotline?! I did, and I died. I'll tell you right now why I am typing from the afterlife:

  • The members went around and said who was the most attractive member to them, and Jinchan and Shindeul said each others names!! asdfghjkl (and Baro said Deulie first and then changed it to Channie, idk I ship Baro with Bana tbh /shrugs/)
  • Gongchan said Jinyoung's name even though he was getting bribed by Deulie 
  • Deulie chose Shinnie and said he was affected by his pictures (idk which ones he means, maybe predebut? but w/e) and then Shinnie grinned at the camera (Thats when i died)
  • Jinyoung said Channie's name so quickly. he totally loves him /sob
  • Shinnie said Sandeulie and Sandeul got all insecure and thought he said ChanDeulie, So Shinnie got all adorable and said Sandeulie~ all cute like and gahhh I totally cried ;~~; My ships, they are so good to me :,)

Then the moment was over when Badeul started their usual love/hate banter.

Anyway, sorry it took me a while to write this even though Im not particularly busy with anything but laziness. (my other ships are distracting me a bit too >.>) The guilt >.<

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I've kinda been re-editing all the chapters, so yeah. everything looks really different, so don't be surprised xD


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Chapter 10: eottoke !! ShinDeul is just sweet ! . OMG ! . I'm a big BaDeul shipper .. but after reading this fic. .. IDK anymore !! ahahhaa
Baravois #2
Chapter 16: Update soon:)
the jinchan couple are sooooo cute >0<"
Chapter 16: Please Update Soon...Pwease? *puppy dog eyes*
vayne89 #4
Chapter 16: Hi...^^
Finally you comeback with this story.
Chapter 16: WHY?! WHY?! WHY IS IT SO SHORT?! Please update soon! I beg of you! :((
Chapter 10: oh my godson this was hawtttt nosebleeeed.and omo why did cnu flash the boys???XD WHAT SHOW IS THAT.YOOU MUST TELL ME OR I MAY DIE!!
vayne89 #7
Chapter 15: WOoow! (/*°▽°)/* & fluffy part.. U make me crazy in the morning.. Lol :P
It's really hot..
So, sandeul really fall into shinwoo now?? Hope they will be happy forever.^^
Next chapter pls.. :)
Btw congrats for your computer comeback..<3
vayne89 #8
Yay finally u updates..^^
I really hope your computer comeback soon..XD
Yaay they official. Shindeul n Jinchan..<3
Waiting for they date( maybe some make out session):D
What happened with badeul?
I hope it will reveal at next chapter..^^