PART III. Jealousy’s Head is Adorable (feat. One-sided!KiSung) (Fluff)

My Baby

Summary: Whoever said jealousy has an ugly head?  Kyuhyun thinks it leads to some pretty cute results.

“Kibummie!” Yesung exclaimed as he launched himself onto the actor who had decided to drop by the dorm.  The taller boy held no hesitation in hugging the smaller man back, his tiny waist fitting perfectly in Kibum’s arms, “I missed you!”

“I missed you too, Yesungie-hyung.” Their embrace loosened slightly, Yesung slipping his arms from around Kibum’s neck to his shoulders and Kibum’s hands resting lightly on the elder’s hips.  He frowned.  “Yesung-hyung, you lost weight again.” He could feel the lead singer’s jutting hips through his clothing, the bones more prominent than before, “How many times do I have to tell you you look fine?  Don’t pay attention to those stupid haters.”

“Aish, I’m fine!” Yesung said jovially, slapping his dongsaeng lightly on the chest, “It’s nothing to worry about.” Because Kyuhyun made it all better. “You’re blowing this way out of proportion.”

“If you say so…” Kibum muttered, still not totally believing his Hyung because he seemed to always be subject to nasty comments and cruel insults.  And being the selfless humble person he was, he wasn’t about to voice his issues, “But if you lose weight again the next time I see you I’m going to force-feed you, no matter what Kyuhyun says.”

“You force-anything my boyfriend and we’ll see what your face looks like after, Kim Kibum.” Kyuhyun crossed his arms angrily, narrowing his eyes at the hands that were precariously close to his lover’s backside. 

“I’d like to see you try, Kyu.” Kibum said testily, tightening his grip on Yesung’s hips before pulling him slightly closer, the elder yelping slightly, but being the oblivious turtle Hyung he was, suspected nothing.  But he could sense the electricity that was heavy in the air and decided to break it soon, “I’m the boxer, remember?”

“Yah!  Can’t you two maknaes ever get along?” Yesung sighed, softly hitting Kibum on the chest again, escaping the actor’s arms only to give Kyuhyun an equally light whack on the head.  “Didn’t Teukie-umma and the rest of us Hyungs teach you two better?”

 “You spoil us maknaes too much, Hyung.” Kibum sang teasingly, latching onto Yesung’s arm to give the elder a look of pure innocence that was sure to melt him like it did every time, “Ryeowookie, Kyuhyunnie and me – you let us off for too many things.” Kibum paused for a second before continuing, “You even spoil Donghae-hyung, Siwon-hyung, Sungmin-hyung and Eunhyuk-hyung!  Hyung, you treat all us dongsaengs too well.”

“Ah, what can I do?  You’re all just too cute.” Yesung said patting Kibum’s head even though the younger was clearly taller.

“Excuse me,” Kyuhyun coughed, jealous and annoyed at the other boy that was attached to his boyfriend, “but I obviously do the spoiling in this relationship,” Kyuhyun growled before taking his lover into his arms, wrenching him from Kibum’s tight grip.  He took his time to smirk at the actor, “since, you know, Sungie is mine.”

“Geez, Kyu I know you’re my easily jealous boyfriend and I love you and your possessive traits but I actually really miss Bummie.  Please just stop with the alpha male tendencies you usually have for a while, okay?  For me?” And could Kyuhyun really refuse a request from his beloved Hyung?  Especially when he was giving him those cute little puppy dog eyes?  No, he couldn’t.  The youngest nodded numbly and unwillingly but the bright face splitting smile that came to his boyfriend’s face made it almost worth it.  And then the light peck with unspoken promises of tonight’s ordeals made it definitely worthwhile.  You can have fun tonight and I won’t complain – was what Yesung might as well have been screaming in his ears.  “Good, now since no one else is home I’ll go find something for us to eat and then we can talk.  You have to tell me everything, okay Bummie?  I don’t care if it’s in the news; I want to hear it from you and not a stupid piece of paper.”

With that, Yesung pretty much skipped to the kitchen, fetching some snacks.  He might have unconsciously known that his two dongsaengs could never refuse their adorable Hyung because he had walked off without an answer.  Kyuhyun sighed and turned to look at Kibum, still as handsome as ever and probably as headstrong too.  That wasn’t making him feel too comfortable.  Especially since he promised his lover to lay off attacking people that came within a 1 meter radius.

