
Teenage Love Affair


                 Key shifted his weight from side to side. Saying he was nervous was an understatement, Key was mortified. In five minutes he would be auditioning for the states, possibly the country’s, best performing arts school, Governor’s School for the Performing Arts. He gulped and sat down on the nearest seat he could find.


                Key ran a hand through his soft blonde hair, calmly looking at the rest of the ‘competition’. They were all the same age, save a few months, and equally as nervous for their audition. No one caught his eyes, the only person who did was a thin boy with bright red hair and he had already auditioned.


                Key remembered when the fragile-looking boy had walked out of the audition room, a bitter taste formed in the back of his mouth, he had looked so happy. Key knew that he had been accepted.


                He scoffed, ushering the green-eyed monster away from his thoughts. Key was good, no, great at dancing; he had no reason to be jealous. He continued giving himself an internal pep talk, not noticing the brown-eyed boy that was watching him curiously. Said boy pushed himself of the wall he was leaning against, he walked towards Key, sitting on the chair next to him.


                Key gave a slight jump, the boy knocking him out of deep concentration. He turned towards him, nodded and turned back to stare at the door.


                “Uh, Hey,” The boy said, a nervous edge to his voice.


                Key turned his head back to the boy who had interrupted his train of thought. He was met with big chocolate brown eyes. Key cocked his head to the side as he continued studying the boy. He was slightly shorter than Key, maybe an inch or two, his hair was blonde in the front, falling just above his eyes, and light brown as it got closer to the back. His nose was straight with large nostrils, Key slightly smiled at that fact, his slightly tanned skin clashing perfectly with his pink lips.


                They boy coughed, clearly uncomfortable with Key’s staring. Realizing that he had been staring for too long, Key blushed and looked down at his legs.


                “Um, Hi,” He responded softly. He prayed that the boy wouldn’t try to hold a conversation with him, he was happy being left along.


                “My name’s Jonghyun,” Key internally sighed, his prayers completely ignored. “What’s yours?”


                Key turned back to the boy, “Kibum, but I prefer Key.”


                “Nice to meet you Key,” Jonghyun said with a smile. “What are you auditioning for?”


                “Dance,” Key said, crossing his arms. He hesitated, “You?” He added as a last thought, deciding to be nice. He really wasn’t used to the concept of conversations.


                “Singing and dance,” Jonghyun said with the same smile that refused to leave his face. “Why are you only auditioning for dance?”


                Key puckered his pink lips. He really disliked nosy people and Jonghyun seemed to be one of them.


                “I want to be a choreographer when I grow up so I don’t see why I would audition for anything else.”


                Jonghyun nodded, “I see…but you know they’ll most likely ask you to take another talent class with dance; Singing maybe, since they go together most of the time.”


                Key thought about this, he really didn’t like singing. His voice wasn’t bad and he was a very good rapper but singing wasn’t his passion, dancing was.


                “Oh well, I guess singing wouldn’t be that bad,” Key replied straightening out the non-existing wrinkles in his sweatpants.


                “Awesome! Maybe we’ll end up in the same class!”


                Key couldn’t stop the smile that formed on his lips. How could he when a very excited Jonghyun was giving him a crooked smile. He almost laughed at the image that popped into his head, Jonghyun with a tail wagging from side to side.


                “Yeah, maybe,” He said.


                Key settled back in his chair and sighed. Jonghyun had managed to distract him long enough for Key to forget that he was nervous. Still, the feeling fought its way back into his system when he saw that he only had 30 seconds until he would audition. He laid both of his hands on his flat stomach, feeling like he would throw up if he didn’t.






                Key started tapping his right foot, a small bead of sweat rolling down the side of his head.








                Key almost whimpered. He stopped counting down; it was doing him no good. He decided to focus on the boy next to him. He had so many questions he wanted to ask. Why had he talked to him? Why was he so nosy? Is he possibly some magical creature that could turn into a dog? Maybe-


                “So when are you-“


                Jonghyun stopped talking when the door for the audition room opened. The whole waiting room was immediately blanketed with silence.


                Standing at the door was a girl. She was pretty, with brown wavy hair and a curvy body. Her head hung low, her shoulders hunched, and a slight shaking was visible on her body. Slowly she walked across the room, everyone’s eyes trained on her. They all knew she hadn’t made it.


                Key frowned and gave the pretty brunette a sympathetic look. He watched as she exited the lobby, her dreams crushed.


                “Kim Kibum.”


                Key snapped his head back to the door, gulping he grabbed his portfolio and stood. Jonghyun stood up as well.


                “Good Luck,” Jonghyun said, quickly giving Key’s shoulder a squeeze.


                Key looked into Jonghyun’s chocolate eyes and smiled, a slight warmth filling his stomach.  


