Workaholic, Loveaholic

The Hook Up

The days passed and Jinyoung and Gongchan had grown closer, spending more and more time together. But not once in the near month since they'd been dating, did Jinyoung let Gongchan spend the night again, or even spend much time there at all, much to Gongchan's displeasure. Jinyoung had slipped up that first night; it was raining and he was trying to get to know the younger, and got caught up in a spell from his cute actions. It seems he lets Gongchan get away with a lot, due to his cute, innocent nature.


This time around though, he'd be more wary. He didn't want to rush things. He found his time valuable, sure, but never again would he speed through love. All the times he'd tried, keeping love on the back-burner to his work and trying to keep things passionate, had been... unsuccessful. To him the best love bloomed slowly and had longevity, and he had yet to find it, but finding this love was precious to him—Gongchan, was precious to him.


Gongchan made it so difficult, though. Even today when he was picking up the younger from work, Jinyoung was feeling a struggle. Jinyoung had insisted that they go to Gongchan's place over his own, where he'd have an easier time controlling himself, while the younger complained and pleaded to hang out at Jinyoung's 'cooler' place instead.


To which Jinyoung responded, "But It’s so messy. Do you want to clean it?" and smiled smugly when Gongchan's face fell into a pout.


"No, not really," he mumbled, recalling that the former never found time to clean, but surprisingly despite his schedule found time for Gongchan. "I would get tired, thats months of mess I'd have to shovel through!" he exclaimed while Jinyoung nodded and winced in agreement, but a moment later his face brightened once more. "But, if you let me stay over, I would be able to clean and nap and spend time with you and resume cleaning when I'm rested. I'd even cook for us, and you can get some work done, since I know you'll have to, in your new positive work environment. You'd get a clean apartment and I get you, its a win-win."


"I was just joking, Gongchan! H-how is that a win-win anyway? It sounds like a lot of work for you," Jinyoung sputtered in surprise—it actually sounded like a fantastic deal for himself. A deal that would make him fall deep, deeply in love with Gongchan if he wasn't careful.


"I just explained that, silly." he laughed, his eyes crinkling up in that way that made Jinyoung's whole body freeze. "Just come on," he rolled his eyes and grabbed onto Jinyoung's arm, pulling him along without a fight, because the latter was too stunned to put up one.






"Well the cleaning supplies are there, and the vaccum and broom and what not is right here in this closet, but nothings really organized so if you need me to find you something you can just holler or something, which you'll probably need to."


The two stared around the apartment at all of the disarray and unkemptness.


Jinyoung sighed and turned to the younger. "Are you sure you want to do this? I would have hired a maid, but I'd feel too bad."


"You already look stressed out, and you're not even the one doing the cleaning." Gongchan eyed him amusedly while he hovered.


"Thats exactly what I'm saying! Its too much for you, Gongchan-ah. I should at least do what I can to help..."


"Don't be silly." Gongchan waved him off, tsking as he did so. "Go, go, get to work. I've got everything handled." He ushered the elder, shoving him into his study where Jinyoung had disappeared into sometimes, claiming he had some papers to drop off on his way back home and the like. "Get to work, boss man." Gongchan repeated with a wink, promptly shutting the door on the elder.


Jinyoung slowly moved forward to sit in his chair, popped his laptop open and numbly flipped through documents, but all he could think about was Gongchan as he moved back and forth through the house making noise and flipping on the vacuum now and then.


He had finally gotten a good flow going, he was pattering away at the keys when the door opened and Gongchan skipped inside announcing, "Food will be ready soon, boss man!"


Jinyoung popped up eagerly, he could feel his stomach grumbling and decided now is an excellent time for a food break.


"Calm your horses, it'll take a minute. My noodles are boiling." Gongchan smiled at Jinyoung's enthusiasm.


"Well come get me when its ready then," he mumbled, clearly let down that his tastebuds had gotten prematurely worked up in anticipation.


Gongchan giggled and was suddenly a hair's breath away from Jinyoung's face, much to the latter's surprise. "You're so cute," Gongchan mused, planting a kiss on Jinyoung's cheek, and leaving the room faster than Jinyoung could even react or calm his pounding heart.


"How does he do that?" Jinyoung murmured under his breath in awe.


"Do what?" Gongchan popped his head in the doorframe, making Jinyoung nearly jump out of his seat in surprise.


"O-oh, its nothing!" He threw on a smile he hoped was assuring.


Gongchan stared at him in disbelief, before striding over to Jinyoung's side, leaning against his desk and looking down at him. Jinyoung gulped, and stared at his papers, anywhere except Gongchan, neither saying a word as the tension between them increased.


"I know what you're trying to do, you know." Gongchan broke the silence.


