
Teenage Love Affair


                “Why not?”

                Key gave Nichkun a blank stare. He really didn’t see why Nichkun wanted to visit his apartment so badly. There was nothing special about it; two bedrooms, a diner connected to a small kitchen and a comfortable living room. Really, it wasn’t a big deal.

                “Why do you need to see where I live so badly?”

                “We’ve been friends for two months and you’ve never invited me over. I’ve heard that you let Taemin spend the weekends,” Nichkun said, a small pout on his lips.

                Key sighed, running a hand through his hair; he let his gaze fall on the school courtyard. It was surprisingly empty for a Friday morning; then again his mom had dropped him off 40 minutes earlier.

                He sat down next to Nichkun, spreading his legs out and crossing his arms. “Taemin is special.”

                Nichkun scoffed. “And I’m not? I thought I was the first person you gave your cellphone number to.”

                “Yeah but,” Key paused; he bit his bottom lip, cursing the heavens for giving him such persistent people as friends. “It’s different. Taemin is innocent, you on the other hand…”

                “Fine then,” Nichkun said. He crossed his arms and gave Key a small pout.

                Key gave him a glare in return. He could be such a child sometimes and he was two years older than Key, two.

                “What would you do at my apartment anyways?”

                “Well,” Nichkun started. “We could play videogames, watch movies, dance, sing, play videogames, eat, talk, prank call random people, eat. The possibilities are endless.”

                “You said play videogames and eat twice. I hate videogames and I think eating whatever you eat would give me a heart attack. “

                Nichkun let out an exasperated sigh and fell back on the grass. “You’re no fun. How did your old friends stand you?”

                “I didn’t have friends,” Key mumbled, pulling out blades of grass from the ground. “I’ve never had friends before high school.”

                Nichkun sat up, confusion on his face. He looked at Key’s blushing face. “Stop lying.”

                “Why would I lie about that?”

                Nichkun smiled. “See, now you have to let me come over this weekend.

                “No I don’t.”

                Nichkun laughed. “Yes you do. I’m going to give you all the experiences you missed out on.”

                Key felt a strange warmth in his chest. Here he was, denying Nichkun a simple wish, and he was still tolerating Key, he even wanted to give Key experiences; whatever that meant.

                Having friends gave him too many confusing feelings.

                “No,” Key said. He crossed his arms and sent Nichkun a small glare.

                He might sound cruel but Key was nervous. He was still new to the whole concept of having friends. Inviting Taemin over to his house had taken hours of internal monologues on why it was a bad idea and even more hours spent on cleaning the whole apartment; he was after all, a very meticulous guy. His mind had created scenarios where Taemin would quit being his friend because of how dirty his place was or because he discovered that Key’s bedroom walls were pink instead of some other more, manly color.

                When a nervous Taemin arrived at his door, Key almost had an aneurism. He introduced him to his mom, which turned out to be an embarrassing experience for Key. She gushed non-stop about how adorable Taemin was until they were both safely in his room. Key had given him a sheepish smile to which Taemin only laughed at and said it was fine and that he liked his mom.

                Both boys had sat on Key’s bed for a few uncomfortable minutes before Taemin started talking about how pink Key’s room was. Taemin started rambling on about the weirdest things; his eyes blinking at an impressive rate. He stopped talking when he saw Key’s nervous face.

                “Sorry. I talk when I’m nervous.”

                Key relaxed after that. He confessed his own nervousness to Taemin and shortly after both boys started telling each other stories about times they were publicly humiliated or so nervous that they had scared people away.

                That night Key decided that Taemin was the most adorable human being in the whole world. As an afterthought he decided that the next time he had a friend over, he wouldn’t freak out as bad.

                Of course, Key completely forgot about the latter.

                “You are so weird,” Nichkun said, poking Key’s cheek. “One minute you’re all sweet and shy and the next your acting like a complete…diva.”

                Key scoffed. He slapped Nichkun’s hand. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”     

                “Oh I think you do. In fact-“


                Both boys switched their gazes to a tired looking Jonghyun.

