
☆ Mazic | Hiatus.

Diva's POV;

"Mhm" I stretched as I woke up from my nap. I'm exhausted, beat. That nap was what I needed. But it still seems as if I haven't gotten enough sleep. I looked around my room and no one's around. I lifted myself up and slipped on my slippers. I'm lucky, I got the bottom bunk. There's two rooms, four bed in each room. In my room there's me, maknae Riyen, Pucca's messy , and Hannie (better known as Han Byul). I'm glad it turned out that way because 1) I'd hate having Riyen and Rae in the same room; the two can barely get along, seriously. and 2) Han Byul, Pucca, and I are like the three musketeers. Anyways, I walked around in the silence of the dorm. Dang, where is everyone? I walked out of the room to check the room straight across from ours- where Rae, Reiko, Jaesoo, and Gia slept. I opened the door and saw that no one was in there. Aigo, why would they leave me here? 

Knock knock, all of a sudden someone is knocking at the door. It's 4pm & it's our day off, no practice, who can be knocking at this time? I sighed and opened the door. Well, what do you know. It's him. He swooped me in his arms, shutting the door behind him, nuzzling his face into my neck. I slowly pushed him off of me and chuckles, "hi." I said giving him a weird look.

"What? Can a guy not come see his girlfriend on her day off?" he says back. I wasn't about to argue with him, to be quite honest, I was glad he came by. I've missed him and it seems like lately all we've been doing is fighting; I've been busy & I'm only about to get busier. He gave me that smile, the one that gets me every single time. He walks towards me and embraces me in a tight hug once again. I bring him towards my room when I hear the door open, great now they decide to come back?

"Yah, Diva, we're home!" Riyen yells out loud.

Jaesoo shhs her, "Riyen, shut up. What if she's still sleeping? You don't want to wake her up, because you know she's going to bite your head off."

"Who's in our dorm!" Reiko says as she grabs the lamp, I guess she must've seen his shadow, haha. I walked out from the pathway to our room and said, "no worries, it's just us." They all sighed and seemed relieved, except for Han Byul. She seemed a bit annoyed. Idk if she's like that because he's around or if she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, idunna.

"Oh , did we interrupt you guys?" Han Byul said.

"Ani, he was just leaving anyways." I gave him a 'I'm sorry, next time' look. He just sighed, gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and left. I gave the girls a cheesy smile and sat down on the couch, "heh..."

"So, did you guys get it innn?" Pucca said to me in that joking voice of hers.

"No, you guys ruined it for me!" I pouted.

"Yah," Jaesoo slightly hits my shoulder, "don't get too distracted now, we've gotta focus on debuting."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I chuckled back. Next thing I realized, Riyen's stomach growled loudly, causing every member to giggle.

"Well, I say we go out to eat~" Pucca nearly shouts.

"Or we can make something, I mean we did just buy groceries.." Reiko states.

"We did, but it'd be nice to go out and get dinner, since we are debuting tomorrow." Han Byul says.

"Plus, we'll have many more days that will come that we'll be stuck eating your guys' cooking." Jaesoo gave a half sigh.

"Mhm, I'm just really hungry!" Riyen says cheerfully. She was so darn cute, I wanted to pinch her cheeks.

"Well, then that's that. Let's get ready." Rae says and heads to the bathroom first.



Rae's POV;

I walked into the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and felt irritated. My eyeliner is slightly smudged. I try to grab some of the makeup remover, but of course, there's nothing in the bottle. Ugh, must have been Riyen or Jaesoo again. Does maknae even know what she's doing when she wears make-up? Even more annoyed, I turned the knob of the faucet and make use of the water. I wash my face and heard shouting come from the living room, "I need to ing pee!" Pucca shouts.

I dried my face with a towel and walked out of the bathroom, "hurry up." I say as I pull out my mobile, ready to text the boyfriend. Pucca walks pasts and smirks, "I'm going to take my time now." and walks into the bathroom. I sighed and sat on the couch as I waited. I was more waiting for the response from him, not much for Pucca to hurry up. My phone buzzes really loud and I could feel Gia over my shoulder. I get up off the couch and luckily enough- Pucca is done with the bathroom. I read the text. 'Sorry, I'm a bit busy babe.' I pouted. It's been six months since we've started dating, but the girls don't know yet. Heck, no one knows yet. I just don't think it's the right time to say anything... I don't know when will be the right time. 


HanByul's POV; 

 I walk into the room and went straight to the ipod doc. I stuck my ipod in and turned the volume all the up. Next thing I know, Diva barges in the room and starts dancing. We both look at eachother and busts out laughing. She comes over and nudges me, "Hannie, I don't know what to wear!" she pouts.