"W-what?" Jinyoung met his eyes, and the look on Gongchan's face had him ready to plead guilty.


"And I know you know what I've been trying to do, unsuccessfully mind you, but I'm a determined person."


"What.. exactly do you mean?" Jinyoung eyed him, and he knew exactly what it meant but he needed to hear it.


"You're keeping me at a distance, Jinyoung. Don't think I cant see that."


Jinyoung exhaled, a tense breath spilling from his lips. He was caught, and he was surprised at Gongchan's confrontation to say the least. At his seriousness, intensity, and intuitiveness, for Gongchan's personality was normally all smiles and happy, a bit ditsy if you were to be honest.


Gongchan sighed and continued. "Youre my first boyfriend, okay? And since I've never had one, I can only look at others and see that I want to be treated like they do, in loving relationships."


Jinyoung tensed at the "L" word, but he looked up into Gongchan's sincere eyes and melted. The younger's words struck a chord in him, too. He'd been trying so hard to respect Gongchan, and show the innocent one a good time while taking things slowly, but it backfired on him when he began to ignore the younger's feelings in the process.


And that explained why he pulled his next move. He stood up and wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, pulling him away from the desk and into his chest. Gongchan's eyes widened, his arms slowly snaking around to hug him back as Jinyoung murmured near his ear. "I'm sorry.. you don't deserve that and I'm sorry."


He pulled back to meet the younger's gaze. "I underestimated you, honestly, and it was dumb of me to think you wouldn't notice. I'm really ty at these kinds of things, I guess," Jinyoung broke off with a chuckle. Gongchan smiled back at him sheepishly. "But please, Gongchan, just let me try harder. I don't want to ruin this."


Jinyoung stared hopefully at Gongchan's calculative face. "Okay.. boss man." They shared a relieved smile, the tension in Jinyoung's heart easily dissipating at the twinkling, joyful eyes he enjoyed so much. The eyes that were telling him what he should do next.


He moved in and placed a slow kiss onto Gongchan's lips, while the younger eagerly wrapped his arms around the older's neck. Their lips pressed together in a hard yet gentle pressure, the kind that one can easily get addicted to. Gongchan eventually pulled them against the edge of the desk, hiking himself up onto it to pull Jinyoung between his legs, and Jinyoung just let it happen this time, no fight, no restraint. Maybe thats how you find that kind of love, he thought, you just let it happen.


Gongchan had just started into the kiss, his legs had curled their way around Jinyoung's skinny legs somewhere between the of Jinyoung's tongue, and Jinyoung was really getting into it, seeing as he was letting himself go now, but in the distance a ringing broke through the two's passion.


Jinyoung promptly ignored it, and Gongchan had planned to, until his eyes popped open in realization. He pushed against Jinyoung's chest and dashed out of the room with a wail of "my noodles!"


Jinyoung chuckled and tousled his hair, amused. "I think I'm falling deep, deeply in love."


And for once, he wasn't afraid to admit it.



[AN] Hello there~ /drops gaze guiltily/ I'm sorry about my loss of inspiration for this story.. yeah. >.< I'll be doing some editing on my crappy older chapters and hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things~ because I miss writing about b1a4 and all.. so.. B1A4 Fighting!

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I've kinda been re-editing all the chapters, so yeah. everything looks really different, so don't be surprised xD


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Chapter 10: eottoke !! ShinDeul is just sweet ! . OMG ! . I'm a big BaDeul shipper .. but after reading this fic. .. IDK anymore !! ahahhaa
Baravois #2
Chapter 16: Update soon:)
the jinchan couple are sooooo cute >0<"
Chapter 16: Please Update Soon...Pwease? *puppy dog eyes*
vayne89 #4
Chapter 16: Hi...^^
Finally you comeback with this story.
Chapter 16: WHY?! WHY?! WHY IS IT SO SHORT?! Please update soon! I beg of you! :((
Chapter 10: oh my godson this was hawtttt nosebleeeed.and omo why did cnu flash the boys???XD WHAT SHOW IS THAT.YOOU MUST TELL ME OR I MAY DIE!!
vayne89 #7
Chapter 15: WOoow! (/*°▽°)/* & fluffy part.. U make me crazy in the morning.. Lol :P
It's really hot..
So, sandeul really fall into shinwoo now?? Hope they will be happy forever.^^
Next chapter pls.. :)
Btw congrats for your computer comeback..<3
vayne89 #8
Yay finally u updates..^^
I really hope your computer comeback soon..XD
Yaay they official. Shindeul n Jinchan..<3
Waiting for they date( maybe some make out session):D
What happened with badeul?
I hope it will reveal at next chapter..^^