The First Day

Teenage Love Affair


“As freshmen you will all spend the first half of your day on the top floor. Here you will take the four main courses needed to graduate; math, science, social studies, and language arts. English will be taught afterschool, it is not optional. Your last two periods will consist of talent classes; whether it is Dance or Acting. Each class will be two hours long; we want to sharpen your skills as much as possible.”

Key sighed, having heard the same thing for the last three periods; he would remember it for the rest of his life. He laid his chin on his hand and turned to stare out the window. A red bird flew by, immediately reminding Key of the boy who was sitting in front of him. He didn’t think it was possible but Taemin (Key had learned his name after three consecutive roll calls) had been in all of his classes and had sat in front of him in every single one.

Key turned his head to look at the back of Taemin’s head. The bright blood-red color seemed to be even brighter due to the boy’s pale skin. His lean, slightly feminine figure could easily make someone mistake him for a girl, something that Key smiled at; he wouldn’t be the only one with that problem. Key had racked his brain for a legit reason to dislike the boy and the only thing he could come up with was competition.

Key disliked competition. He knew that it was immature of him and that his career would have lots of it but it was one of his weaknesses. Key was good-looking. Taemin seemed to be equally as good-looking, maybe even more by a slight margin. Key had prided himself in having a hair color that suited him. Taemin pulled off the red like no one else could. Most of all, Key was proud of his dancing ability. He was unique and his ability to pull of almost any dance had always made him smile. Taemin radiated talent. Key didn’t know how but he knew that somehow Taemin would have something that Key didn't.

It frustrated Key. He pouted, having an internal monologue on how unfair the world was. He didn’t notice Taemin had turned around to look at him

“Hi Kibum,” whispered a soft voice.

Key jumped; surprised that someone was talking to him. He turned to regard the voice that had called him, confusion spread across his face when he saw Taemin turned around in his desk, giving him a shy smile.

“Uh, Hi Taemin,” He replied, curtly nodding.

“The teacher said we needed to pick a person we wanted to meet,” Taemin paused, a blush spreading across his cheeks. “So I picked you.”

Key didn’t know whether to smile at the shy boy, his cuteness overwhelming, or cry at the fact that Taemin seemed to have soft bells as a voice. He cursed himself for spacing out, maybe then he would’ve picked someone before Taemin could’ve picked him.

“Oh, okay,” Key replied, giving the boy a smile.

“I’m sorry if this is awkward. I’ve never really had friends before,” Taemin said, biting his bottom lip.

Key almost awed. How could he have had any form of resentment to this shy, sweet boy?

“It’s fine. I’ve never really had friends either. I didn’t think it would be a priority, after all they’re not going to make me a choreographer,” He replied, brushing away the bangs that had fallen in his eyes.

“But what if you need encouragement? Motivation?” Taemin said, the blush on his face slowly receding. “I think friends would be nice at those times.”

“I have my mom for that.”

“It must be nice having a supportive mother…I like your blonde hair,” Taemin said, quickly changing the subject.

“Thanks, I like it too,” Key paused. “Your red hair really suits your skin, makes it pop more.”

“Thanks,” Taemin said, the blush returning to his face. “You’re the first person to say that.”


“No really! I sometimes regret getting it dyed; people seem to not like me because of it.”

“Well I like it,” Key said, crossing his arms. “Everyone else is just stupid.”

Taemin smiled. “Thanks Kibum.”



“Call me Key. I don’t like Kibum.”

“Will you be my first real friend Key?” Taemin asked. His eyes brightened and his smiled was pulled wide showing off straight white teeth.

Key pretended to contemplate the idea, “I don’t know...”

Taemin rolled his eyes.

Key smiled, he liked the kid already. “Sure, why not.”’

“Let’s eat lunch together!” Taemin said, clasping his hands together.

“I don’t know…”Key said, laughing a little at Taemin’s eye roll.

Maybe having friends wouldn’t be all that bad.


“I love SNSD. Run Devil Run is one of their best songs…like ever.”

“I know right! I didn’t like the dance though; it seemed too weak for the concept of the song.”

Key looked at Taemin and smiled. “That’s the same thing my mom said!”

“Great minds think alike,” Taemin said, tapping the side of his head.

Key smiled. He liked Taemin. He was an easy person to talk to and the two of them just clicked, like two long lost brothers. Key had learned that Taemin was in fact a dancer, a rather good one, and that he hoped to one day debut as the member of a musical group. He had skipped a grade and was a genius at math.