", did you not look in your dresser?!" I responded back. I tend to curse a lot, it's a bad habit. I turned my back, facing my dresser. "I still don't know what to wear," Diva chuckles. I pulled out black ripped up leggings and a off the shoulder tee. I walked past Diva, looked down at the outfits she layed on the bed- "Pick this one. It's the cutest amongst them all." and walked off to change.


Pucca's POV;

It seemed like everyone was finished getting ready while I was still doing my hair. It's not that I take longer, I just start way later than everyone else. I tried to rush, knowing most of them members lacked patience. I can't blame them; I'm not very patient either. It didn't help that he kept blowing up my phone. I told him I can't talk now. I swear if he calls one more time... Ugh. Of course, I heard my ringtone go off.

"Yah! I'm busy." I shouted into my phone.

"Huh? Oh, Mian." I heard an apologetic tone from a voice that wasn't expected.

I quickly looked at my phone screen to see exactly who is was.

"Aigo~ Junsu! I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." I said, sounding even more apologetic than he did.

He is my sunbae after all, even if I don't always act like he is. I heard his laughter over the phone speaker and I chckled a bit myself too.

"Well, I just called to see what the girls of Mazic are up to." Junsu explained.

"Oh, we're about to go out to eat, well, we are if I finish getting ready soon." I laughed slightly. I heard Diva shout at me to hurry up. "I'll talk to you later kay?" I said in a hurry to hang up.

"That's fine. Tell everyone I said hi." He told me and hung up after saying goodbye.

My phone beeped twice like it always does after someone hangs up and I got back to straightening my hair. Okay. Finished. I walked out to the living room, seeing everyone watching an Infinite performance on the tv, and I put on my heels. Ahh, my favorite pair.

"Gosh, what's taking you guys so long?" I jokingly asked as I opened the door, ready to leave.


Jaesoo's POV;

"You guys should have let me drive." Pucca announced to the everyone in the car.

"HAH, crazy. We don't want to die." Diva laughed.

"Yahhh! I'm not that bad of a driver." Pucca told her, but still laughed along with everyone else.

"I should be the one driving. We probably won't get there until it's time for us to debut. Reiko is so sloooow." Diva joked again.

"Don't over exaggerate. At least I'm a safe driver." Reiko said and stuck her tongue out at the mirror, being able to see Diva in it.

"ooouuuuu!~ I love this song!" Riyen squealed. The song was A Pink's Hush. I think A Pink is one of the most annoying girl groups out there and the irritated groans from the rest of the members in the car made me think they agreed.

"Aish, turn that off." Rae complained to maknae.

"Unnie waaae? It's so cute." Riyen explained and I could imagine the aegyo that she had on her face. Maknae is good at aegyo, but it seems like it pisses most of the members off. I can't lie, I think that's funny.

"Exactly." Rae replied. " That's why I don't want to listen to it. It reminds me of you." I looked over to Rae after she finished speaking and saw the disgusted look on her face. Sigh. I looked over to Han Byul and noticed that she was oblivious to all the conversations going on; she was listening to her iPod. I looked out the window, I could tell we were almost there. I realized Rae was still arguing with Riyen. It's so aggravating. They do this all the time.

"Gia." I whispered. "Shoot me."Gia just laughed at me. "You guys are annoying as hell." I told them. Rae scoffed at me while Riyen didn't say another word.

"Yah, Jaesoo. Everyone. Enough. We're going out to have a good time and celebrate. We shouldn't be fighting." Leader scolded. , she's right.


Riyen's POV; 

After the leader scolded us, it seemed like a much better atmosphere- where we all were getting a long. The hostess sat us down in a corner, table for eight. While waiting for our waiter, Han Byul told us a story about the time her gym trainer... "He was telling me to do some crunches, so I started. I got on the floor and he ended up on top of me" Han Byul says and everyone starts laughing, "Ani, he just ended up on top of me..  anyways, I thought it was because I flirted with him earlier, so he was playing a move on me." She playfully smirked, "I asked him 'so do you do this to all your clients?' He started laughing at me and said, 'actually, I was just trying to tie your shoe lace.' heh."

I looked up after Han Byul finished her story and our waiter was here, and oh my he was so cute! He began asking us what we wanted. Reiko umma went first, "I'd like a chicken ceaser salad, please."

Pucca went next, "Chicken Alfreado!" He chuckled at her excitement, mwoh, does he like her?! My heart starts beating fast, omo, it's almost my turn.

"Mhm, make mine a seafood alfreado." Diva says and hands him her menu.

 "I'll just stick to a regular garden tossed salad." Jaesoo says.

Han Byul wants a "kickin' chicken with onion rings."

He smirked and replied, "You got it." OH NO, DOES HE LIKE HER TOO?! Gia calmly looks through the menu, taking her time, "I'll have steak. Medium rare. Thanks."

Omo, my turn... ah, I don't even know what I want! I gave him a cute smile and said, "mhm, what's good?"