                Key waved and smiled as Jonghyun got closer.

                “I’ve gotta go find Taecyeon,” Nichkun grumbled. “See you later Kibummie.”

                Key blushed at the nickname Nichkun had given him. “S-stop calling me that and I’ll see you later.”

                Nichkun laughed. He gave Key once last wave and started jogging towards the school’s entrance.

                “Hey Jjong,” He said with a smile. Out of his two most childish friends, Jonghyun was his favorite, mainly because he wasn’t as pushy. “Get enough sleep?”

                Jonghyun sighed and fell back on the grass. “I spent all night working on Geometry. It blows.”

                “Why didn’t you call me? Minho did.”

                “I didn’t want to bother you,” Jonghyun mumbled.

                “That’s sweet but you really should’ve. It would’ve given me an excuse to stop talking to Minho. His comprehension skills are horrible.”

                Jonghyun laughed. “I knew I was the smarter one.”       

                “I didn’t say that,” Key said with a snicker.

                Jonghyun sat up. He gave Key a small glare. “Yah! I’m smarter than Minho!”

                “If you say so,” Key said with a shrug. He threw him a small smile before turning back to the courtyard, eye’s searching for Taemin. “What time does Taemin get here?”

                “I dunno, like 20 or 30 minutes before the bell. He rides the city bus. You would know if you got here early, like today.”

                Key scoffed. “I need my beauty sleep. The only reason I’m early is because my mom had to go to work early.”

                “Yeah, yeah,” Jonghyun said, waving his hand at Key.

                The two boys sat in comfortable silence, one’s mind on the weekend, the other on Taemin.

                Key’s eyes brightened when they caught sight of the city bus stopping across the street. He eagerly looked for the bright red hair he had come to adore. He finally spotted Taemin after the bus drove away; a small frown was present on the younger boy’s lips.

                Key watched as Taemin practically dragged himself across the street, a dark cloud following his every step. He stopped in front of the student sidewalk.

                Key continued watching in curiosity. This was new to him.

                Taemin shook his head, stood up straight, and started walking forward; this time with a small on his face.

                Key watched as the small boy sat down on one of the benches, head turning from side to side, obviously looking for someone. Curiosity filled his head. He would definitely talk to Taemin later this weekend.

                “Yah,” Key said, poking Jonghyun’s side. “Who is Taemin looking for?”

                Jonghyun trained his gaze on Taemin. “Me. We sit there every morning, waiting for the rest of you.” He said standing up. He brushed away the small particles of dirt that had clung to his pants and offered his hand to Key.

                Key took the offered hand and stood up.

                “Your skin is so smooth,” Jonghyun said, running his hand over Key’s arm. “Like a baby’s .”

                Key pulled his arm back and hissed. “Yah! How would you know what a baby’s feels like?”

                “I don’t,” He said with a smile. “But that’s what everyone says in movies.”

                Key turned around and started walking towards Taemin. “I swear Kim Jonghyun…and you think you’re smarter than Minho.”

                “What was that?” Jonghyun asked, catching up to him.

                “Nothing,” He mumbled, smiling when Taemin saw him approaching. “Hey Taemin!”

                “Key! You’re here early.”

                Key nodded and sat beside him, marveling at the bright smile on the younger boys face, how he had looked so depressed before, Key didn’t know.

                “My mom dropped me off earlier than usual,” He said with a pout. “I didn’t get enough sleep.”

                “Well I can’t tell,” Taemin said smiling. “You look bright just like every other morning.”  

                Key smiled. “You’re too good to me Taeminie.”

                “You know that I still exist right?” A frowning Jonghyun asked.

                Both boys turned to Jonghyun, one looking apologetic the other indifferent.

                “Hey Jonghyun,” Taemin said with a smile. “Did you listen to the group I told you about?”

                Key zoned out as soon as Jonghyun answered. It’s not that they were annoying him it was just that he didn’t know what to say.

