Love Story – Katherine McPhee (YeTeuk)

10 Songs, 10 Drabbles (2)

Genre: Fluff, Romance

Word Count: 171


It’s their wedding photo.  And Yesung wants to cry.  It’s been four years since that day and he can still remember it clear as day.  He and Leeteuk wearing matching suits as the older smooched him right on the lips.  And then some tongue had gotten in and Yesung wants to stop there before he blushes himself to death.

And then slowly his mind turns some more cogs.

Two years before that.

Sitting across from him at a bar, Leeteuk sporting the most promiscuous outfit Yesung had ever seen.  But Yesung was inexperienced so what was he to know?  An open jacket to show his abs to the world, Leeteuk flirted obscenely with a girl next to him.  But then they locked eyes and Jongwoon really doesn’t know how it worked.  They’d talked a few subjected, exchanged phone numbers and became friends.  Then it got somewhere and Yesung finds himself being called Park Yesung.

“What’re you thinking about?”

Leeteuk wraps his arms protectively around Yesung’s waist, lovingly possessive.

“Our love story.”


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406 streak #1
Chapter 10: Aaaaaaw, thanks goodness, you end the chapter with a lovely and sweet one d >___< b
406 streak #2
Chapter 9: one sided huh? T^T
406 streak #3
Chapter 8: Wuaaaah, that's heavy T^T
406 streak #4
Chapter 7: Park Yesung, why this sounds really lovely *______________*
406 streak #5
Chapter 6: Well, that's really cruel, dearest Sungie!!!
406 streak #6
Chapter 5: Eeeeh, I don't know how to feel with this chapter u___u
406 streak #7
Chapter 4: *_________________*

We need more than this, yechul <3333
406 streak #8
Chapter 3: yemin <3 I truly miss Sungmin T^T
406 streak #9
Chapter 2: This chapter needs more!!!! >____<
406 streak #10
Chapter 1: Ugh... I really REALLY can't with angst T^T always breaks my heart