
Human of the Year

Once you've been named Human of the Year, the luck of the title stays with you for as long as you live. Fortunately, it didn't take me that long to decide, but I was still sitting around for a while and eventually getting around to my senior year's homework, juggling my futures on opposite shoulders.

The one my family has been pressuring me into my entire life, or one I decided with my childhood friend on a chance.

Which one did I want? Just me and no one else? Why wasn't it obvious?

Indecisive me, putting off and away everything until it was right in front of me, and then suddenly we were graduating and Lu Han didn't come to school. He hadn't for a while, and he hadn't contacted me. Probably because after I became more and more unsure about what I wanted to do, he started to get farther from me. Distancing.

'It was our promise that tied us together, wasn't it?' That's what I thought.

And so, right as I was about to pack up and walk through the school's doors for the last time, one of Lu Han's friends, a shy kid despite being tall and knowing wushu, walked right up, mumbled something, handed me a letter, and abruptly left. I remember checking it over and being surprised, since it was from Lu Han.

I sat down under the windows at the front of the school, and opened the letter in the silent hall. To this day, I still have it.


I hope you know that I haven't forgotten you, just moved on.
I actually got accepted into a music company in another country, and have moved there to study.
I hope you can come to a decision, because though there are some jerks, most of the people here are really nice.
There's this one boy from here, and I really like him.
He's someone I think you'd like too, but I don't know if you'll ever meet him, because you're not so sure about what you're gonna do.
Your parents want you to go into something reliable, and I understand that.
But I just really wish you could be here with me right now.
You know, like we promised.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is 'decide soon!' because I might debut and get famous first!
Oh, but I'm not pressuring you to do anything you don't want, I mean, do what you want.
I'll back you up no matter what it is.
But it is going to be music, right?
Because you're really talented, and I want you to be happy, and...
Oh, whatever.
I'll just wait for you.



And I think this letter was what finally tipped the scales. Or maybe the scales were already tipped, with so many reasons and emotions weighing it down, but only one real reason for the other. A heavy reason, until you really think about it.

And even that reason was just another person's wants and feelings, not mine. But they were so important to me, that for a while, what someone else wanted of me almost outweighed what I wanted for myself.

Needless to say, I made my decision, and one I'll never regret, and not just because I was sure to succeed or whatever with my Human of the Year status.

Oh, I've got to go. Lu Han's across the hall calling me for dance practice.

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Awww cute ending!!

Thank you!!
Please update again! I really like it!!!

Only two chapters, but I already really like it! ;D this is so interesting and different, and I would love to read about how this all plays out for Kris xD
O....K i dont know what i just read but I LIKE IT!!!

I really see this going somewhere!!!

I hope you realized I went into my iTunes right away and relistened to Regina Spektor's Human of the Year a few times.
Anyways, this is sooo awesome so far. I can't wait to see how this plays out :)
Keep on doing whatcha do and updateupdateupdate <3
Oh wow!!! This is different!!!