                Taemin was way better at being a friend than Key was. He was much more outgoing. He also had a special charm to him that people couldn’t help but love.

                Key envied that. He pretended to listen to their insightful conversation about some rookie group that had ‘tight rapping’, his mind wandering to his weekend plans.

                He planned to have Taemin over and question him about why he looked so down this morning, that’s what friends did; or at least that’s what they did in the movies he’s watched.

                 His mom had promised to take him shopping this weekend since she didn’t get him anything for his birthday last month. He planned on shopping all day, new clothes never hurt anyone.


                Key smiled. “Hey Amber.”

                Amber smiled. “You’re here early.”

                “Yeah, my mom dropped me off earlier.”

                “Well,” She started, forcing her way between Key and Jonghyun. “it’s nice seeing you here early instead of just rushing through the courtyard in the mornings.”

                Key frowned. “That was only once.”

                “Hey! Taemin and I were having a conversation you know.”

                Amber turned to Jonghyun and stuck her tongue out, earning a small giggle from Taemin.

                “It’s okay. We can talk about it in homeroom. Minho was supposed to watch it too so we should wait for him.”

                Jonghyun crossed his arms. “Fine. This is your fault Amber.”

                “Oh shut it Dino.”

                “I’m not a Dino!”

                Key rolled his eyes and turned to Taemin. “Want to come over this weekend?”

                “Sure,” Taemin said, a wide smile on his face.

                Moments later Minho walked up, joining the group. The sun shone bright as the five continued talking on the bench.  A small gust of wind ran through the courtyard, scattering a few papers and messing up people’s hair. The group laughed at Key’s now disheveled hair, earning a scowl from the latter. They continued to joke until the bell rang.

                They all stood, smiling at each other because the moment was just so serene. They’ve known each other for two months and they were happy, content. It almost looked like a scene out of a cliché movie. The five walked to class; Key and Jonghyun bickering the whole way while the rest watched in amusement. Nichkun and Taecyeon join them as they made their way up the stairs; enticing an argument between Key, Nichkun and Jonghyun on which entertainment company was the best.

                Faraway in the middle of nowhere, Destiny smirked. She had finally found the perfect pawns for her cruel game of Love and Fate.



                “It’s okay mom. No. It’s fine mom. Mom. Don’t worry, I’ll take the bus home.”

                Key closed his locker door, jumping when Nichkun’s smiling face met his. “Yes mom. No, I just got out of English. Uh-huh. Yes, I’ll be safe.”

                He glared at the look of triumph on Nichkun’s face.

                “Yeah, I’ll see you tonight. Bye.”

                Nichkun clapped his hands together. “Perfect! I have a car and you need a ride.”

                “No,” Key said, spinning around and making his way to the stairs. “I’m going to ride the bus with Taemin.”

                “He can ride with us,” Nichkun said, running up next to Key. “I’ll buy you a Caramel Macchiato; you’re always talking about how you love those things.” He smiled and put his arm around Key’s shoulder, pulling him closer.

                Key glared, the contact making him blush. “Why are you so tall…and no. I don’t accept bribes.”

                Nichkun pouted. “Come on Key. It’s no biggy.”

                “To you,” Key mumbled.

                The pair walked down the crowded stairs, arguing about who was right and who wasn’t.  Key was still nervous. He told himself not to worry about inviting friends over but he couldn’t help it.

                Key didn’t know if Nichkun would be as accepting about the pink wallpaper as Taemin was.

                The two continued down the hallway and out the entrance, Key not paying attention to Nichkun’s constant begging.

                He caught sight of red hair. “Taemin!” He waved with the hand that wasn’t trapped by Nichkun’s arm.

                The small boy turned around and smiled. “Hi Key. Hi Nichkun.”

                “Sup,” The tall boy said. “I’m giving Key a ride home and he said I should take you home too.”

                Key glared. “What!? No I didn’t. Don’t listen to him he’s being an .”

                Both boys turn to Key.

                “Language,” Minho said, appearing next to Key with Jonghyun and Amber in tow.

