Irritated Yunho vs. Siwon : a basketball match (Part 1)


"Who's YunJae?" He said calmly to Yoochun.


"Jung Yunho and Kim Jaejoong equals love. They're shipping you as a couple." Yunho placed his hand on top of Jaejoong's shoulder and approached Yoochun.


"What? Me? Who's Jaejoong? Where's Jaejoong?" Jaejoong froze. So that means Jung Yunho is...

He looked at Yunho as he replied from his question to Yoochun, "Me."


Yunho was stoned. Oh my god.. So the person he's Kim Jaejoong.. What hell's the meaning of YunJae.


"What? How did they create this?" Yunho asked with his face disgusted. "I don't know..." Yoochun shrugged. Yunho passed through the crowd and saw the pictures that were taken. He then saw a picture of Jaejoong and him kissing. Obviously it was damn edited.


"What the is this? Who put this here?" He shouted. The crowd became silent. No one wants to get punched by Jung Yunho.. That's why nobody else speaks.


"Alright.. If nobody wants to claim... Then i will rip these of.. I never wanted to see any of these again.. And if i caught you.. Whoever you are.. You'd better take the consequence.." Yunho ripped it off.


Their ruining his dignity. He doesn't want to be known as JUNG GAY YUNHO. No.. He cannot accept it. He walked out leaving Jaejoong dumbfounded with his friends.


"Let's go.." Jaejoong said an felt bad too but why does his heart ache..


After the incident, the class resumed again and it was Physical Education. Unknowingly the teachers of Jaejoong and Yunho decided to have a basketball competition to grade each student.


"Listen up everyone.. Today we will be having a basketball match against the section 2-A. Our goal is to win.. And at the same. time the players will be graded, with their proper execution. Names will be called today.. Stand up as each of you will be called.. And if your name isn't called, the rest will be playing tomorrow. Please listen attentively.." (Note: Chun, Changmin, Siwon are Jae's classmates) Jaejoong was hoping he wouldn't get picked. The teacher pulled out her attendance sheet to check all of the names..


"Kim Jaejoong." Just great.. The more Jaejoong dislikes his name to be called the more his name is destined to be called. Jaejoong pouted. Siwon looked at Jaejoong to see his worried face. Jaejoong later on noticed that Siwon was looking at him, "I'm here. I'm going to support you." He mouthed. Jaejoong took at deep breath and his lips formed a forced smile.


"Choi Siwon." He stood up and smiled at Jaejoong.


'At least Siwon's here.' Jaejoong thought.


"Shim..Changmin." Changmin groaned. "Wae? Teacher? Why me?"


Hyori their teacher glared at him, "you want to get zero?" She threatened. Changmin shook his head right away.


"Good. Then don't complain.." Changmin was thinking FOOD. ALL ABOUT FOOD.. He keeps on typing it on youtube.. But what comes out on his current search was All about dbsk, yunjae couple talks and how he was similar to a dbsk member who is also a food lover.


So anyways.. "Jaebum, Ji Yong, Taemin and.."ll be playing today. Araseo? The players proceed to the school gym.. The rest of you will be serving as the audience." Hyori said.


After announcing whom they are supposed to guard for the game and As soon as Siwon, Jaejoong, Changmin, Jaebum, Taemin, Seungri and Ji yong were in their basketball attire and arrived at the school gym they have seen the players who they are about to face.


"Aish.. Seunghyun is our opponent.. He's too tall. My height can't bare it." Ji Yong sighed. He's right.. They were tall.. And.. Jaejoong gripped on Siwon's jersey.


"Omo.. Siwon ah.. What should i do.. I don't know how to play or even shoot.." His knees were shaky.


"Oh come on.. I"ll be here as promised. I will look after you." Siwon managed to calm Jaejoong a little bit. "Gather up everyone..." The teachers of both section said. A girl squealed again..


"AHHH! OMO.. YUNHO and JAEJOONG are PLAYING ON DIFFERENT TEAMS!" Jaejoong's eyes opened wide. He wasn't paying attention to his other opponents name.. He only focused on Jonghyun's name. The person whom he was supposed to guard.


People started to chant "YunJae this and that.." And another thing disturbing is that someone screamed,"YUNHO MAKE BABIES WITH JAEJOONG." Yunho screamed, "Yah! Stop it!" He was irritated.


"Silence!" Mr. Lee HyukJae said. A Physical Education teacher from Yunho's class. "Please shake hands." He said to the players. Yunho didn't want to shake hands with the other team as a sign of goodluck or something.


Thing is.. He was irritated with Jaejoong. Right. He blames him. To him It's all Jaejoong's fault. How this gay started.


alright..then i'm going to beat him.. Weakling..


Yunho thought. When the whistle was blown..


Yunho was about to guard Jaejoong but failed when Siwon blocked him.


"Sorry but I'm not going to let you get near him.. You have to pass through me ." He smiled.


Yunho gave him a pissed look, "Gay. I don't care about that Kim Jaejoong anyway."


Siwon replied, "Call me gay.. I don't care. Just don't say it to Jaejoong or my fist will go straightly to your face."


Yunho was so pissed, "I said i don't care about your boyfriend." Seunghyun throwed the ball to Yunho and caught it. He was dribbling the ball while his back was facing Siwon.


Siwon was extending his arms sideways so Yunho wouldn't pass through. When Siwon had the chance, he immediately stole the ball and made a 3pt shot. "That's good Siwon!" Jaejoong hugged him.


"Yunho focus." Tae Yang spoke in english. Yunho nodded and glared at Siwon as if he was burning holes in his eyes.


"Alright. Position.. Choi Siwon.. You're graded." Hyori yelled from his seat. They got back to their original position, "So if you don't care about my boyfriend then don't you even dare touch him.." Yunho was angrier.


alright then.. I'm going to trip you.. Just wait Choi ing Siwon. he thought.

Alrighty.. What's gonna happen next!? :o what will happen to Siwon? How about Jaejoong? Will Yunho be able to continue his plan? What's going on between Yunho's cousin and Yoochun? Please for the next chapter! I have full surprises for you guys. Thanks for reading! I love you all.

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proudtobe-ELFandCass #1
I want SiChul :))))))))))))))) Siwon without Heechul is not a compelete siwon.... :D any way..... OMG could you talk to Jae like that(thinking about him i meant) and good job siwon for guarding our little angel. Update soon
Sorry :( just used my phone for this one. Don't worry i will fix all my fics. Later on
I think you should put your fic into's kinda hard for me to read it *headache* @ @''...and maybe you want to separate the dialogue from the actual paragraph that would be nicer to read...cause i really had the difficulties to read your fic...
I would be glad if you could do it in such way...still thank you for your fic...I love it. Sorry if my comment kinda hurt you...*bow*
update soon..!!
Love it!!! Update soon!!!
Hwaiting! :D
really love it just by reading the foreword
you have a great introduction here...^ ^
please be motivated to write more
I love it!!!
Update soon!!