“I actually choreographed a new dance for it,” Key mumbled, slightly embarrassed. “It was for my mom.”

Taemin looked at him with big eyes. “Really?! You have to show me!”

“I don’t know…”Key said, a smirk on his lips.

“Is that your catchphrase or something?”

“I guess, my mom says it a lot so it just stuck,” Key said with a shrug.

“You really like your mom,” Taemin said, a soft smile on his lips.

“Yep, I’m a momma’s boy.”

Both boys laughed. They made their way down the steps, both a little uncomfortable by the fact that it was too crowded, heading to the cafeteria.

Key was happy that he didn’t have to eat alone. He normally would try not to make friends but something had changed. An image of Jonghyun’s puppy eyes popped into his head. He chuckled, had Jonghyun really brought him out of his shell? A small wave of guilt hit his chest, he still didn’t remember the boy’s name; using Jjong was his safest bet.


Said boy blushed, not even bothering to answer. He remembered that voice and he’d rather save himself from more embarrassment. He grabbed Taemin’s wrist and quickly started walking towards the cafeteria doors, frowning when he had to slow down because of the large number of people.

“Key,” Taemin said, tugging Key’s shirt sleeve. “Some tall guy just called you.”

“I know,” He mumbled.

“Key! Hey Key!”

Key relaxed a little, he also knew that voice. However that voice was pleasant.

“You’re so popular Key,” Taemin said, playfully elbowing him in the ribs.

“Whatever. Those are like the only other two people I know, besides you.”

Taemin smiled. “Let’s wait for them?”

Key frowned. He could wait for Jjong but if he did, he would also have to wait for Nichkun, and he’d rather not wait for the latter. He looked at Taemin’s big brown eyes and sighed, he couldn’t say no.

“Sure, why not.”

Both boys stepped to the side, letting the other students enter the cafeteria. Key nervously fidgeted with his shirt, smoothing out the nonexistent wrinkles. He smiled when he saw Jonghyun approaching.

“Hey Jjong, Hey Minho,” He said with a small wave.

Jonghyun smiled. He stood next to Key, on the side that wasn’t occupied by Taemin, and put his arm around his shoulder. “Sup!”

“Hey,” Minho said. He looked at the red haired boy next to Key. “Hello.”

Taemin blushed. “Hi.”

Key sighed. The boy really was painfully shy.

“Jjong, Minho, this is Taemin,” Key said, gesturing to said boy.

“Jonghyun,” Jonghyun said, correcting Key. “I thought Jjong was your nickname for me.”

Key blushed, doing a victory dance inside; he finally knew that boys name.

“Jonghyun,” He said, more as a reminder than a correction.

Taemin smiled and nodded to both boys, blush still on his face. “H-hi.”

Key smiled at the younger boy. Even his whispers sounded like soft bells.


Said boy snapped his head to the direction of the voice. He blushed when a smiling Nichkun waved at him.

“H-hi,” Key cursed himself for stuttering.

“Come eat lunch with me,” Nichkun demanded, the same smile on his face.

Key blushed. “What?”

“I want to make it up to you. Come eat lunch with me and my friends.”

Key looked at Taemin, he had promised to eat lunch with him.

“It’s okay,” Taemin said with a smile.

Key cringed. He had hoped Taemin would’ve said something else. He really didn’t want to sit with Nichkun, it would be too embarrassing.

Nichkun seemed to notice the hesitation. “Please.”

Key looked at the small pout the taller boy was giving him. Sighing, he nodded.

Nichkun grinned. “Great! Come on.”

He grabbed Key’s wrist, pulling him out of Jonghyun’s grasp.

“I thought you would eat with us,” Jonghyun said, disappointment evident in his voice.

Nichkun stopped, noticing the rest of the boys for the first time.

“Uh, I’ll eat with you guys tomorrow. I promise,” Key said with a small smile. “Eat with Taeminie, and take care of him.”

Taemin blushed at the pet name.

“Fine,” Jonghyun grumbled; a small pout on his lips.

Key almost giggled, he really did look like a puppy.

“Awesome,” Nichkun said. He pulled Key into the cafeteria, heading for the lunch line. “It’ll be my treat.”

Key stared in awe at the size of the cafeteria. He looked to the left, the giant windows giving him a full view of the courtyard, which was littered with seniors. He turned to look at the actual room, the tables were all oval shaped and held 12 people. The lunch lines lined the right side of the room, some lines more crowded than others. Key saw that each line had a specific item being served.

