While You Were Sleeping

The Hook Up

Well into the morning, Gongchan cracked his sleepy lids open, looking around in mild surprise.


"What the.. Did I... fall asleep?" Gongchan spoke groggily into the silence of the apartment. He yawned, rubbing his eyes sleepily, then stretched his legs out and in the process, hit a warm body with his feet. "Oh!" He looked down to the other side of the couch to see a wild mass of red sticking out from underneath white covers. "Jinyoung hyung?"


He got no significant response, and decided after a few still moments to lean over and shake Jinyoung's arm in an attempt to wake him.


"Hmm, who is it?" He spoke breathily, confusing Gongchan in the process.


"Its Chansik.. yah, hyung, are you even awake?" He pulled the blanket from over the elder's head, exposing him to the blinding light of the room.


He suddenly shifted, lifting his head and squinting around the room with sleepy vision. "Oh! Channie.. you're awake," Jinyoung spoke happily.


"Yeah... and so are you, finally," He grinned. "Hyung, you're a heavy sleeper.."


"Ah, yeah.. I just have always had a hard time getting up in the morning," He offered, smiling lazily.


Jinyoung could really sleep through a lot, usually his alarm didn't even wake him up. Though, he hadn't set it since he didn't have work today. Jinyoung usually slept til about noon on most days, since he normally stayed up late on weekends working on his music, but last night he was content to fall asleep alongside his sleeping beauty. Listening to Gongchan's soft snores was all too peaceful, and dragged Jinyoung to dreamland easily.


"Did I fall asleep on you last night?" The younger asked, hanging his head in shame.


"Yeah, I put you to sleep with my song, remember?" Jinyoung grinned.


"Ah, I'm sorry hyung! It wasn't boring or anything! It was actually really soothing.. and I guess I cant control my sleeping urges that well.." The younger admitted.


"Its okay, really, Gongchan," Jinyoung smiled genuinely, his eyes tilting upward in a crescent shape.


"No, its not! We were supposed to be getting to know each other more.." He mumbled. Jinyoung grinned as he thought of a clever way to fix the problem.


"Ah.. then its not okay," He fake scolded, causing Gongchan to lift his head in surprise. "You'll have to make it up to me."


"Okay... but how?"


"Hmm, you have to go on a second date with me. Today." He smirked.


"Huh, really?" Gongchan grinned. "Where to?"


"I'm taking you to the beach," Jinyoung smiled as Gongchan bounced and squealed in response, thoroughly pleased by the younger's excited reaction. "Okay, now let's go to the kitchen so I can make you breakfast and then I'll bring you home to change."


"Hyung, you're the best!" Before either of them realized, Gongchan had kissed Jinyoung swiftly on the cheek before hopping up and dashing into the kitchen. "I got it! I love making breakfast," he called from the next room.


Jinyoung still sat on the couch, half underneath the blanket as he stared suprised at the direction of the kitchen. Did he just...?


"Hyung! Do you have any powdered sugar?" Gongchan questioned as he clattered through the drawers and cabinets.


Jinyoung chuckled, throwing off the blanket and heading to the kitchen to help. I should offer to cook breakfast more often.. he smiled, touching the recently kissed spot on his reddened cheek.


Jinyoung had dropped Chansik off after a breakfast, which was delicious by the way and full of chatter and more attempts at getting to know each other more. Jinyoung had learned that Channie specifically liked to be called Chansik-ah by someone special, which Jinyoung had duly noted for future reference. The younger had also told him, after much blushing, that he had never had a boyfriend and was a .


Jinyoung had merely smiled and told him that he had never had a boyfriend either, and all of his ual experience had come from a long-term ex girlfriend. Gongchan scrunched his face in response and laughed at the "straight man" who sighed and told him that his uality was complicated. It didnt really matter to Chansik, who smiled and told him that he was happy with what he had become, whatever that was, as long as Jinyoung liked him.


As he returned from dropping Channie off, he noted that the sky had cleared up considerably, it was now strangely warm. Jinyoung had dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, due to this fact.


He returned to pick up his date, trying to be romantic, smiling like an idiot as he planned out their afternoon in his head. When he knocked on Gongchan's door, his eyes almost popped out of his head as he caught a peek of the younger as he opened it. Gongchan stood in the doorway in a loose tank top that hung off of his body ily, meanwhile his bottom half was adorned with cute green shorts. But the real reason Jinyoung was having a heart attack was due to the lean and shapely, smooth and tan, and incredibly gorgeous legs that he was witnessing exposed for the first time.


While Jinyoung stood there with his mouth hanging open, Gongchan coughed and shifted awkwardly under his gaze. "Uh, are those for me?"