                Key crossed his arms. “Well it’s true.”

                Jonghyun looked at the arm around Key’s shoulder and sneered. No one besides Taemin caught it.

                “Let’s go,” Nichkun said. His hold on Key tightened as he started walking towards the student parking lot.

                “Yah! Let go,” Key said. He used his free hand to pinch Nichkun’s side. “This is kidnapping.”

                Nichkun stopped walking. He turned around. “Come on Taemin.”

                The small boy smiled and waved to his friends. He made his way to a smiling Nichkun and a fuming Key. “Thanks for taking us home.”             

                Key sighed. He knew he couldn’t do anything about it now.

                Nichkun knew he won. He smirked and lightened his hold on Key.

                “Don’t thank him,” Key started. “I bet you he’s a reckless driver. If I remember correctly you hurt your ankle the first day of school. That should tell you something.”

                Nichkun smiled. “I like having fun.”

                Key and Taemin exchanged a look. The latter suddenly regretting his choice.

                They walked up to an expensive looking SUV. Nichkun smirked when he saw both boys gaping at his car. “Cool huh.”

                Key crossed his arms. “I’ve seen better.”             

                Nichkun’s face dropped, making Taemin giggle.

                “Yo Nichkun. Where you going? I thought we were supposed to catch a movie.”

                Three heads turned to look at Taecyeon.

                “I’m going to drop of Key and Taemin first,” Nichkun said, unlocking on the doors to his car. “I’ll call you.”

                Disappointment washed over Taecyeon’s face, causing Key to frown slightly.

                “Sorry,” Key said, giving the taller male an apologetic look.

                Taecyeon waved him off. “It’s fine. That idiot can be persistent can’t he?”

                Key smirked. “You said it.”

                They waved each other goodbye.

                Key sighed when he closed the door. “Taemin is getting off with me. My mom will take him home later.”

                Nichkun feigned hurt. “You don’t trust my driving?” He started the car, letting go of the brake he smiled at Key and started forward. He cursed and hit the brake when he almost ran into a car that was passing by.

                Key glared. “No.”



                Key and Taemin both collapsed on the couch once they got to his apartment.


                “Yeah?” The smaller boy responded.

                “We will never get a ride from Nichkun again.”

                Taemin nodded. “Agreed.”

                “My driving wasn’t that bad,” Nichkun shouted, rummaging through Key’s fridge. He smiled when he found a carton of orange juice. “Perfect.”

                “Yah! Get out of my kitchen! Aren’t you supposed to be leaving to watch a movie with Taecyeon or something?”

                Nichkun smiled at Key’s flushed face. “I’d rather stay here for a little while.” He flopped down next to Key and grabbed the remote that was sitting on the small coffee table. He put the carton of orange juice to his lips and drank.

                Key glared. He opened his mouth to start yelling but was interrupted by the ringing of his doorbell.

                Key and Taemin exchanged glances. The former got up and started towards the door with caution. They never had visitors. His mom had keys and they hadn’t ordered anything to eat.

                He looked through the small peep hole and was immediately greeted with the sight of blonde tipped hair.

                Key cursed. He opened the door and glared at the three newcomers.

                “What are you three doing here? How did you find out where I lived?”

                Minho raised his phone. “Taemin gave me your address.”

                Jonghyun smiled and walked pass Key. “Nice place. It’s big.”

                Key pouted. “Come in why don’t you.”

                Key walked back towards the living room, dragging his socks on the carpet. He flopped down next to Nichkun and crossed his arms.

                Nichkun turned to stare at the newcomers who were still admiring Key’s apartment. He knew why, he himself was surprised at the size. Everything looked so clean and new. His eye’s landed on the shortest member of the group.

                Jonghyun caught Nichkun’s gaze and glared. The latter returned the look, mutual dislike floating in the air.

                No one caught on, except Taemin.

                Taemin coughed. “Key.”

                Said boy turned to the smaller boy, pout still on his lips. “Sorry. I know you’re uncomfortable with it.”   

