That's Zico

Who's Next?


“Wow.” Yumi exclaimed as you enter your apartment. This is grand.” She told you. “Yeah. Thanks.” You beamed. “How’d you find this place?” “Internet.” “How’d you pay for it?” She asked. “With the money that dad left me. As usual.” You replied. “Your dad sure left you a ton of money.” She sat down on the couch and the TV. You sat down at the bottom of the couch and started checking the phone for some information about the owner.


You were looking at the pictures when your eyes caught a glimpse of what Yumi was watching. Does my eyes deceive me? You looked at the phone again and to the televison and back at the phone. “Yumi! This guy is that guy!” You pointed your finger to the TV and to the phone. “Hey, that’s Zico.” She said. “So this is his?” You asked “Maybe that’s just a fan’s phone.” “A male fan? Really? His phone full of Zico’s pictures? Is he like gay?” You questioned her. “Yeah. That could happen.” “But, he’s the one I saw in the airport.” You protested.


She opened the inbox and read the messages. “Hey, that’s invasion of privacy.” You told her but she just ignored you. . “You might be right, This message is from Kyung and then this one is from Jaehyo. His group members.” She dialed Kyung’s number and waited for him to pick up. After a few tries and no answer, she gave up. “Let me translate this for you: ChoPD hyung is looking for you. He said come to the studio when you’re back.” She understood Hangul very well. “You may be Japanese but you’re Korean at heart.” You complimented her. “I know.” She said proudly. “Since you’re here, you need to understand this too. I’ll teach you.” She added.


“Yobosaeyo?” Yumi said after Kyung picked up. “Annyeonghasaeyo. Nae, My friend picked up Zico’s phone. She said she bumped him and she wanted to return this.” She’s so fluent in Korean. That’s Yumi!~ You thought while listening to her talk. After she hung up, she turned to you and squealed. “You’ll be meeting Zico oppa tomorrow!!~ Kyaa~ you’re so lucky!” “Yeah and you’ll be coming with me. I need my translator.” You pouted.


Block B’s P.O.V.


“I texted you so many times already, I even called you. Why weren’t you answering?” Kyung asked Zico when he met him by the entrance of the building. “You talk like you’re my wife.” Zico smirked. “It’s because you’re the only one who’s not yet there.” “Okay. Okay. I’ll text him and say that I’m here now.” Zico pulled out his phone and searched for ChoPD’s number, He noticed that the contacts where different. “New casing again?” Kyung asked. “Zico checked the back and saw that it was different. “Must be the girl’s phone.” He muttered.


“This isn’t your phone right?” U-Kwon asked Zico. “Yeah. It’s just the same model.” He replied. U-Kwon began scanning the pictures. “She’s cute.” He smiled. “And she likes hiphop too. Look at her songs: Lil’ Wayne, Drake, Busta Rhyme, Eminem..” Jaehyo added. “She likes Hiphop and Hello Kitty? Sounds like Zico hyung to me.” P.O said. Just then Kyung’s phone rang. “Yobosaeyo?” We all looked at him. “Nae, Annyeong. Oh sure, you can come here tomorrow at 3pm, Is that okay? Yeah, I’ll just text you the directions. Sure bye.” He looked at Zico and said. “Seems like you’re meeting your Juliet tomorrow.” 

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strawberryfuzz #1
update soon :)
mynameisjojo #2
Her korean name is so cute~ Yejin.. :3 And why is Zico like that?? Such a snob >.<
milkymilk #3
Who's the guy he in the cafe? and the one he bumped into?
Update please~ :))