PART I. What Boredom Leads To…? (Fluff)

My Baby

Summary: There’s one person that can always cure Kyuhyun’s boredom.

Hyung…” Kyuhyun whined lowly, flashing his innocent maknae smile that seemed to fool his boyfriend every time. 

Yesung barely looked up from his book to see Kyuhyun standing straight and tall at the doorway to his and Ryeowook’s shared room.  The taller had something behind his back, something that looked very, very suspicious, but his worries and skepticism melted away when he saw the angelic look on his dongsaeng’s face. 

Mentally, Kyuhyun began smirking, knowing his Hyung was already like a fly caught in his web.  But he was really irked that Yesung’s eyes had barely graced his figure so the stupid book would have to go.  How else was he supposed to grab Yesung’s full attention when all he looked interested in was finishing his novel?  The evil maknae of Super Junior would not have it.

He slid in next to Yesung, who was lying comfortably on his bed with his back leaning against his headboard, pressing their sides firmly against each other.  He grabbed the book from his boyfriend’s smaller fingers, closing it with no regard to the page number and throwing it to the side, the book flopping from the bouncy bed to the floor with a thud.  Before Yesung could slip in a word of complaint, the taller pulled him one-handedly onto his lap and between his legs, his long limbs accommodating for Yesung’s smaller frame.  The said elder had an absolutely irritated look in his eye that the younger was having a field day ignoring.

“Kyu, I was reading that.” His eyes wandered to the book that lay on the floor, flipped to a totally random page, his page completely lost.  He gave Kyuhyun a half-hearted punch to his chest, but let his small fingers rest lightly on the maknae’s pectorals after.  He tried his best to glare at Kyuhyun but all he received was caramel eyes completely glittered with amusement. 

“I know, Yesungie.” Kyuhyun said, smirking at the older man in his arms, completely disrespecting his senior by four years.

“What is it this time,” He decided to slip in his own tease this time, the maknae was enjoying himself way too much lately, “baby Kyu?”

Kyuhyun barely flinched, “Oh, we both know who the real baby in this situation is, Sungie baby.” He used his free hand from behind his back to drop whatever he was holding to pinch his Hyung’s baby fat laden cheeks, “Look at all this puppy fat.”

“Yah!” Yesung tried to slap Kyuhyun’s hand away but the younger pulled away too quickly, allowing Yesung to successfully be sprawled messily in the strong arms of the maknae.  “Aish, such disrespect for your Hyung.  I’m 27, you know.” Yesung sat up straight, still caged between Kyuhyun’s arms and legs, pouting.

“Oh, really?  I always thought you were the real maknae, Sungie.  I mean look at that face.” Kyuhyun teased, a laugh in his voice, loving the way Yesung just turned away, huffing away at his annoyance.  He could always get away with making fun of his lover without the older lashing out; he made a promise after all.  In return, Kyuhyun just held Yesung’s face in one hand making the elder turn to face him, his lips still turned in an adorable pout, “I’m surprised the fans haven’t started asking if you’re lying about your age.”

“Okay, what do you want?” Yesung asked, lifting up an eye brow skeptically.  “You don’t come looking for me everyday just to make fun of my age.”

“Of course, but it’s always fun.” Kyuhyun stuck his tongue out, watching as the same cute pout made its way onto Yesung’s lips again, “Anyways, I was bored.” Kyuhyun’s hand flew behind his back, fishing out the item he had brought in with him.  “So, I decided to have some fun with you Hyung.” He flashed a white piece of paper in front of the elder, almost laughing as the mix of letters and numbers registered in Yesung’s mind, “Solve this for me, kay?”

Pure horror and shock surfaced onto Yesung’s face, the emotions dancing on his features.  Oh.  My.  God.  Not math.  Anything but math.  He wanted to slap himself silly for letting his guard down at the pure smile Kyuhyun gave him.  He was so stupid for falling for the same curve of Kyuhyun’s lips every single time.  He was close to bursting out, to scolding and getting mad at the clearly entertained maknae but he knew he couldn’t.  And it wasn’t just that Kyuhyun was just too cute to resist sometimes (and that strong grip he had on his waist was probably part of the reason) but the promise he had made to Kyuhyun the day after Super Junior had almost lost him was flashing in his mind.