Key turned back to stare at Nichkun and the hand he had clasped around his wrist; it burned and made him blush. He blushed more when he saw people staring. He may not be familiar with the concept of friends but he sure as hell knew that too much contact would surely cause rumors. Slowly, he tried to get his wrist out of Nichkun’s grip.

“I’m sorry,” Nichkun said, letting go of Key’s wrist. “For pulling you away from your friends and this morning.”

Key continued walking besides Nichkun. He smiled at the small blush that had formed on the taller boy’s face. “It’s fine; you weren’t the only one who confused me for a girl.”

Nichkun laughed. A rich velvety laugh that caused Key’s stomach to flip.

“But seriously Key, you do have a feminine figure.”

Key glared. “I do not!”

“Really? You said yourself you were confused for a girl more than once.”

Key punched Nichkun’s arm, smirking when the boy gave him a hurt look.

“What was that for?”

“For calling me a girl.”

“I never said you were a girl,” Nichkun started. “I just said you have a girly body…and punch.”

Key glared. He walked ahead of Nichkun, away from the school lunch line. When he was admiring the cafeteria he saw that it had a salad bar, upon closer inspection he saw it wasn’t a cheap salad bar. He smirked and continued walking towards it.

“Hey, don’t be mad,” Nichkun said. “I was kidding.”

Key smirked. “I know, but now you’re going to buy me an expensive lunch.”


Key smiled as he continued walking towards the salad bar. He normally would be this way with his mother only but the tall boy seemed to have something that made Key want to trust him.

“Fine,” Nichkun grumbled.

Five minutes later Key had a very large salad in front of him.

Nichkun grumbled as he lead Key to his table. “You better freaking love me after spending all that money.”

Key rolled his eyes. “It was only ten dollars.”

“Do you know what I could do with ten dollars?”

Key shook his head.

“A lot,” Nichkun said, not being able to think of anything at the top of his head. He directed Key to a table filled with older looking kids. “Hey guys this is Key.”

Key gave Nichkun’s friends a small smile, the only one he recognized was Taecyeon.

“Are you a freshman?” asked a boy with blue hair.

“Yes,” Key replied, his voice suddenly small.

The blue haired boy turned to Nichkun. “What are you doing hanging around freshmen?”

Nichkun scowled, pulling Key into the seat next to him.

“Shut up Top,” Nichkun sneered. “I owe him and plus he’s my friend.”

Key blushed. ‘Friend.’

“What did you do that you owe him,” Top asked.

“He called him a girl,” Taecyeon said, chuckling a little.

Nichkun scoffed. “I did not! I said he had a feminine figure and plus it’s almost like a compliment.”

“Not to a guy,” Top replied.

The two started bickering, causing the rest of the table to stare at them in amusement. Key didn’t pay attention. He slowly ate his salad remembering the many reasons why he never wanted friends. They were a burden and caused many awkward situations, like the one he was currently in, and would have no impact on his career.

“I mean who wouldn’t date Key,” Nichkun said, point at said boy. “Look at him.”

Key blushed. He slapped Nichkun’s hand away and hissed. “It’s rude to point.”

Top laughed. “Never mind, I like him. Nice spunk kid.”

Key smiled, still feeling a bit awkward. “Where’s your lunch?”

Nichkun glared at him. “It went into your salad.”

“You said it was your treat,” Key said, glaring back.

“Well, you’re just going to have to share,” Nichkun said with a smirk.

“What? No,” He replied, sliding his salad away from Nichkun. “Get your own salad.”

Nichkun pouted. “Key, are you really going to let me starve?”

“Yes,” He replied, making a point by stuffing his face with the greens.

Nichkun growled. He snatched the fork out of Key’s hand, stabbed a few pieces of lettuce and shoved it in his mouth.

“Hey!” Key said, slapping Nichkun’s arm. “That was mine, now you have your germs all over it.”

The rest of the table tuned out Key and Nichkun’s bickering, going back to their regular conversations. Taecyeon glared at Key, the younger boy oblivious, Nichkun would normally never eat someone else’s food, let alone steal their forks. Taecyeon frowned and turned back to talk to Top, not wanting to look at Key and Nichkun for too long.

“Give me your number,” Nichkun said.

Key frowned. “Why?”

“We’re friends aren’t we? Friends give each other their numbers,” Nichkun replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“They do?” Key said, frowning a little. He liked Nichkun, he could be overbearing and childish but he wasn’t that bad.

Nichkun nodded. He took out his phone and gave it to Key. It looked new and up-to-date. Key blushed when he handed his outdated phone to Nichkun. He never had much reason to use a cellphone; he only ever called his mother.

