What If – Super Junior K.R.Y (feat. Super Junior’s Sungmin) (YeWon, minor one-sided!Kyusung)

10 Songs, 10 Drabbles (2)

Genre: Angst, Romance

Word Count: 202


Siwon watches helplessly as Yesung stares and stares.  That’s all the older boy can do.  Stare.  All he can do is watch from afar as the love of his life flirts with Zhou Mi.  Kyuhyun continues to chatter up the tall boy and Yesung falls apart with every word. 

“Should I confess?” He asks lifelessly one day, looking up at his best friend with the most hopeful eyes he could conjure up.  Siwon wonders what could have triggered this idea.  “I mean, I don’t think he likes me but I can’t take it anymore.”

And as the supportive best friend he’s supposed to be, Siwon smiles as best as he could, “Of course he likes you, Sungie.  I mean what’s there not to like? I mean he hugged you for twenty seconds!”

And Yesung brings that beautiful angelic smile to his lips and Siwon feels his world die.  Yesung dies of anxiousness, trying to confess, because he wonders endless what ifs.  But little does he know, Siwon feels all those little nervous feelings.  He knows that it hurts each passing day.  He feels it tenfold.

But I still foolishly believe.  If I wait some more, maybe you’ll come to love me too. 


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406 streak #1
Chapter 10: Aaaaaaw, thanks goodness, you end the chapter with a lovely and sweet one d >___< b
406 streak #2
Chapter 9: one sided huh? T^T
406 streak #3
Chapter 8: Wuaaaah, that's heavy T^T
406 streak #4
Chapter 7: Park Yesung, why this sounds really lovely *______________*
406 streak #5
Chapter 6: Well, that's really cruel, dearest Sungie!!!
406 streak #6
Chapter 5: Eeeeh, I don't know how to feel with this chapter u___u
406 streak #7
Chapter 4: *_________________*

We need more than this, yechul <3333
406 streak #8
Chapter 3: yemin <3 I truly miss Sungmin T^T
406 streak #9
Chapter 2: This chapter needs more!!!! >____<
406 streak #10
Chapter 1: Ugh... I really REALLY can't with angst T^T always breaks my heart