                “Thank you,” Key said in a soft voice. He turned towards the man that had called his name. The man gave Key an impatient look causing the latter to blush. He quickly walked towards him, aware of the looks that were sent his way.


                Key stepped through the threshold and sighed. The door behind him closed, there was no going back.


                ‘This is it.’ He thought.



                Key nervously shifted his weight from side to side for the umpteenth time that day. He was instructed to stand in the middle of the dance floor, right in front of the people who were auditioning him. He gulped and wiped a hand across his now sweaty forehead. He watched as they wrote things down, even if he hadn’t moved for the last minute.


                “Read me his transcript and application,” said an overweight man who sat in the middle of the table. Key gulped and looked at the rest of the people who would be judging him. There were 10 in total; six women and 4 men. None of them were smiling.


                A petite, blonde haired woman picked up his portfolio. She opened it at an agonizing slow pace, much to Key’s displeasure.


                “Kim Kibum. 14 years old. Fifteenth in his eight grade class. C in Algebra,” She paused to look up at him. Key tensed, noticing that the rest had done the same. She continued reading. “Auditioning for Dance…”


                The blonde haired woman looked up at him.


                “Just dance? Here at Governor’s we expect the best from out students. We push our students to their full potential and help them develop their already impressive talents. Surely you must know this Mr. Kim.”


                Key nodded, “Yes ma’am.”


                “We like that you are confident enough to only put dance Mr. Kibum but imagine if we don’t like your dancing but you had a voice that would steal our hearts. Wouldn’t you regret not auditioning for singing as well?”


                Key nodded once again, “Yes ma’am.”


                “Can you sing son?” The overweight man asked with curiosity.  


                “Yes sir.”


                “Would you like to start off with singing then?”


                Key smiled, “Yes sir.”


                “Good, now from what you’ve given us you’ll be breakdancing and giving us an original dance to a song. Correct?”


                “Yes sir.”


                “Which song?” The blonde haired woman asked, looking up at Key.


                “Run Devil Run,” Key responded shyly.


                “Really?” She asked, interest appearing in her eyes. “Why this particular song?”


                Key blushed, “My mom really likes it but she hated the dance so I choreographed a new one just for her.”


                Key blushed as once again they started writing.


                “What will you be singing?”


                Key looked at the overweight man, “Heartbeat by 2pm.”


                The man nodded, “Start.”


                Key took a deep breath and started rapping. Key never liked singing for anyone but his mother. Not that he had anyone else to sing to. Friends were never a priority to him. Dance was. He looked at the men and women’s stoic faces.


                ‘Don’t panic. Keep singing.’ He told himself.


                The blonde haired woman raised her hand, “Stop.”


                Key cringed. Was he really that bad? He knew he didn’t have a bad voice. He had heard himself countless times. His voice was good…right?


                “Onew, put the CD in,” She said, directing her gaze back to Key.


                The man who had ushered him in stood from his seat and put Key’s CD into the stereo. Key looked at him, not wanting to meet the blonde woman’s gaze. Onew turned to him and smiled.  He gave him a small smile back, slightly embarrassed.  


                “Ready?” Onew asked.


                Key nodded.


                Key moved as soon as the music started. This was his element. Key smiled as he moved his body to the music, popping at the right times. His smile grew bigger, his confidence grew. Key saw glimpses of impressed faces as he spun. His body flowed with the music, locking at the exact moments.  Key prepared for the next part. When he heard the swooshing sound from his song he quickly fell back and went straight into a windmill. He smiled when he successfully held it up. Jumping back up, he started preparing for the blowup, the song almost to its end. The last 10 seconds of the song Key started his continuous move combo, not slowing down a bit, if he did he would fail. 3 seconds left, Key dropped, and using his right arm he pushed his body up, opened his legs and made a gun with his left hand, he froze in that position.


                Bam! Key thought, matching the end of the song. He stood up, a permanent smile on his sweaty face. He had nailed it. There was no way they wouldn’t take him.


                “Impressive Mr. Kim,” Said the blonde woman.


                Key’s smile grew bigger, “Thank you.”


                “Your original choreography now,” Said the overweight man.


                Key’s smile faded. The rest of the judges didn’t seem to be impressed.


                ‘Last chance to impress them.’


                “Ready?” Onew asked.


                Key nodded.


                As soon as the song started Key moved; he had practiced his dance for hours the day before. He had perfected it. He softly sang along to the song. This one didn’t tire him as much.


                Run Devil Devil Run Run


                Key smiled as he danced that part. He loved the way his hips moved to it. He always was obsessed with hips in dance. The chorus was coming up. Key’s smile grew bigger; he had worked hard on this part, working for hours just to perfect it. Just as the chorus was about to start the blonde woman held her hand up.




