Meeting The Rest of Block B

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Before entering the studio B-bomb placed an arm around your shoulder. “This is Angela. Her Korean name is Yejin. She’s my girlfriend.” He announced. You heard Yumi giggled and everyone’s head shot up. What did he say? I heard Yejin. That’s my Korean name. How did he know that? Oh right. Yumi. You looked at the floor and bit your lower lip. Aigoo, Always shy when meeting new people. Yumi smiled.


“Just kidding! Hahaha! She’s Jiho’s girl.” He removed his arm from your shoulder and sat on the couch. Yumi tapped your shoulder and whispered  “Greet them, you babo.” “Oh. Yeah, right.” You greeted all of the members one by one. “Annyeonghasaeyo Yookwon-ssi, Annyeonghasaeyo Kyung-ssi, Annyeonghasaeyo Taeil-ssi.” “Hahaha! I’m not Taeil. He is Taeil, I’m Jaehyo.” “Huh?” “He said he’s not Taeil, he’s Jaehyo.” Yumi told you. You mentally slapped yourself and apologized. “Mianhaeyo Jaehyo-ssi.” “Annyeonghasaeyo Taeil-ssi” He smiled at you. “Annyeonghasaeyo Jiho-ssi.” He was glued to the monitor with his headphones and he didn’t even look at you. Well, that’s rude. You thought and turned to P.O “Annyeonghasaeyo Jihoon-ssi. And, Annyeonghasaeyo Minhyuk oppa.” He smirked then looked at the other members.


U-Kwon stood and said. “Hey! Why does he gets to be called oppa?? Call me oppa too~” Then he was followed by the other members except Zico. You turned to Yumi for translations. “He said he wants to be called oppa too, as well as the others.” “Mianhaeyo Yookwon oppa.” You apologized. B-bomb suddenly spoke to all of the members. “And he’s explaining that you cannot understand Korean and the other things I told him on the way here, now U-Kwon is asking how did he know that and B-Bomb is still explaining. Haha! Cute~” She said to you. “What exactly did you tell him?” You asked  her. “The countries you grew up in and how many years you’ve stayed there.”


“So, it’s your first time here in Korea huh?” Kyung asked in English. “Yes.” You answered “Nice.” He said. There was a few seconds of silence then you asked. “Can I get my phone now?” “Oh yeah. Haha! Zico has been talking about you since yesterday. He keeps telling us how pretty you were, which is true. And-“ Before U-Kwon can blab more Jaehyo cupped U-Kwon’s mouth with his hand. “Zico’s there.” He pointed.


Zico was still infront of the monitor and he still had his headphones on. So you tapped his shoulder “Annyeonghasaeyo Jiho oppa. I mean Jiho-ssi. Mianhae.” You held out his phone. He didn’t greet back, he grabbed his phone from you and brought out your phone from one of his drawers then he continued what he was doing. “Kansamnida.” You thanked him and the others. “Bye now.” You headed for the door.

“Wait! Wait!” P.O blocked your way. “Phone.” He said and brought out his palm infront of him. “Your phone.” “Okay?” You gave your phone to him. He started pressing some buttons on your touch screen. Taeil peeked behind him “Hey! Me too!” He exclaimed. Is he playing a game? You asked yourself. He snatched it away from P.O and started pressing some buttons too and soon he passed it to every member. After they were down U-Kwon gave it to you with a smile on his face. “Nice meeting you!” He said “And I like your style. All hiphop!” He pinched your cheeks. “Bangapsumnida Block B.” You bowed. “Oppas!” They all shouted. “That’s Block B OPPAS for you.” Kyung reminded you. “Ah. Yes, Annyeong Block B Oppas.”





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strawberryfuzz #1
update soon :)
mynameisjojo #2
Her korean name is so cute~ Yejin.. :3 And why is Zico like that?? Such a snob >.<
milkymilk #3
Who's the guy he in the cafe? and the one he bumped into?
Update please~ :))