INTRO. Kyuhyun’s Baby

My Baby

Cho Kyuhyun was never one to really respect his Hyungs.  He couldn’t even begin to count how many times he had forgotten to call them properly.  An accidental “Sungmin” or “Siwon” here and there, alongside a light scolding from Leeteuk to say “Hyung”, was a daily occurrence for Super Junior’s beloved maknae.  On national TV he had to practically spit it out, knowing that to let it slip would lead to mind throbbing repercussions that he’d rather not face.  At the dorms though?  That’s a whole different story.

And the fact that he acted, and looked most of the time, like he was older than them wasn’t helping at all.  It was really an understatement to say he loved to disrespect his Hyungs because as much as they tried, they could never be seen in such a light that he’d stop.  He’d joke around with them relentlessly, earning a playful whack from one or more of them.  Most of the time Leeteuk.  And more than anything, it was absolutely hilarious to point out their mistakes, watching their faces go slightly red or see them have to swallow their pride to admit to it.  And whilst he would love to say he liked teasing all his Hyungs equally, there was always one that was more fun, more hilarious and way more attractive for him to tease, indulge and baby.  After all, pulling his adorable baby into his lap was always a comfortable feeling, the older snapping shyly before settling in and giving in to the stubborn smirking maknae whose arm seemed to have an iron grip on his waist.

And really, he couldn’t help himself with his baby-faced turtle Hyung.


INTRO. Kyuhyun’s Baby: 279

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392 streak #1
Chapter 8: Rereading. I love Yuri so much in this story, such a good friend >___<
392 streak #2
Chapter 5: oh, gosh... what happened to sungie was really sad T^T
Hello, when will you coming back? T___T
Chapter 4: May i know when will you coming back?
I hope you could continue your amazing story like this one.
Chapter 8: I feel like I've read this before and left comments already.. But seeing that my name isn't here, I just want to share that I also ship YulSung.. But I love the friendship here between the two :)
Chapter 6: Oooohhhhhh my goooossssshhhhhhhhhh.. This was just crazy y ughh
Chapter 8: Wow. //fans self//

Man, was this a hot bunch of chapters to read. Your KyuSung stories are truly some of the best that I've ever read, because I just love a submissive little Yesung and an dominate Kyu that adores him. ^^
fluffywithkyusung #8
Chapter 1: one of ffs that turned me being kyusung shipper.
one of favorites
Chapter 8: Oooh soo good!! kyusung <3
KcuLL22 #10
Should I adding Kyusung to my OTP now?
Ur story tempting me to do it!
Great job^^