                Key’s heart broke. He felt like crying. The picture of the pretty brunette girl popped into his head, he would be the next person leaving heartbroken, he just knew it. He didn’t understand what he did wrong. He was sharp and smooth at the same time, what could they have found wrong. He hung his head, not wanting to meet any of their gazes.


                “How long did it take you to come up with that dance Mr. Kim.”


                “About two weeks,” He answered softly.


                “Well Mr. Kim,” The blonde started, “That was very impressive.”


                Key’s head shot up. Confusion marred his face, his feline eyes now the size of saucers.


                “Th-thank you,” He said, a blush covering his face.


                “Mr. Kim,” A brown haired woman started, “You have talent. Everyone here agrees that you would be a great addition to our school. Will you join Governor’s School for the Performing Arts?”


                Key couldn’t swallow. His eye’s suddenly blurry. He did it. He got in. His mother would be so proud of him. Key sniffled and wiped the excess water from his eyes.


                “Y-yes. I would l-love that,” He said with a smile.


                “Wonderful,” Said the overweight man. He stood up with Key’s portfolio in hand. “We’ll see you next year Mr. Kim.”


                Key smiled, “Thank you, thank you so much!” With shaky arms he shook the man’s hand and grabbed his belongings.


                “Thank you, thank you all very much.”


                Key smiled at them. They all returned his smile. With happiness coursing through his body, Key stepped through the opened door, back into the lobby. He saw everyone’s stares but he didn’t care. He had made it and that’s all that mattered. Key happily walked towards the exit but a hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him. He looked at the slightly tanned hand wrapped around his wrist. With confused eyes he looked at its owner.


                He was met with those familiar chocolate brown eyes.


                Key smiled, “Hey Jonghyun. I made it!”


                Jonghyun’s smiled widened. Key could practically see his imaginary tail wagging again.  


                “That’s great Key! Wah, I’m happy for you!”


                Key blushed. For someone he had just met this boy was really happy for Key.


                “Thanks,” He replied with a smile.


                “I guess I’ll see you next year huh?” Jonghyun asked with a wink.


                Key blushed, “Yeah, I guess.”




                “Kim Jonghyun.”


                Both boys turned towards Onew. Key gave him a small smile which Onew happily returned.


                “Good Luck,” Key said, squeezing Jonghyun’s shoulder.


                “Thanks,” He said with that big goofy smile. “See you around Key.”


                Key nodded. He watched as Jonghyun walked into the room with Onew, not a hint of worry in his face. Key sighed as he walked towards the exit. He didn’t know why but he found himself hoping that Jonghyun made it too. Key shook his head as he stepped out of the lobby, oblivious to the stares of envy he was receiving.


                ‘Is this what it feels like to have a friend?’ Key thought as he walked towards the nearest bus station. He smiled at the blue sky, he liked the feeling.



First Chapter complete! :) Sorry that its so short. Tell me what you think! Tips for improvement are welcome! 

(1) For the sake of the story imagine that Run Devil Run has a different dance then it already has and Key choreographed the one that it currently has. ;) This is what I image Key dancing it like. (Key dances like the girl. I feel like she showed more passion.)

First chapter of my story ^-^ New milstone! Any editng that needs to be done will be done this weekend so forgive my mistakes and such :)

And to my subscribers (the few that I have) I LOVE YOU!! 





*GIFs not mine. 

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I'm sorry I've been away! :( I'll have chapter 5 by the end of the weekend


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kreiisi96 #1
Chapter 5: Comeback! I love this fic :((
eunhaeron #2
Chapter 5: Take your time :) I enjoyed this fic way too much, definitely will wait until you update again ^^
Chapter 5: Oh god. I just finished this and i think, i fell in love with u. I hope ull come bsck soon to finish this amazing story
soondubutofu #4

imma be a subscriber till i die, homie.
wheresmylamb #5
Chapter 5: You mentioned almost every single idol I adore ♥ I love this story and the writing style. I hope everything is well and you won't be on hiatus long, but for whatever reason it may be, we'll be here waiting for your return to lead us in this great adventure you created! :)
This story is pretty awesome. Please update soon! I wanna know what happens next =]
Chapter 5: Hey. I'm a new reader. This story is really amazing! It's also really realistic, and...just wow.\
And I really doubt anyone will hate you for putting this on hiatus. You s=do have a life outside of aff....
Chapter 1: new reader. c:
the first chapter is just adorable - jonghyun is such a cutie. key nervousness is something realistic, even though he's really confident & blunt, he would get nervous at something like this.
thestrangelittlegirl #9
new reader and I'm loving this!!!
minhosnoona #10
Chapter 5: this is awesome! I hope you update soon!