"Well, our special is our clam chowder soup." He smiled back, melting my heart.

 "I'll take that! ^^" I went to hand him my menu and BAM... I knocked down Gia's glass of water.

 "Oh, nice going." Rae said a bit irritatedly, making me blush. "I'll have a kickin' chicken also. But with fries."

The waiter takes the rest of the menus and said, "I'll be back with some napkins." I just pouted, aigoo.

"If you didn't act all cute, none of this would happen." Rieko stated.

"Give her a break, you know that waiter was cute." Diva says right as the waiter comes by. He gave Gia another glass of water and came over by me to clean up the small puddle of water making me blush again. A few moment later our food comes out and we enjoy our dinner with lots of laughs.


Reiko's POV; 

As I'm enjoying dinner, my phone rings. I picked it up, "yeobosaeyo?"

"WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!" Uh oh. I looked at the girls and debated with myself on what to say. I mouthed to Diva, 'It's Jae Hyun...' She grabbed the phone.

"Oh, hi manager-nim!" she said. Everytime Mazic members know that they're in trouble with Jae Hyun, we up as much as we can and try our hardest to please him- even calling him the proper 'Manager-nim.A few moments later, Diva hangs up.

"So, what happened?" I say as I picked at my food.

"Nothing." she replied back. Everyone seemed a bit worried. I tried to calm everyone down, "Come on, we can't be in that much trouble. We're just celebrating..."

Gia scoffed, "PLEASE. When Jae Hyun's mad, he turns the whole ing world upside down. This is great, just great, really."

We waited in silence, no one even touched their plates. 15 minutes later, Jae Hyun comes rushing in causing a scene. "What the HELL are you guys thinking?!"

"Look, Manager-nim" I tried to say, but he cut me off.

"NO! Shut up, Reiko! You're supposed to be the leader. You're supposed to keep these girls in line. ESPECIALLY tonight." I didn't know what to say, I just ended up swallowing my words.

Jaesoo stood up, "god damn, can we not even celebrate?" and walked off. Before she can fully walk off, Jae Hyun yelled "Celebrate? Mwoh?" Jaesoo paused and looked back in shocked, "mwoh?! Are you saying all our hardwork hasn't even paid off yet?!" 

"You have nothing to celebrate as of right now. If you want to debut, all you guys get your asses home and get well rested. I'm going to pick you guys up at 5am." and walked past Jaesoo, leaving us there.

Wow, what a wonderful way to end our night. I sighed and stood up, "come on girls, let's get going." 



Gia's POV; 

We walked back into the dorm, most of the girls were tired and a little bit down from what Jaehyun said to us. Come on.. was going out to eat that bad? We deserve to celebrate. Aish. Maybe he's right. We haven't accomplished anything yet. Molla. Sigh, I should get to bed soon, we have to get up early tomorrow, I hate getting up early. 



Author's Message: {o6/26 3:43pm} asjklajsgas, sorry it took us a million years to finish this and post it. I didn't really re-read it as much as I should, so mian for any mistakes :'3 enjoy<3 on the bright side, we shall be updating sooner and more since there's no moar school, AWWWHYER!!! And don't worry, in the future the POV's will be bigger. I was kind of just brain dead & this is only the beginning. No worries though, I'll evenly share the amount of time each character will get in the story ^^ just some chapters will seem short and others will seem long.  It'll all vary, just be patient~ well, now off to the beach~ chip chip, cheerrrrio!

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Ayo! So, there will be a surprise for you all tonight~ please look forward to it. (P.S: Story will start shortly)


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i changed my username from beastbangblock to -agassi o u o
just wanted to let you know~
Oneofakind22 #2
Yay excited for their debut as well :)
The tweets was do cute glad they're keeping people up to date.
Yay!!! Glad that schools over for you!!! I loved the prologue and tweets! So excited to see how the debut goes !!
ah, you didn't abandon the story :3 so loyal!
ASDFGHJKL the prologue & the tweets <3 /throwing up rainbows.
I'm hungry now. Now I want what Hanbyul is eating. -.- thanks. My OC's friendship with Diva and Pucca makes me want to throw up some more rainbows *---* G'AHH I just love everything about these updates. And that additional story about a gym trainer B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. I'm glad everybody is getting along with each other, but seriously our stupid manager. No need to get mad at Reiko and everybody else -__-. I want to kick him in the balls. I shall end my comment herrrre. ^^
Oneofakind22 #6
Omg thank you for choosing me and congrats to the other girls chosen. I am excited to see how the girls get along since a lot of them seem blunt. Can't wait for the story to start :)
sorry I didn't comment before but thank you for choosing me~!!!!
congrats to those chosen!!!
mianhae again for not commenting before~~~can't wait for the story to start!!!