                Key sighed. How could he stay mad when Taemin looked so guilty? “It’s fine Taeminie. It’s just-“

                “I’m going,” Nichkun mumbled. He placed the carton on the coffee table and stood up. “See you later Kibummie.”

                Key gave him a confused look. Just minutes ago he said he wanted to stay. “See you later.”

                Nichkun waved Taemin goodbye before nodding at the other three. He walked past them, noticing the look Jonghyun gave him.

                Nichkun smirked, the smaller boy’s envy giving him an ego boost.

He was reaching for the door handle when it opened by itself.

                “Kibum, help me with these bags.”

                He was greeted by the sight of a woman with soft brown hair and pale skin. She had the same feline eyes as Key but hers were sharpened by the mascara and eyeliner, it made her seem intimidating in Nichkun’s mind. He smiled sheepishly when he saw that both her arms were full of bags.

                “You’re not Kibum,” She said, staring up at the taller boy.

                Nichkun smiled. “No ma’am. I’m Key-Kibum’s friend. Here let me help you.” He took the half of the bags and started back into the apartment.

                Key walked by him to help with the rest of the bags. “Hi mom.”

                She gave Key a questioning look when she noticed the rest of the people spread out in the living room.               

                They set the groceries down on the counter. Nichkun turned around and stood next to Key.

                Key grinned sheepishly. “Um, this is Nichkun. He gave me a ride home. Uh, the ones in the living room are my friends.”

                Key’s mother smiled. “I never thought I’d see the day when you invited your friends over.”

                Key blushed. “Mom…”

                She ignored him and walked out of the kitchen, heading straight towards the living room.

                Key put his face in his hands and sighed. Nichkun laughed. “I like your mom.”

                “Shut up,” He said with a halfhearted glare. “This is going to be so embar-“

                Key cringed when he heard his mother’s greeting from the living room.

                “Hello! I’m Woori, Key’s mother.”

                He groaned.

                Nichkun laughed and put his arm around Key’s shoulder. He walked out of the kitchen, directing him towards the living room.

                “Hello Ms. Kim. I’m Jonghyun.”

                “Oh please,” She said with a wave. “Call me Woori.”

                Jonghyun smiled and nodded sheepishly.

                “Oh you are just so cute,” She squealed. “and I thought Taemin was adorable.”

                “Mom!” Key said; his blush spreading to his neck.

                Nichkun laughed. “I’m leaving. See you later Key.”

                Key nodded, his blush still intact. “That’s Minho and that’s Amber. You’ve already met Taemin, now come on, let’s start on dinner.” He grabbed his mother’s hand and pulled her back to the kitchen.

                “Mom,” He hissed. “That was embarrassing.”

                “Oh hush,” She said, turning his back to him. “It’s nice seeing that you have friends.”

                Key blushed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

                “Well you’re always so lonely,” She turned back to him and smiled. “I’m just happy that you’re not lonely anymore.”         

                Key blushed, something he seemed to be doing a lot of for the past two months. He knew his mother was right. Key always had been lonely.

                It had never bothered him that much. He had goals and friends weren’t included in them.

                Taemin and Amber walked into the kitchen, both smiling at Key’s mother.

                “We want to help with a dinner,” Amber said. “If that’s okay with you.”

                Woori smiled. “Of course it is.”

                The three started working, completely forgetting about Key.

                Key walked out of the kitchen and stared at the two boys in the living room. They were arguing about what to watch.

                Key turned back to the kitchen. His mother and Taemin were putting away the groceries while Amber started chopping lettuce.

                He sighed.

                He made his way to the couch and flopped next to Jonghyun.

                “Key, tell Minho that we should watch soccer instead of basketball.”

                Key rolled his eyes and took the control away from Jonghyun. He switched it to a movie channel and glared at the other two boys. “We’re watching a movie.”

                Minho crossed his arms. “Fine.”

                “I like movies,” Jonghyun said.

                Key propped his feet on top of the coffee table, Jonghyun did the same. He scooted closer to Key until their shoulders touched.

