Chapter 7

My Life as an Idol

You followed him into his office, while Yongguk walked to the gym.

„Why did you call me?“ you innocently asked.

„Look ______-ah. Maybe you already know that there's a basketball competition against another school next week “ he started „I want you to become the team captain for this match“

„Eh? Why me?“ your eyes rounded in astonishment.

„Out of all students in the school you're one of the best, perhaps THE best, Basketball player so far. I think we would definitely win if your the captain.“

„Erm? B-But why do I have to become the captain, I mean wouldn't it be enough if I just played in the team?“ you were kind of proud to hear something like that from a teacher you respect, but on the other hand you were kind of suspicious why it should be you.

„Because the team captain can choose who is gonna be in the team and who not.“ your teacher leaned into his chair


„You can choose whoever you want _________ it doesn't matter if it's a junior or a senior, but of course it has to be a student from this school“ he smiled.

„Seongsaeng-nim I don't think I'm the right person to-“ you looked down in embarrassment.

„Well, I think you are“ his smile widened.

„Of course you don't have to decide it now. I'll give you time to think but, there's still something I wanted to say.....without promoting the place as captain, I want to say what pros you get if you accept the appointment. First, you'll get a better mark in social behavior. Second: you and your team will be something like the pride of the school. Third: You and your team will get more free periods than the others and maybe you'll go to vacations.“ Mr. Kang said.

*Nooo...this isn't promoting.....of course not...* you sarcastically though.

„Well...I'll think about it“ a small smile came across your face.

„That's all I wanted to hear“ your teacher said and stood up. The both of you left his office and headed back to the gym.


After you changed, you went into sports hall where the whole class waited for the teacher.

„What did the teacher wanted from you?“ Yongguk whispered.

„He wants me to become the team captain for the basketball team.“ you whispered back.

„Cool, are you doing it?“ he asked

„I don't know, maybe, maybe not“

„Why not?“ the boy looked at you.

„Well...I have to learn for exams and this stuff...I don't know if I could do it.“ you truthfully said.

The teacher told everyone to warm up so the whole class started jogging across the hall.

„I see“ Yongguk jogged next to you.


The PE lesson was quite eventless. Except for the basketball game everyone played. You were in a team with Yongguk, a guy named Sejin and two other girls who were rather talking

than playing along.

*Yongguk-shi is really good * you thought *Well...he's really tall so I think it's an advantage.*



After the bell rang, everyone went to change. As you went out of the changing room, you saw Yongguk waiting for you.

„Hi“ you beamed and he smiled back.

„What's you next class? I could show you your classroom if you want to“ the both of you started to walk while talking.

„Sure, why not? “ he said. „My next lesson is...erm......well...I know it's in room 228 but I forgot what I have....hmm.....let's see“ he pulled his schedule out of his backpack „Math“ his face fell and you chuckled at his reaction.

„A-Are you laughing at me?“ the eyes of the boy rounded.

„Nooo...of course not! I would never laugh at you!“ you sarcastically remarked.

„Well...if YOU say so“ the boy said in a even more sarcastic tone.

The both of you laughed and talked until you reached the room Yongguk had his class in.

„Well...good luck...have fun“ you waved

„Are you laughing at me again?“ he smirked.

„ could I?“ you innocently said.

He made a face „Of course, how would you laugh about me..I must be really stupid to even think about it.“ he rolled his eyes in amusement.


*Hmm....I have history now. Well it's better than math* you smiled to yourself and went to your classroom.


Later, in the break time, you showed B.A.P. the rest of the school. Time went by slowly and you were reliefed when the bell for the end of the school day finally rang.

You said goodbye to your friends and headed to the school gate. Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun and Youngjae were already waiting.

„Am I late?“ you asked a little bit worried that they have been waiting too long

„N-“ Yongguk started but Himchan cut him off, „Yes you are! You made us wait for god-knows how long. You have to grant us a favor for letting us wait so long!“ he crossed his arms with a smirk.

His friends were giving him a what-the--look and thought *What the hell is he talking about? We just waited for like 45 seconds*

„A-A Favor? What a favor?“ your eyes widened in shock.

„I don't know now, but when the time comes I'll let you know“ the blonde in front of you said.

You lowered your head in shame *They must think I forgot them* but you gained a little hope as you stated.

