Not An Update

Do You Remember?

Just decided to make this into a two shot


Here's a preview of the epilogue:

Seunghyun's POV

Jiyong was dead to me. You never cared how I felt, you just literally vanished into thin air, leaving a giant crater in my heart. I tried to find you that day, I searched the heavens and the underworld, they all refused my entry because I was still living. 

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raya_VIP #1
makes my eyes teary T.T
Sooooo gooood!!! What about make another chapter. *bang!* haha, never mind. Keep writing :)
))): It was sooooo goooooooodddd!!!!!!!!(:
Y U NO give us the whole chapter? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
Ahhhhh so goood!):
Aaah, the teaser! You tease! Agh, I'm biting myself right now chaptered fic? buhuuu

Can't wait for the epilogue though. :)
-Tiffanyy- #7
Why is this a two shot??? It should be a nice, long, chaptered fic!! Read the first chapter and nearly cried. So sad… ㅠ.ㅠ
Why is this a two shot? It should be a long story lol. Hoping to see an update soon! :)
I subscribed! Are you going to make this more than a oneshot? :)

This story is so sad even though you only wrote it in Ji's pov. You're great! ^^b My heart was beating fast reading this, and it's only a oneshot! Okay, I'll wait for a chaptered one, LoL