Where I Am Not Welcome

For All I Couldn’t Do

After tucking the money away under the mattress on his bed, Kyuhyun stood and walked to the door.

‘Might as well get used to this place,’ he thought as he opened the door, walked out, and closed it behind him.

Turning, Kyuhyun stared out into the all-white kitchen and the eating area.  To his right was a large counter that divided the eating space from the cooking space while to his left was a rather large white table with six chairs around it.

Walking into the kitchen Kyuhyun noticed how everything was new and shinning. Along the wall that was separating the two rooms was the sink and dishwasher along with a lot of counter space. On the counter there were various kitchen appliances such as a coffee maker and a toaster but other than that, the counter was empty. The wall that shared the wall with Kyuhyun’s bedroom had a double stove that had a total of eight burners while further down the counter was a double oven built into the wall.

Next to the ovens along the back wall was a drop off that Kyuhyun could only assume lead to the pantry but he did not dare to venture down there for the fear that he would be yelled at by one of the twins, particularly Hyukjae.

Still, on the left of the drop off was a refrigerator large enough to fit the whole refrigerator section at the supermarket. The freezer section was a large drawer along the bottom on the refrigerator that looked big enough to fit a body plus a considerable amount of ice cream.

Looking around Kyuhyun noted that he was alone and decided to venture into the separate area. Walking down a single step he noted two doors, one to his right and the other in front of him.

Trying the door on his right Kyuhyun stopped when the door knob would not turn. It was locked.

‘What the?’ Kyuhyun thought as he turned to the second door and tried that door knob. It too would not budge.

‘Well I guess I shouldn’t have expected that they just leave their door open from a stranger.’ Kyuhyun thought as he let his hand fall from the door knob and he turned around.

Walking back into the kitchen and into the living room that he had walked through when he first arrived, Kyuhyun noted that stairs. They were a soft spiral with three windows on the wall at the halfway point. They were covered in a soft white carpet that muffled the sounds that Kyuhyun’s feet made as he slowly climbed them.

As Kyuhyun reached the top of the stairs he was left staring at a large walkway where to the right, it was open to the living room and to the left was open to the foyer. Walking down the walkway towards several doors Kyuhyun tried to open one but it was locked. Feeling frustrated Kyuhyun tried every door in sight finding that they all were lock. No surprise there.

‘I shouldn’t even try to find the basement,’ Kyuhyun though as an idea popped into Kyuhyun’s head. ‘What does Sungmin do for a living? All I have to do is sneak in to his room and figure it out.’

Walking to the very end of the hall Kyuhyun began to look around the door for a key. He looked under the pictures of Sungmin and the twins that were hanging on the wall and on top of the door frames but there was nothing.

Kyuhyun stopped and looked at one particular picture. In it was Sungmin except it did not look like he was so severely injured. In the picture with Sungmin were the twins. They were looked like they were so happy. They all were smiling and laughing hugging each other and just enjoying themselves. It looked like Sungmin was about 18 and the twins looked about 10.

Turning to Sungmin’s door Kyuhyun looked at the lock on the door and pulling out a safety pin from his pocket knelt down by the lock.

Just as he was about to try and pick the lock Kyuhyun heard a slight cough from behind him. Turning around Kyuhyun stood face to face with Hyukjae while Donghae hid behind him.

“What are you doing?” Hyukjae asked in a tone that screamed you better have a good reason or I just might have to kill you.

"Just wandering around the house,” Kyuhyun said trying to stand up to the man in front of him. “All of the doors are locked and I was just trying to look around. If I’m living here that I think that I have the right to know my way around this place.”

“The doors are locked for a reason,” Hyukjae said as he pushed Kyuhyun out of the way and took a large key ring from his pocket. “All you need to know is where your room is and how to get there from the front door. That’s it.”

Unlocking the door, Hyukjae walked in leaving Donghae and Kyuhyun alone in the hallway.

Looking at Donghae, Kyuhyun noted that Donghae actually had an apologetic look in his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Donghae said quietly as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him and locking it.

Suddenly another idea hit Kyuhyun. Quietly he bent down and put his ear against the door, listening to anything that could give him any ideas about Sungmin.

He didn’t hear much but after about five minutes Kyuhyun heard Sungmin suddenly scream a blood curdling scream.