„But I'm not the last right? I mean Zelo and Jongup are also not here yet“ you smiled a little.

„Zelo and Jongup are already at home since they just had 6 lessons.“ Youngjae explained and your shoulders fell.

*Well, it's just one little favor, but whatever it is, I hope Himchan-shi will convert it as soon as possible....well it would be even better if he actually forgot it but I don't know how good his memory is.* you thought.


„So, what are you going to do today?“ Daehyun tried to start a conversation.

„I'm going to go home, then I have to work and afterwards I'll go to the company's practice room to prepare for the audition tomorrow.“ you answered

„That's a good plan, you surely don't want to disappoint us tommorow“ Himchan suddenly shoved Youngjae out of the way to walk next to you.

„What the- HYUNG!!!“ Youngjae roared.

„Dude, can't you see? I'm talking with ________. It's rude if you interrupt like that. Aish boy, learn some manners“ the second oldest immaturely said.

*, I almost forgot that they're coming too. I'm doomed* you face fell again *I'm on a rollercoaster of emotions today* you bitterly smiled to yourself.

„Where do you work?“ Yongguk asked while Youngje were trying to squeeze between you and Himchan again. He was successful but now Daehyun was walking on the road. „Guys!“ he said annoyed.

You didn't bother but answered Yongguk's queston instead.

„Right now I have a part-time job as an ulzzang. I have an photoshoot today“ you answered.

„Wow, really? I'm an ulzzang, too. If you want I can give you tips for cute poses or y poses or-“

„Himchan-shi I'm a ulzzang for 3 years now. Thanks for your effort but I think I can handle it“ you smiled. „But if you want we could go shopping someday and you would help me with my outfit or make-up or whatever“

„I wouldn't do that,“ Youngjae remarked „In the end you would look like a clown or even would become like the female version of Himchan hyung it's hard enough to endure one Himchan but two...“ everyone laughed at his comment, well except for Himchan who was chasing his fellow member who ran away from his hyung.

„By the way, _________-ah you can call us oppa“ Yongguk  said and showed his gummy smile.

„Oh, okay then“ you also started to smile

Soon you reached the building all of you lived in.

„Thanks for accompanying me “ you smiled

„No problem, if you want we can do it everyday starting from tomorrow.“ Youngjae said

„But if you'll come late again, you have to grant us another wish.“ Himchan smirked.

*I don't like the way he smirks...* you suddenly thought

„Erm...“ was all you could bring out, before the four of them went upstairs.

„We'll see you tommorrow in school“ Daehyun waved.

You opened your apartment door as you heard steps coming downstairs. It was Daehyun again

„And we'll see you at your audition“ he smiled.

„Hmm...Yeah..“ you half-heartly said

„We'll root for you“ his smile grew bigger „FIGHTING!!“ with that he finally went into his dorm.

You chuckled at him but at the same time you were worried.

*Yeah you'll root for me, but what is if the performance is still not good enough?* you closed the door and went into the kitchen to get yourself a bottle of water.

*What is if I'm not good enough* you started to worry more about the audition.


"I think everyone thinks he or she is not good enough to become a trainee yet. But it's you choice to expose you talent or to wait a little longer to get even better" the words your singing teacher once said popped into your mind.



Author's note:

How is this chapter?

I'm sorry if there  is bad grammar sometimes >.< I hope you can forgive me T-T

I've made a poll so you can vote (the poll in Chapter 6)

I think I'll be more active now since next week the school ends and my sister is gone until the 4th July sooo....But I can't promise anything ._.

I love every single one of you ^-^



Btw.: Am I the only one sitting here and waiting for Block B to return? o.o

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midst_lhady22 #1
Cu~ute!! Himchan-nim is ssoo funny..but don't do it to me coz u won't see the light tomorrow ^^*..kekekke...

Please update soon!!
midst_lhady22 #3
waahh,,, nice story,,, i think they are stalking the girl..kekeke,,

waahh!! Daehyun-nim is my classmate :DDD im the luckiest person then//kekek..

please update soon dont worry your not alone I have 7 mock exams coming!!

p.s: new subscriber, new reader and commentator!! please take care of me and let's be friends :D
oh great !! we live in the same building !! yaaay ! xD keep updating ;)
ohhhh please update soon <3
I am looking forward to the next chapters ! Update soon.