Beginning to Clearing

For All I Couldn’t Do


Kyuhyun sat down on his bed with a sigh and looked around the room that he was now going to be living in. All in all it wasn’t a bad room. Hell, it was nicer than the room that he used to have but he still liked his old room better. He had made it his instead of just being told to live in it.

His room looked quite modern if the fact that it was decorated with furniture and colors that were well suited for a room destined to be lived in by a teenager. In fact, judging by the room of the house, Sungmin had decorated the whole house to be suited for a modern look instead of a more rustic look.

Maybe it was Hyukjae and Donghae that had decorated the house instead since Kyuhyun took Sungmin as the more rustic type.

Standing up, Kyuhyun went to his door and shut it, not wanting to be disturbed by anyone as he unpacked his bags and explored his room.

Turning, he looked over his room again. The far back wall and the wall to the left were painted an off white while the wall to the right and the front wall were painted a dark shade of brown that almost looked like chocolate.

The far back wall had two doors, both wood and painted with a dark brown, high gloss paint. Walking over to them Kyuhyun opened the door to his left. It was his closet. Flipping the switch for the light that was on the right inside wall, Kyuhyun walked inside and looked around.

All of the walls were painted the same off white as the room while all of the accents and shelves were the same dark brown as the door. Along the far back wall were two large racks, one on top of the other, that stretched the entire length of the wall. To the left were shelves, six in all, with the bottom three slanted for shoes and the top three flat for clothes and other things. On the right wall was a full standing mirror, two feet wide and 6 feet tall, hanging from a hook.

‘A bit over kill,’ Kyuhyun thought as he looked at himself in the mirror.

Turning the light off and walking out of the closet, closing the door behind him, Kyuhyun went to the next door to his left, the bathroom.

Turning the door knob and swinging the door open, Kyuhyun flipped the switch to his right. In front of him was a white room with dark brown accents just like his closet. The mirror hung from the wall in front of him over the sink while next to that was the toilet. Against the far right wall was the bath with a dark brown cloth curtain hanging from the shower bar. The floor had a light brown, stone looking tile that stopped at the door turning into white carpet that covered the room and the closet.

Kyuhyun sighed and walked back into his room after turning off the light and shutting the door. Looking out over the room Kyuhyun sighed again. Everything was just too nice for people who didn´t even care about anyone other than their own family.

On the far back wall was the little out cove where his door was and on the left was a window that ran the length of the wall from the floor to the ceiling but was only about a foot or two wide. Sitting in front of the window was a tall dresser with seven drawers and a tall orange lily adorning it. The dresser was made of a dark brown wood but the drawers were a light brown with the only dark brown on them was the knob used to open them.

Along the wall to the right was an overly large white flat screen TV that was center in the wall with an abstract painting on either side of it. The painters both had white backgrounds with various shades of purple covering them.

‘Odd choice of artwork,’ Kyuhyun though as he stared at the painting wondering if he could replace them with another piece of artwork from somewhere else in the house without anyone noticing.

Situated underneath of the TV was a large light brown cabinet that was only about two and a half feet from the ground. The cabinet was divided in half by two columns of drawers, each column having three drawers. At the center of each drawer was a small dark brown knob but other than that, the cabinet did not have any other decorations.

Along the left wall toward the window was a desk made out of the same dark brown wood that the cabinet was made out of. The desk only had one drawer the same light brown as the small drawers on the cabinet that stretched across its underside.

On the desk though was a white 27 inch apple desktop that was situated in the far right corner of the desk and in front of that was the white keyboard and mouse that went with the computer. Next to the computer were two white cups, one holding all black pens and the other holding all black pencils, each sharpened with the points facing up. Sitting in front of the desk was a white rolling chair that did not have any arm rests but still looked comfortable none the less.

Moving his eyes away from the desk Kyuhyun continued his look over f the room. Next to the desk was a tall lamp that was seated on the floor, leaning over the desk. The lamp was a stainless steel gray with a black cord spiraling up the lower half of the lamp.

The bed, placed next to the lamp, was a low bed, the base being made of a very dark brown with a white padded head board. The comforter was black and gray stripped with various gray patterns on many of the strips of the opposite color. The sheets were black but the pillows were white setting off the two white shelves that hung above the bed one on top of the other.

