Member o6 Revealed!

☆ Mazic | Hiatus.

Lead Vocalist // Leader

{ Reiko was straightforward and serious about training, so she wasn't afraid to scare the others a little. She wouldn't curse at them, but she was known to work them harder. She never raised her voice, but she scared trainees by having a calm intimidating voice. Reiko is a girl that just loves to make others smile. If you're close to her, then you would know she loves to brighten people's mood. She is not overly serious when you're close to her. One thing though, she at being funny. When she tries to be funny, others laugh because it's cute seeing her try. Reiko is a warm girl, she is the one who takes care of her elders and her hoobaes. She is like the mother of the group. Reiko is the independent one, who looks after everyone. She is one of the members that plans and helps with their schedules. Usually she let's everyone relax while she does everything so it can be easier for her members. Reiko is really hard-working. She is the one who works even when injured. In her trainee days, she was known to come in and train until the teachers forced her to go home. She works hard, because she doesn't like to see others disappointed. Reiko is the most outgoing and easygoing when it comes to her friends. She likes to let loose and usually will be laid back. When she's out with friends she doesn't worry about anything and doesn't care what others think about her. When she's on stage, she comes off with a classy, but y aura. She will be honest and she isn't afraid to express her thoughts and feelings. }

Triva: Likes Alchohol, Knows how to play the guitar & paino, loves Musicals, enjoys cooking, does yoga | thinks Jae Hyun is cute.

  • Name: Jung Reiko
  • Stage Name: Rei
  • DOB: February 4th
  • Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Japanese.
  • Age: 24
  • Blood Type: O
  • Persona: Emotional Vocalist
  • Fan Club: Guardians
  • Twitter: lovelyreiko

Congrats xx_icygoddess ♥

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Ayo! So, there will be a surprise for you all tonight~ please look forward to it. (P.S: Story will start shortly)


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i changed my username from beastbangblock to -agassi o u o
just wanted to let you know~
Oneofakind22 #2
Yay excited for their debut as well :)
The tweets was do cute glad they're keeping people up to date.
Yay!!! Glad that schools over for you!!! I loved the prologue and tweets! So excited to see how the debut goes !!
ah, you didn't abandon the story :3 so loyal!
ASDFGHJKL the prologue & the tweets <3 /throwing up rainbows.
I'm hungry now. Now I want what Hanbyul is eating. -.- thanks. My OC's friendship with Diva and Pucca makes me want to throw up some more rainbows *---* G'AHH I just love everything about these updates. And that additional story about a gym trainer B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. I'm glad everybody is getting along with each other, but seriously our stupid manager. No need to get mad at Reiko and everybody else -__-. I want to kick him in the balls. I shall end my comment herrrre. ^^
Oneofakind22 #6
Omg thank you for choosing me and congrats to the other girls chosen. I am excited to see how the girls get along since a lot of them seem blunt. Can't wait for the story to start :)
sorry I didn't comment before but thank you for choosing me~!!!!
congrats to those chosen!!!
mianhae again for not commenting before~~~can't wait for the story to start!!!