“You don’t have to worry, aish.” Kibum huffed with a roll of his eyes as he made his way to the couch, “Just because I’m in love with Hyung doesn’t mean I’m going to steal him from you.” He leaned back against the soft sofa, staring at the white ceiling, “I mean he’s really happy with you and I’m obviously not here enough to give him the proper support a boyfriend is supposed to.” Kibum gestured with his head for Kyuhyun to join him, the younger taking hesitant steps before prideful long strides to accompany the boxer on the couch, “I’m too selfish for him, I left him alone.  How could I possibly be his boyfriend?  At least you take proper care of him.  He’s the type that needs to be coddled, what with all the indulging he does to everyone else.” Kyuhyun kept silent, knowing that Kibum probably never confined his thoughts about his secret love to anybody else, “But I still wish I’d confessed to him before I left.  So, if you break his heart he’s all mine.”

“That’s probably the most I’ve ever heard you say, Kibum.” Kyuhyun smirked but lay a hand comfortingly on the older man’s shoulder, knowing that the situation could’ve easily been reversed if Kibum had gotten the guts to confess to the baritone of Super Junior earlier. 

“Oh, shut up you.” Kibum said coldly but with a hint of amusement, shrugging off Kyuhyun’s hand, “I only want Hyung to touch me.” He returned Kyuhyun’s previous expression with a hint more of slyness.  “Hyung just does these things to me.  So, I’m going to enjoy cuddling up with him while you’re under probation period of hurting me for it.”

“He’s still not here I could always-”

“Are you two arguing again?” Yesung asked with slight irritation and a raised brow.  In his small hands was a tray which had a plate of snacks and cups of ice water, “Will you guys ever get along?”

“I don’t know, Hyung.  You might have to force us too.  You know, stop being so nice for once.” Kibum joked whilst patting his thigh.  With a long breath Yesung placed the tray on the coffee table and allowed the boxer to pull him sideways onto his lap, “Now wipe that pout off your face before I make you.”

“Yah, I’m attached now, you can’t do that anymore.” Yesung half heartedly scolded, pushing against Kibum’s head which was resting on his shoulder.  The eldest reached his hand behind him, clasping Kyuhyun’s hand to pacify the youngest, the maknae facing his lover’s back due to the way Kibum had purposely pulled him down. 

“Just one little kiss, Hyung.  Pretty please?” Kibum requested with a small smile but only received a joking smack over the head.

“Stop it, you know how I am Bummie.” Yesung giggled, feeling Kyuhyun rearrange their hands so that he could his fingers perfectly between the spaces, “Now, tell me what you’ve been doing.”  Yesung smiled earnestly at the dongsaeng he’s missed so dearly, shifting slightly in his lap to get comfortable and lean against the younger man’s broad shoulders, ready to listen to everything.

And the whole afternoon was spent with Kibum spilling all his recent activities with prompting from the elder in his lap.  Kyuhyun interjected only a few times, his eyes trained on Kibum to make sure he didn’t do anything inappropriate to his lover.  After Kibum was all talked out they switched on the TV, a random drama appearing and only twenty minutes in and Yesung was snoozing lightly in Kibum’s arms.  It wasn’t really how Kyuhyun had been planning to spend his rare off day with his boyfriend alone

“So, what happened to Hyung?” Kibum asked, it was at least 10 minutes after he had confirmed that the eldest was fast asleep. 

“What?” Kyuhyun said, tightening the strong grip he had on Yesung’s hand.

“Oh, don’t play stupid with me Kyuhyun.  You’re a smart kid.” Kyuhyun growled at the ‘kid’ comment but let the older man continue, “Hyung’s lost a lot of weight since last time.  What the happened to him?”

Kyuhyun gulped lowly, not sure if he wanted to disclose the secret that was solely his and Yesung’s.  But the look of worry Kibum had compelled the taller to speak up, “A few months ago Hyung was having a lot of problems with anti fans.  They were telling him he was fat and that he didn’t belong, manager-hyung was even telling him to diet.” He sighed, the memory still fresh and painful, “And you know Yesungie.  When he diets, he really diets.  When he’s upset, he doesn’t say a word.  Not even to me.” Kyuhyun paused, hating how his boyfriend still wouldn’t confide in him, “And I can’t keep an eye on him all the time, our schedules are different and all.  And at first it was just skipping meals and he always did when I was at a different schedule.” Kyuhyun Yesung’s hair lovingly, the layered strands soft between his fingers, “But then I started to realise he was getting too thin, you know because we… .  He refused to say anything even after I confronted him several times, we even fought a couple of times, and only a few weeks ago could I convince him to start eating normally.  He still hasn’t gained all his weight back yet.”