Each shelf was just longer than the bed and off center from each other but they were already decorated with various things such as books, a clock, and various bowls and containers.

Next to the bed was a short night stand, only three drawers high, with a smaller version of the lamp that was next to the desk on top of it.

Looking to his right Kyuhyun noted a tall dresser that was nearly as tall of the room except it was about a foot and a half too short to reach the ceiling. The cabinet was made of a dark brown wood on the side but the front had three off white doors on the front each with a small light brown door underneath.

Kyuhyun walked over to the desk, pulled the chair out and sat down, swiveling around on the chair. The chair was kind of hard to move due to the fact that the room had carpet covering the floor but still, it was nice that his room actually had any furniture.

Glancing down next to his bed Kyuhyun stared at his bag. He only had one suitcase and his one jacket was lying on the bed. Standing up from the chair Kyuhyun knelt down next to his suitcase and ped it revealing several pairs of pants, several shirts and some personal items.

He didn’t have much and considering what he had to sell just to pay back what he owed to so many people and for how much he had to part with, he was lucky that he was left with what he had.

Dragging his bag over to the closet, Kyuhyun unpack his things, putting his pants on one of the shelves and his shirts on the hangers. Taking his shoes off, he put them on the shoe rack then walked out of the closet.

He was about to lie on his bed when a knock on his door grabbed his attention.

Walking over to the door, an irritated look on his face, he opened the door to nothing. Looking around he could not find any one. Walking to the second door he opened that but was only left looking at the kitchen. Turning and talking a step back to his room his room, he stepped on something soft but crinkly. Looking down, a white envelope half crushed and half covered by his foot caught his attention.

On the front, his name was written with neat handwriting that looked like it could belong to a girl.

Turning the letter over and opening the letter Donghae took out a piece of paper that was folded into thirds. Opening the piece of paper Kyuhyun noted the messy handwriting that looked like a child’s who was just learning to write.

‘Dear Kyuhyun,’ the letter began but it was hard for Kyuhyun to make out the words, ‘Donghae told me that it looked like you did not have many possessions with you. Here is some money, go out and get yourself some new outfits.’ Looking at the bottom of the page Kyuhyun read the name… ‘Lee Sungmin.’

Now he really hated that guy.

Looking into the envelope Kyuhyun noted one million won (about $1,000 USD). Kyuhyun’s mouth went wide as he staggered backwards and fell onto the bed.

“Who is this guy that he just gives me a million won like that?” Kyuhyun wondered as he put the money and letter back into the envelope and closed it again.

Suddenly something caught Kyuhyun’s attention from the corner of his eye. Putting the envelope down on the bed Kyuhyun picked up the manila folder that he had taken out of his suitcase and opened it.

Tears began to fall from Kyuhyun’s eyes and onto the newspaper clipping and articles that were in the folder. Quickly Kyuhyun dried them off and looked them over.

‘FIVE CAR PILEUP: Worse Accident in Seoul History’



‘HE SHOULD BE DEAD, sixth person in accident lucky to be alive’

“Mom…  dad…,” Kyuhyun sobbed as he reread the articles for what had to be the billionth time, “I promise that I’ll clear your name. I promise.”


PLEASE COMMENT! (I am dying to know what everyone thinks of it so far!)

Either way, I’m pretty angry with myself that about ¾ of this is me describing Kyuhyun’s room. I know that no one really wants to just read about a room but it does tie into the rest of the story. Just wait, you’ll get why it’s so important in a bit. Also, because this is ¾ Kyuhyun’s room that is why I included the envelope part.

The next chapter will be a good one. I promise since the next one is where things start to get good.

Please look forward to it!



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loveSungmin #1
Like >> I love it
I can't wait to the next update to know the answers
Violet_Agma705 #2
This sounds very interesting! I look forward to reading it! :D
loveSungmin #3
what kind of bussinese Eunhae have *smirk *
pandaluv_89 #4
It sounds very interesting! I want to know how minnie lost his eyes and why he is so sick. Poor Sungminnie! Update soon~! :D
loveSungmin #5
I love it I want more
poor miinie >> I really wrote this line a lot