Yesung took a very deep breath before accepting the intimidating paper with complicated equations printed neatly all over, sending Kyuhyun grinning like a cheshire cat.  He resisted the urge to scold the broadly smiling maknae, taking his time to scrutinize the sheet.  The mix of symbols rolled around his head, some swirling and others twirling and he scowled.  He didn’t even know what part of math this was.  He’d long forgotten anything higher than fractions and basic algebra.  Quadratics and trigonometry were miserable memories he was glad to have left behind.  And what irked him the most was that Kyuhyun could probably solve this in his sleep. 

“I hate you for doing this to me.” But Yesung decided that if he was going to do this, and he had to because the maknae wasn’t going to release him any time soon, he was going to get comfortable.  He turned around, leaning back against Kyuhyun’s chest, knowing the maknae would fully appreciate the closeness.  The winding arms around his mid section were more than enough proof, limbs wrapping tight around his abdomen.

“I love you too, baby.” Kyuhyun said with a sly smile, the nickname that only he could use rolling off his tongue easily, “I’ll pamper you well tonight if you can solve it.  But I’ll have to punish you if you can’t.” And he leaned it, whispering almost inaudibly all the details of what tonight would behold.

Yesung gulped visibly, turning bright red as a range of images provided from Kyuhyun’s steady voice rushed to his mind.  He knew this deal was non-negotiable and totally rigged.  There was no way he was going to be able solve this.  Kyuhyun knew that all too well.  “That’s not fair, Kyu.”

“It totally is.” Kyuhyun said pressing a firm kiss on the puppy-fat laden cheeks he loved so much, “I always pamper you anyway.  I don’t see why you’re complaining.”

“Because you always forget to take it out.  And you leave it on.” Yesung complained, only leaning back into the maknae’s warmth, “I have to go on a radio show, how am I supposed to do anything without looking like an insane drug addict?”

“Then you’ll just have to solve it, baby.” Kyuhyun whispered against his neck, “I think you look more adorable than insane, anyway.” He chuckled into the sensitive skin of Yesung’s neck, “You’re so cute when I leave you like that.” He felt heat gathering in his lover’s neck, showcasing just how embarrassed he was, “I’m waiting.”

“You totally rigged this.” Yesung mumbled lowly, somehow clear enough for Kyuhyun to hear.

“Of course I did, when have I not?” Kyuhyun laughed lightly.

“I hate you.” Yesung shot, mentally preparing for tonight. “Why do I even let you bully me?”

“I love you, baby.” Kyuhyun repeated, utterly excited for the fun that was awaiting him when his boyfriend was unable to understand a single thing in the equation and totally gave up, “And I prefer to call it pampering.”

With his eyebrows furrowed, he allowed the younger to nuzzle into his neck as he watched in amusement.  Their legs were effectively tangled, courtesy of Kyuhyun’s lanky ones, as Yesung cutely bit his lip trying figure out if that ‘x’ had anything to do with the answer.  And whilst Yesung’s full attention was at the baffling numbers, Kyuhyun just couldn’t get over how his boyfriend fit perfectly in his arms, how their legs seemed to wrap together impeccably and how his neck was the ideal shape to accommodate his face and kisses.

But most of his attention was on how adorable his baby was struggling with math.


PART I. What Boredom Leads To…?: 1399

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392 streak #1
Chapter 8: Rereading. I love Yuri so much in this story, such a good friend >___<
392 streak #2
Chapter 5: oh, gosh... what happened to sungie was really sad T^T
Hello, when will you coming back? T___T
Chapter 4: May i know when will you coming back?
I hope you could continue your amazing story like this one.
Chapter 8: I feel like I've read this before and left comments already.. But seeing that my name isn't here, I just want to share that I also ship YulSung.. But I love the friendship here between the two :)
Chapter 6: Oooohhhhhh my goooossssshhhhhhhhhh.. This was just crazy y ughh
Chapter 8: Wow. //fans self//

Man, was this a hot bunch of chapters to read. Your KyuSung stories are truly some of the best that I've ever read, because I just love a submissive little Yesung and an dominate Kyu that adores him. ^^
fluffywithkyusung #8
Chapter 1: one of ffs that turned me being kyusung shipper.
one of favorites
Chapter 8: Oooh soo good!! kyusung <3
KcuLL22 #10
Should I adding Kyusung to my OTP now?
Ur story tempting me to do it!
Great job^^