                Key felt the same warmth he felt with Nichkun run through his chest.

                Having friends gave him the weirdest of feelings and as Key turned to look at the small smile on Jonghyun’s face he knew that he couldn’t go back to the way he was before.

                Key needed friends and it scared him.



                The doorbell rang throughout Key’s apartment.

                Key looked at Taemin with a raised eyebrow.

                “Last week was the only time I ever gave someone your address,” He said with raised arms.

                Key sighed and lazily stood up from the couch. It was Saturday, his mom wasn’t home and all he wanted to do was stay in his pajamas and talk to Taemin about nothing for the rest of the day.

                He opened the door and glared. “Nichkun?”

                Said boy smiled. “Hey to you too Sunshine.”

                Key scowled and crossed his arms. “What do you want?”

                “Well I heard it was your birthday so I decided to take you out today.”

                Key glared. “You have the right day but the wrong month. Who even told you?”

                “Oh...Taecyeon told me, he's a student helper in the office That idiot.”

                Key sighed. This boy was going to be the death of him.

                He smiled at Nichkun. “Well I appreciate the offer but no thank you.”

                Nichkun took his phone out and quickly snapped a picture of Key.

                “Now you have to go,” He said with a smile.

                “Yah!” Key said, lunging at Nichkun. “Give me that.”

                Nichkun smiled and raised the phone. “Jump.”

                “You unnatural tall person,” He hissed. “Well I don’t care. I’m still not going.”

                Nichkun smiled. “Okay then, I’ll just have to send this picture of you in your pink bunny pajamas to the whole school.”

                Key paled. “You wouldn’t dare.”

                Nichkun smirked.

                Key let out a small scream and went back into his apartment. “I’m going to change clothes!”

                Five minutes later Key walked out, fully dressed to go out.

                Nichkun smiled at him and gave Taemin one last wave before pulling Key out the door.

                “I’ll be back soon Taeminie!” Key yelled as he closed the door.

                Nichkun grabbed Key’s wrist and smiled. “Let’s go!”



                Key trained his eyes on the giant screen, he had no idea what he was watching, his mind only on the warmth in his right hand.

                He knew that this wasn’t what friends did; he knew it might mean something else. He internally shook his head, his gaze still on the screen.

                He looked back and wondered how he had gotten in this situation; he frowned remembering the simple question he had asked earlier that day.

                “Where are we going?”

                Nichkun smiled. “Well first we’re going to eat lunch at this small place I know. Then we’re going to the zoo and after we’ll end the night with a movie.”

                Key giggled at Nichkun. “You are such a child.”

                Nichkun scoffed. “Say’s the one who just turned fifteen.”

                Key glared. “If I’m so young why do you insist on hanging out with me?”

                Nichkun looked at him before looking back towards the road. “’Cause I like you. You’re fun to be around, even when you go into your diva mode.”

                Key blushed. “Whatever.” He turned the radio on, not wanting to talk because he knew he would embarrass himself if he did.

                They stayed silent the rest of the way, Key watching the city go by and Nichkun tapping his fingers to the music that Key had put on.

                “Here we are,” Nichkun said, stepping out of the car. “Olive Garden.”

                Key beamed at the sight of the Italian restaurant. “You said a small place.”

                Nichkun smiled. “I lied.”

                “Well I like Italian food too much to be mad,” Key said, walking ahead of Nichkun with a new bounce in his step.

                They walked into the crowded restaurant and were greeted by a female waitress who seemed to enjoy the sight of Nichkun too much. She led them to a booth near the front, once settled she turned to Nichkun.

                “What would you like to drink?”

                “Coke,” He replied with a wink.

                She blushed and turned to Key; her interest lessened but didn’t fade.


                “I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

                She walked away, her hips swaying a bit too much.

                Key smirked and turned towards Nichkun. “She likes you.”

                “Too bad I’m not interested,” He replied, looking down at his menu.

                Key glared. “Then what was that wink for? Leading people on is rude you know.”