Falling back from the door, Kyuhyun scrambled to the stairs and flew down them two step at a time if not missing them completely, and running straight to his room.

Opening the door and shutting it quickly behind him, Kyuhyun locked it.

‘What the hell was that?’ Kyuhyun thought as he tried to calm his breathing and pounding heart.

Walking to his bed and sitting down Kyuhyun put his head in his hands and tried to think.

What would the twins be doing to Sungmin that made him scream? Did it have to do with the medicine that Sungmin needed earlier? There were just too many questions that Kyuhyun did not have the answers to.

Glancing at the clock that was on the shelf above his bed, Kyuhyun noted it was nearly 10:30. Walking into his closet, Kyuhyun grabbed his pajamas and changed into them then walking into the bathroom proceeded to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Climbing into his new bed and pulling the sheets up, Kyuhyun realized just how tired he was. It wasn’t even ten minutes later that he was asleep, dreaming of things that made him cringe.

Actually, dreaming was not the right word. It was more of a nightmare about the accident that had taken his parents away from him.

In his dream Kyuhyun stared at the faces of his parents. Blood was covering most of their face but he could still make out the features that he had lived with since he was born. Tears began to stream down his face as white sheets were put over his parents.

Looking up Kyuhyun was met with five cars completely wrecked. Three of them were on top of each other while the other two were crumpled into the side of the car tower. Smoke and flames were rising from several of the cars and firemen were trying desperately to put out the flames while emergency rescue personnel were crowded around the car at the bottom of the pile.

It was obvious that someone was still in that car.

Turning his eyes away from the broken cars his eyes landed on the covered bodies of his parents as they were lifted onto a gurney and loaded into the back of a van for the morgue.

“NO! NO! NO!” Kyuhyun shouted as the doors to the ambulance doors closed. “PLEASE!”

Standing up Kyuhyun was about to chase after the van as it drove away but a police officer had his hand on Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry son but were going to have to ask you some questions,” the officer said as Kyuhyun continued to watch the van drive away tears filling his eyes and falling down his cheeks.

Suddenly there was a scream that sounded of pure agony from the piled up cars.

Sitting up, his body covered in sweat, Kyuhyun looked at his folder of newspaper clippings again.

Taking out an article that was quite worn he looked it over.



On April 17, 2011 at approximately 7:20pm, five cars were involved in a major accident along Bakbeomro Highway. According to local authorities it is unclear as to why the accident occurred but upon examination of the vehicles one of the cars did not meet the required safety regulations. That car belonged to Mr. Taeho Cho (46) and his wife Jaemin Kim (43) who both died upon impact.

Two of the drivers from the other cars also died upon impact while the two other drivers were rushed to Mipojeonghyeong Hospital just up the road.

There the driver of one of the cars died due to the injuries he sustained from the accident including a fractured sternum, skull, and several broken vertebrae. The final driver, whose name is not known at this time, was listed in critical condition due to severe burns and other life threatening injuries.

No other names were given other than Mr. Cho and Mrs. Kim who have a son, Kyuhyun.

Legal action against the Cho’s will be taken if the accident does prove to be caused by them. 

Tucking the article back into his folder Kyuhyun rested his head back on the pillow. The accident was not his parents fault but Kyuhyun was the only one who believed that. What could he do to prove anyone otherwise? Nothing. All he could do was sit around and let people be mad at him for something that he did not do.


I am super sorry that I am so late on updating this. I had a lot of things to do for school and there were a lot of things happening at home.

Either way, I’m planning on updating Chapter 6 sometime this week or maybe over the weekend. Please look forward to it (although it is chapter 7 that you really want to look forward to but do not skip chapter 6, that one is REALLY important to chapter 7.)

Well until next chapter!

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loveSungmin #1
Like >> I love it
I can't wait to the next update to know the answers
Violet_Agma705 #2
This sounds very interesting! I look forward to reading it! :D
loveSungmin #3
what kind of bussinese Eunhae have *smirk *
pandaluv_89 #4
It sounds very interesting! I want to know how minnie lost his eyes and why he is so sick. Poor Sungminnie! Update soon~! :D
loveSungmin #5
I love it I want more
poor miinie >> I really wrote this line a lot