“Well aren’t you a loner,” Nichkun said, laughing a little as he scrolled down Key’s short contact list.

“Yah! Shut up,” Key said frowning a little at Nichkun’s never ending contact list.

“Here,” He said, handing Nichkun’s phone back to him.

“Does this mean I’m your first friend?”

“Nope,” Key said, popping the ‘p’. “You’re just the first one I’ve given my number to.”

Nichkun smiled. “I’m honored.”

Key blushed and continued to eat his salad, occasionally giving Nichkun a bite when the older boy asked for it. He never had friends so he guessed this is what they did. He smiled, he kind of liked it.

Taecyeon frowned at the growing friendship between both boys; jealousy had reared its big head into the group.


“Taemin!” Key yelled when he spotted the familiar bob of red hair. He happily ran to the boy.

Taemin smiled when his friend caught up to him. “Hi Key! How was lunch?”

“Nichkun ate half of my salad,” He scowled. “But it was fun…I guess.”

“Jonghyun told me to tell you that he and Minho went to their lockers first.”

“’Kay,” Key bumped shoulders with the smaller boy. “How was your lunch?”

“It was nice,” He replied, a little smile on his face. “Minho was really nice and there’s this girl who looks just like you.”

“Amber?” Key asked.


Both boys turned into a right hallway. The schools dance classes were all located on the far right, thankfully downstairs.

“You have dance this period?” Key asked.

“Yes, you?”

Key smiled. “Yep”

Both boys smiled and continued on their way to Dance I. They both grew nervous as they got closer. First impressions were everything and they both wanted to make a good one.

They walked into the dance room.

“Woah,” Taemin said.

Key nodded. “Woah.”

The room was big, the wall to their right was nothing but a gigantic mirror. Both boys stared at their reflections when they walked in. They were used to dance studios but this just blew the rest of them away, it was just so big. They smiled at each other, clearly excited.

“Sit down on the opposite wall of the mirror,” Instructed a man with deep voice.

The people who were already in the room did so, including Key and Taemin.

Jonghyun and Minho walked through the door, obviously shocked by the size of the room. Jonghyun smiled when he spotted Key. He quickly shuffled his way to him.

“Hey Key,” He plopped down next to him. “Hey Tae.”

Both boys smiled.

Minho sat down next to Jonghyun, signaling to Amber when she walked in.

“All of our friends are here,” Jonghyun said, smiling as he scooted closer to Key.

“Right,” Key said with a smile. Friends weren’t that bad, he would allow himself to have them as friends.

The bell rang, quieting everyone in the room.

Their dance instructor paced in front of them.

“My name is Lee Joon, but you will all call me Mr. Lee.”

The class of 30 nodded.

“Everyone in here has the same dance interest, if anyone here is not a Hip-hop/Pop dancer please leave and get your schedule changed.”

No one stood up.

“Great, today I will give you basic introductions and rules to this class. We will not be dancing for the first week, I want to know your interest and reasons for dancing before all of that. I will call you up one by one. When I do come into my office.”

Joon walked to the door of his office, grabbing his clipboard he read the first name.

“An, Jessica,” He said, stepping into his office.

A small brunette girl stood and walked into his office.

Once the door closed, everyone started talking again.

“He seems nice,” Taemin said, looking at Key.

“Yeah,” Key agreed. He never had a dance instructor he personally connected with. They would always connect with him at a professional level, never a personal one.

“Hey Key,” Jonghyun said, bumping his forehead against Key’s shoulder. “Who was that guy you ditched us for?”


Key blushed. “Nichkun. He wanted to apologize for confusing me for a girl this morning. He’s really nice.”

“Well I saw you giving him your phone number. You didn’t give me your phone number,” Jonghyun said with a pout.

Key rolled his eyes. “Here.”

He handed him is phone and giggled when Jonghyun’s imaginary tail started to wag back and forth.

“You giggle a lot,” Jonghyun said, handing him his phone.

Key blushed. “I do not.”

“And you blush a lot too,” Jonghyun added with a small laugh.

“I do-“

“Ae, Mi Sun.” Joon’s voice rang.

Key turned to talk to Taemin after that, knowing that Jonghyun was right. It wasn’t his fault that he never had friends before. Jonghyun turned to talk to Minho and Amber.

Their shoulders never once separating.


“Wah, Vocals was so fun!”

Key laughed when Jonghyun threw his arm around his shoulder, something that he seemed to do a lot.

“You’re just saying that because he praised your voice,” Minho said.