                “It was to make you jealous,” Nichkun said, not looking up from his menu.

                Key looked at Nichkun, mouth gaping. He shook his head and willed the blush away from his face.

                He definitely knew that wasn’t what friends did.

                He looked down at his menu and scowled. He looked for the most expensive thing he could find, wanting to get back at Nichkun for making him feel uncomfortable.

                The rest of the lunch was spent in an uncomfortable silence. Key constantly stabbed his food and ignored Nichkun’s attempts at a conversation. Once they were out of the restaurant and heading towards the zoo, Key decided to let up his silent treatment.

                “Why are we going to a zoo?”

                Nichkun smiled, happy to have a talking Key again. “Because zoos are fun. You had no childhood if you never went to a zoo.”

                “I never went to a zoo.”

                “That explains a lot of things,” He said with a laugh.

                Key rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on his lips, he might be childish but Nichkun wasn’t all bad.

                Key was nervous. This was his first time going out with someone else beside his mother. Truth be told, he’d rather be back in his apartment, watching scary movies with Taemin. He smiled knowing that they would both be too scared to even use the bathroom.

                Once they got to the zoo Key forgot about everything, the reason being Nichkun’s childlike innocence.

                They would stop to look at some exotic animal and the excitement in Nichkun’s eyes would glow bright. He didn’t care that people scowled or gave him weird looks, he was happy and that’s all that mattered.

                Key soon found himself smiling alongside Nichkun. He couldn’t help it.

                Soon both boys were laughing and smiling at every single thing that they saw. They especially laughed when they walked past a painting of a frog. Nichkun pointed out the fact that it looked like Minho, causing Key to burst out laughing.

                They made faces at the animals, imitated the penguin’s walk and taunted the tigers from behind the glass barrier.

                The sun started to set, reminding Nichkun that he still needed to take Key to the movies.

                He threw his arm around Key’s shoulder and smiled. “Do you like scary movies?”

                Key shook his head. “No, but I love being scared. The adrenaline rush I get is nice.”

                “Weirdo,” Nichkun said, laughing at Key’s supposedly mad face.

                Key couldn’t help the big smile that was plastered on his face. He actually had fun. After years of not going out he finally did and he didn’t regret it. He sneaked a peak at Nichkun; he would have to thank him one day.

                The car ride to the cinema was quiet; a comfortable silence that both boys enjoyed. Key would occasionally catch Nichkun staring at him; he would smile and tell him to keep his eyes on the road.

                Once they got to the cinema, Key was starting to get sleepy. He was glad that he wouldn’t have to stand for the next few hours, walking around all day had taken its toll.

                In the end they decided for a scary movie, something that Key had mixed feelings about. They chose to sit in the back, thanking the heavens that the theatre wasn’t too crowded.

                It happened halfway through the movie.

                The regular cliché part about the blonde running came on, Key always hated those parts. The killer would always pop out at an unexpected time and it would scare Key half to death.

                True to its word the killer popped out at a random moment making Key jump and let out a small shriek.

                Nichkun laughed and took Key’s right hand in his.

                It took Key a few seconds to figure out what was happening. He looked at his small hand intertwined with Nichkun’s larger one. He looked at his face; it was fixated on the screen.

                Key gulped and turned back to the screen, no longer seeing the movie, his thoughts too jumbled up to actually care.

                That’s how he had gotten in this situation.

                He shook his head and let out a small sigh.

                He had never held hands with anyone. Whenever he thought about holding hands with someone he never thought about a guy. He imagined he would hold hands with a girl with soft skin and a cool touch.

                This was the opposite. Nichkun’s hands were rough and strong, the warmth that radiated from it had spread throughout Key’s body, and it clouded his mind.

                It was also sweaty.

                His first time holding hands with anyone was warm, rough, and sweaty…and it was with a guy.

                And Key didn’t mind.

                Once the movie finished both boys stood up and walked back to the car in silence.