"Uh, huh, what?" Jinyoung shook out of his daze, and looked down at his hands, remembering that he had brought flowers for his date. "Oh, heh.. yeah.." He smiled sheepishly.


Gongchan grinned and took the flowers out of Jinyoung's nervous hands. He smiled, and pressed his lips to Jinyoung's cheek once again, whispering a soft 'thank you' as Jinyoung nearly shivered from the sensuality of the innocent action.


"I have to put these in water! Come in," Gongchan squealed and boldly took Jinyoung's hand and pulled him into the apartment. Jinyoung numbly followed, since he would do pretty much anything for Gongchan right now in his love struck state.


Jinyoung studied the place while Gongchan ran to the kitchen calling out that he'd be just a second, as he went to fill a vase with water to leave his flowers in. The first thing he noticed was the scent of baked treats that clung to the air, grinning as he looked over the colorful scheme, decorations and pictures, noticing that it was really clean and organized. It was a really comfortable environment, and Jinyoung decided that he'd have to come around more often.


They finally left for the beach, catching a few hours of sunlight that they spent holding hands and letting the waves pass over their legs, even playfully splashing each other with the cold ocean water.


When the sun began to set, the couple had calmed down and stood close together in a loving embrace, content with staring into each others eyes as their conversation died down. Jinyoung found himself very drawn to the younger in this moment, and didn't even realize that he was leaning in towards him. "J-jinyoung.." The younger stuttered when he noticed Jinyoung's face was getting closer to his own. Then all he could see were those lips, the ones that taunt him with their plumpness, the ones he daydreamed about meeting his..


Gongchan froze, holding his breath and praying that nothing would happen to disturb them because he would literally scream his head off if someone else tried to interrupt his first kiss. But it wasn't interrupted, luckily, and their lips finally met. And man, his daydreaming really didn't give Jinyoung's wonderful mouth much justice.


Jinyoung's heart was hitting his chest roughly as he pulled back from the kiss to look into the younger's eyes, taking a breath to prepare himself for his next words. "Chansik-ah.. will you be my boyfriend?"


"Oh yes! Id love to!" Gongchan squealed without hesitation, squeezing his hyung turned boyfriend in an excitement filled hug. Jinyoung smiled victoriously and returned the younger's embrace, letting out a relieved sigh.


Gongchan finally released his boyfriend to meet his twinkling eyes. "I'm so happy.."


"Me too.." Jinyoung whispered back, his face close to Gongchan's as he leaned forward to touch their foreheads together, his arms wrapped around the younger's waist.


"C-can we do that again?" Gongchan suddenly asked as he stared, mesmerized by Jinyoung's lips, his arms wrapped around Jinyoung's neck in desperation.


Jinyoung chuckled and nodded, tipping the younger's chin up to meet him in yet another heart-melting kiss.


[AN] I totally understand Channie.. I'm crazy about Jinyoung's mouth too.

This chap was partly inspired by the Ceci photoshoot/interview if you cant tell



Jinyoung.. he looks like.. , but omg Channie.. I cant. I just cant get over seeing his body. He's becoming quite the hunky oppa.Seriously I love Channies legs soooooo much (i'm drooling over his thighs at the moment tbh) and also those freaking arms, and bulge I--

;~~; I cant believe he hid this from us for so long /sob

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I've kinda been re-editing all the chapters, so yeah. everything looks really different, so don't be surprised xD


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Chapter 10: eottoke !! ShinDeul is just sweet ! . OMG ! . I'm a big BaDeul shipper .. but after reading this fic. .. IDK anymore !! ahahhaa
Baravois #2
Chapter 16: Update soon:)
the jinchan couple are sooooo cute >0<"
Chapter 16: Please Update Soon...Pwease? *puppy dog eyes*
vayne89 #4
Chapter 16: Hi...^^
Finally you comeback with this story.
Chapter 16: WHY?! WHY?! WHY IS IT SO SHORT?! Please update soon! I beg of you! :((
Chapter 10: oh my godson this was hawtttt nosebleeeed.and omo why did cnu flash the boys???XD WHAT SHOW IS THAT.YOOU MUST TELL ME OR I MAY DIE!!
vayne89 #7
Chapter 15: WOoow! (/*°▽°)/* & fluffy part.. U make me crazy in the morning.. Lol :P
It's really hot..
So, sandeul really fall into shinwoo now?? Hope they will be happy forever.^^
Next chapter pls.. :)
Btw congrats for your computer comeback..<3
vayne89 #8
Yay finally u updates..^^
I really hope your computer comeback soon..XD
Yaay they official. Shindeul n Jinchan..<3
Waiting for they date( maybe some make out session):D
What happened with badeul?
I hope it will reveal at next chapter..^^