“Poor Hyung… At least he has you, Kyuhyun.” Kibum murmured, Yesung’s cheeks softly, realizing how they weren’t as full of cute puppy fat as before, “Well, it’s already late.” He shook Yesung lightly, knowing that soft touches and soft voices may not wake the elder but a slightly harder shake would.  “Hyung, I have to go.”

“Bummie?” Yesung whispered, still groggy, “You’re not staying longer?”

“I can’t and besides I think Kyuhyun wants to get some action tonight so I should leave.” He watched as a pretty yet adorable dark red blush slowly made its way onto Yesung’s cheeks.  “Walk me out, Yesung-hyung?  Your cute little face is the last thing I want to see before I leave.”

“You’re still so cheesy!” Yesung said now fully awake and slapping Kibum over the head, “You dongsaengs are so disrespectful to your Hyung.” But he stood up nonetheless, escorting Kibum to their front door, upset and sad because he wouldn’t know when he would see the actor again. 

“Don’t look so sad, I’ll see you some other time, Hyung.” Kibum said giving his small Hyung one last hug and a short peck on the cheek, “See ya, Kyuhyun!” Kibum called out, his back already to them, walking down the hallway.

“Bye, Bummie.  Don’t forget to call Teukie-umma and tell him how you’re doing!” Yesung reminded and the second maknae gave a little signal saying he would. 

With the door closed, Kyuhyun grabbed Yesung from the back, his long arms wrapped around his torso, “You never told me Kibum used to kiss you.” Kyuhyun growled and bit his lover’s ear lobe.

“It was only friendly kisses, only a peck and no tongue, I swear.  And I wasn’t about to reject a kiss from my crush back then.” Yesung teased, knowing Kyuhyun despised how his boyfriend used to have a very large crush on the actor.

“Enough talk about past loves, you’re my baby now.” Kyuhyun said before attacking the smaller male with light kisses on his neck, making sure not to leave marks, “Can I have the fun you promised now?”

“Only my erted boyfriend could get ‘let’s have until you can’t come anymore’ out of a simple kiss and hand holding.” Yesung said turning slightly in his lover’s arm to face the maknae, using one of his tiny fingers to tap Kyuhyun’s nose.

“But you love it, baby.  I always make sure you’re in heaven because I know exactly how to spoil you.” Kyuhyun smirked before taking Yesung into an only slightly deep kiss. 

“You make me seem like -addict.” Yesung retorted, slightly breathless because Kyuhyun was a ing good kisser.  “And I am anything but.  You’re the craved one in this relationship.”

“As true as that is, I wouldn’t be so addicted if you didn’t reciprocate.  Good s can’t be one-sided.” Kyuhyun smirked as his boyfriend still turned red at such comments, “And just for that, that’s one more for you to beg for tonight and I should probably warn you that we’re using the plugs tonight.”

“One more…?  How many times are you planning?” Yesung shivered, he really hated it, well not hated it because inside he knew he would always enjoy it, when Kyuhyun made him beg.  It was embarrassing and torturous because as much as Kyuhyun knew how to indulge him, he also knew how to terribly, bringing him to the edge only to make the elder cry out for release.  And the maknae seemed to enjoy his blushing, embarrassed lover more than anything else.  Add that to the fact that Kyuhyun had a very bad tendency to use as many toys as possible in one night only to conveniently forget that it was in there and leave it in the whole of the next day – still on.  He didn’t know how the battery lasted but he was sure he saw something along the lines of “super long lasting – can stay on for over two days without charging” on the packaging of several of them.    

“Well, three so far.” Kyuhyun paused slightly, chuckling to himself, “Well, three that you have to beg and plead for.  There’ll be others that I’ll just give to you because you’re my baby and deserve nothing but the best.”