“Well it really was good,” Taemin added in a small voice.

“Thanks Tae, at least someone appreciates my talent,” He said, sticking his tongue out at Minho.

Minho smirked. “He just said it to be nice.”

The two continued fighting as they walked down the hallway to their English class. Key turned to Taemin.

“I’m in English III,” He said with a pout.

“But you’re a freshman,” Taemin said. “Shouldn’t it be I?”

“I studied abroad.”

“Really? Lucky,” He said with a smile.

Key smiled and ruffled Taemin’s hair. “I’ll see you later.”

He turned to walk towards the Junior English class but was stopped by Jonghyun’s arm that was still wrapped around his shoulders.

“Where you going?” Jonghyun asked.

“My English class, I’m advanced.”

“Oh,” Jonghyun said with a small pout. “I guess I’ll see you after then.”

Key nodded. He waved the three goodbye.

Key shuffled his way through the hallways, he sighed when he got to the main staircase.

“What are you doing here?”

Key turned around, smiling at Nichkun.

“I’m in English III,” Key said turning back to look at the stairs.

“No way!” Nichkun smiled. “I’m going there now.”

“Awesome,” Key said. “Hey Nicky.”

Nichkun smirked. “Nicky?”

“Don’t friends give each other nicknames?”

“Yeah but-“

“Let’s go before the bell rings,” Key said, already walking up the stairs.

Nichkun smiled.


“See you later,” Key said, giving his mother a smile. He stepped out of the car and started towards the school courtyard.

They had already been in school for two weeks and Key was actually enjoying it. Key and Taemin had become real close friends, having spent the last two weekends at each other’s houses. They both realized they had the same love for dancing girl group dances.

Nichkun and Jonghyun hadn’t let up on texting Key each day, both talking to Key for hours about absolutely nothing.

“Hey Key!” Amber said, walking up next to him.

Getting over his embarrassment, Key had realized that Amber was something of a best friend, like a long lost sister. They were often confused for twins, something that made both of them laugh.

Key smiled when he caught sight of Jonghyun waving like a maniac.

Having friends wasn’t so bad.


Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry! I fell asleep before I could upload. Anywho next week is spring break so I might update more than was promised (Mondays&Fridays). Finally I've introduced my main characters! Everything from here on after will be awesome!♥ 16 Subcribers! I LOVE YOU ALL!♥

My backs been hurting lately due to my bad posture (I slouch a lot) so I'll be taking a break from my computer for the rest of the day. N more reading FanFics for the rest of the day.


@butterflybabe13 JongKey...Cuteness...Amber...*squeals with you* I LOVE 2MIN! Is there going to be any in this story? 

@amyrillis Thank You! ♥

abbeh11 *blush* 

@SHINeeStarification NO ONE CAN WITHSTAND TAEMIN's CUTENESS! ♥ Thanks for reading ^-^

@KimKeySeungChullie You make me want to love the world again♥ Thank you for understanding me!

@Macyblak I'll take it!♥ OhMYGushness! I'm so happy someone is as excited as I am about Nichkun and Taecyeon's roles in this story! STOP MAKING ME LOVE YOU SO MUCH! 

Mistakes and such will be edited later.


*GIFs not mine

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I'm sorry I've been away! :( I'll have chapter 5 by the end of the weekend


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kreiisi96 #1
Chapter 5: Comeback! I love this fic :((
eunhaeron #2
Chapter 5: Take your time :) I enjoyed this fic way too much, definitely will wait until you update again ^^
Chapter 5: Oh god. I just finished this and i think, i fell in love with u. I hope ull come bsck soon to finish this amazing story
soondubutofu #4

imma be a subscriber till i die, homie.
wheresmylamb #5
Chapter 5: You mentioned almost every single idol I adore ♥ I love this story and the writing style. I hope everything is well and you won't be on hiatus long, but for whatever reason it may be, we'll be here waiting for your return to lead us in this great adventure you created! :)
This story is pretty awesome. Please update soon! I wanna know what happens next =]
Chapter 5: Hey. I'm a new reader. This story is really amazing! It's also really realistic, and...just wow.\
And I really doubt anyone will hate you for putting this on hiatus. You s=do have a life outside of aff....
Chapter 1: new reader. c:
the first chapter is just adorable - jonghyun is such a cutie. key nervousness is something realistic, even though he's really confident & blunt, he would get nervous at something like this.
thestrangelittlegirl #9
new reader and I'm loving this!!!
minhosnoona #10
Chapter 5: this is awesome! I hope you update soon!