                The ride home was tense. Key didn’t know if he should be mad or happy; the only thing he knew was that he was confused, confused and frustrated to the point of tears.

                Riding the elevator up to his apartment was uncomfortable; neither boy looked at each other.

                Key stood outside of his door and turned to Nichkun. He still had manners after all. “Thanks for today Nicky. It was really fun.”

                Something clicked in Nichkun’s eyes. “Yeah, it was.”

                Key was about to turn around but stopped when he felt Nichkun’s strong arms embrace him.

                He tensed. The warmth that was running through him was making him dizzy.

                He raised his arms and quickly returned the hug.

                Key pulled back and smiled. “I’ll see you Monday.”

                He opened his door, waved, and closed it, not waiting for Nichkun to respond. Nichkun liked skinship and that was that. Nothing was going to convince Key otherwise.

                The scream that he almost released got caught up in his throat. He made his way to the couch where he found a sleeping Taemin.

                He frowned and shook the smaller boy. He felt bad. He had forgotten to ask Taemin why he had look so depressed last week.

                Taemin opened his eyes. “Key?”

                “Taeminie,”Key whimpered. “I need help.”

                The small boy sat up, frowning at the sight of his frustrated friend.

                “Taeminie, people , friends , he .”

                Taemin raised one of his eyebrows. “What happened?”

                Key put his face in his hands.

                “I think I’m gay.”



WHAT? O_O First up I'M REALLY SORRY! I missed Monday's update and it made me feel so guilty. Please forgive me!

Second: Oh snap! You're probably like "WHAT? Helll NAW! It's chapter 4 and Key's going to throw himself at Nichkun!? I THOUGHT THIS WAS JONGKEY!" Do not fear my fans! It may seem rushed but it is not! I love teasing people and you won't know what's going on until the next chapter! 

I saw Wrath of the Titans last week and well...the plot was okay-ish but the graphics were AMAZING! I'm going to watch Titanic either tonight or tomorrow and I just know it's going to be a sob fest. 

@abbeh11 Ahh! I have fangasms everytime someone comments so I have no life ;~;. LOVE TRIANGLE? 

@TopaZium I love you. I love you so much. Don't stop commenting! I love your comments! They make me scream and giggle and puke rainbows and such! Oh my gosh you give me such an ego boost *blush* stop it you, I'm not that good. 2min? ^-^ WhoKnows?IKnowUKnow ^-^Gahhhh I love you!♥♥

@Macyblak And I love you! 

@Hushky And this (me) LOVES YOU!♥

This was a long read. Give me your thoughts on it? Like it, hate it? Tell Me :D Mistakes and such will be edited later and OH! SM is coming to LA and I have family in LA but alas...I can't go. 


*GIFs not mine.

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I'm sorry I've been away! :( I'll have chapter 5 by the end of the weekend


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kreiisi96 #1
Chapter 5: Comeback! I love this fic :((
eunhaeron #2
Chapter 5: Take your time :) I enjoyed this fic way too much, definitely will wait until you update again ^^
Chapter 5: Oh god. I just finished this and i think, i fell in love with u. I hope ull come bsck soon to finish this amazing story
soondubutofu #4

imma be a subscriber till i die, homie.
wheresmylamb #5
Chapter 5: You mentioned almost every single idol I adore ♥ I love this story and the writing style. I hope everything is well and you won't be on hiatus long, but for whatever reason it may be, we'll be here waiting for your return to lead us in this great adventure you created! :)
This story is pretty awesome. Please update soon! I wanna know what happens next =]
Chapter 5: Hey. I'm a new reader. This story is really amazing! It's also really realistic, and...just wow.\
And I really doubt anyone will hate you for putting this on hiatus. You s=do have a life outside of aff....
Chapter 1: new reader. c:
the first chapter is just adorable - jonghyun is such a cutie. key nervousness is something realistic, even though he's really confident & blunt, he would get nervous at something like this.
thestrangelittlegirl #9
new reader and I'm loving this!!!
minhosnoona #10
Chapter 5: this is awesome! I hope you update soon!