Yesung gulped visibly, knowing he was going to be very, very tired tomorrow.  The maknae didn’t look like he was going to let the elder sleep for very long.  Kyuhyun didn’t him every night, but it was at least every other night.  The left over nights Kyuhyun still found something to do that had him – very loudly at that – and coming multiple times.  On his lucky nights, Kyuhyun would stop at two or three s and let him sleep – sometimes it would take as short as 15 minutes.  Some nights would just be a thorough ing plus some extra s.  Other nights, when Kyuhyun was in particular moods, he’d lose count of how many times the maknae made him come because he just wouldn’t stop.  Young people and their stamina…

“W-What did I do?” Yesung asked hesitantly because Kyuhyun always had a reason for his punishments.

“Well, for one you spent your whole day in Kibum’s arms when we could’ve been ing.  So that’s the first one.  The second is that tomorrow you’re going out with your ‘Immortal Song 2’ friends when we could have been ing.  And you already know the third.” Kyuhyun smirked, the blush on Yesung’s face only growing. 

“You can’t blame me for going out tomorrow!” Yesung exclaimed, hoping that the insatiable maknae would lessen the punishment just a little.

“Yes, I can and I will.” Kyuhyun said slyly, “You don’t have to go out with Jonghyun, Changmin and Yoseob, do you?”

“We’re just catching up!  You know how close we got after the show.  Why’re you so jealous?” Yesung asked incredulously, but the lust in Kyuhyun’s eyes only increased at his comment.

“Four.” Kyuhyun whispered and Yesung trembled in his arms, the thoughts of what Kyuhyun was going to do probably plaguing his mind.  His smirk grew, “And I’ve seen the skinship you performed.” Kyuhyun said eying his boyfriend who tried to retreat – obviously failing because Kyuhyun was obviously stronger, “I recall you putting an arm around Yoseob.  And you flirted with a woman.”

“I thought we went through this, Kyu.” Yesung whimpered, the torturous night ahead only killing him inside, “You know, when you got mad the first through to the fifth time you watched the broadcasting?” Yesung pleaded, trying to reason with his insatiable boyfriend, “And you still punished me by leaving that thing in me for two days every time.  It was on the whole time, might I add.” Yesung whined and almost yelped with Kyuhyun’s arms tightened, “I wasn’t flirting anyway.  Hyorin and I just got along.  Come on Kyu, you know I’m as straight as one of Donghae’s free hand graphs and the only one for me is you.”

“It’s still four and if you keep arguing I’m going to skip five and go straight to six.” Kyuhyun sing songed and Yesung quickly shut up.  There was no way he was going to risk it. 

Kyuhyun began pulling his boyfriend towards his room, totally looking forward to the next few events.  Usually they did it in Yesung’s, but all of Kyuhyun’s equipment was in his room so they were doing it there.  Yesung let out a weak whimper when he felt himself being dragged, almost frightened of the maknae’s room because of all different experiences he had been subjected to in it.  A mix of good experiences but still very mentally scarring nonetheless.

“And since I’m feeling merciful, I’ll just use the small one today.” Liar.  He always said that.  And he always did use the small one.  But after making his lover more than once on it he’d grab a bigger one before repeating the process several times.  At that moment, he successfully shoved his boyfriend in his room and locking the door behind him, the smaller male a complete blushing, trembling mess – just the way Kyuhyun liked it. “Don’t worry baby.  You’ll love it, you always do.  Now, relax and let me pamper you tonight.”

Because at the end of the day, Kyuhyun’s baby was always his and his alone.


PART III. Jealousy’s Head is Adorable: 3031

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394 streak #1
Chapter 8: Rereading. I love Yuri so much in this story, such a good friend >___<
394 streak #2
Chapter 5: oh, gosh... what happened to sungie was really sad T^T
Hello, when will you coming back? T___T
Chapter 4: May i know when will you coming back?
I hope you could continue your amazing story like this one.
Chapter 8: I feel like I've read this before and left comments already.. But seeing that my name isn't here, I just want to share that I also ship YulSung.. But I love the friendship here between the two :)
Chapter 6: Oooohhhhhh my goooossssshhhhhhhhhh.. This was just crazy y ughh
Chapter 8: Wow. //fans self//

Man, was this a hot bunch of chapters to read. Your KyuSung stories are truly some of the best that I've ever read, because I just love a submissive little Yesung and an dominate Kyu that adores him. ^^
fluffywithkyusung #8
Chapter 1: one of ffs that turned me being kyusung shipper.
one of favorites
Chapter 8: Oooh soo good!! kyusung <3
KcuLL22 #10
Should I adding Kyusung to my OTP now?
Ur story tempting me to do it!
Great job^^