
Teenage Love Affair


                “Mom, I need caffeine in my body,” Key whined.  He gave his mother the best puppy dog eyes he could muster, his bottom lip pushed out in a pout. Key wasn’t that fond of coffee, he had only drunk it a few times in his whole life, but he was tired. He had spent half of the night trying to find the perfect back-to-school outfit and after hours of almost ripping out his blonde hair he had finally settled for a blue V-neck shirt, white skinny jeans, and blue high-tops.  After that Key had promptly spent half an hour looking for his book bag only to remember that he had left it in his mother’s car so that he wouldn’t forget it the next morning.

                “You’re too young for coffee Kibum,” She replied. “And plus you hate waiting in lines.”

                “I know, but I’ll pass out during first period if I don’t get any coffee…and I’m not too young,” He said, furrowing his eyebrows in frustration. “Please mom.”

                She sighed. “Fine, but if you’re late I’m not taking the fall for it.”

                Key smiled. He had the best mother in the whole wide world. “Thanks mom! I loovee you.”

                “Yeah yeah,” She couldn’t help but smile.

                Ten minutes later Key was holding the most delicious drink ever invented, a Caramel Macchiato.

                “Mom, we need to come here every morning,” He said while taking another sip of his heaven-in-a-cup. “Waiting in line was so worth it.”

                “Key, it’s going to make you fat.”

                Key shrugged. “It’s worth it.”

                They both laughed. After 5 more minutes of endless traffic Key started to get nervous. He was finally in high school. Growing up he always heard stories about high school. He heard of the perfect ‘high school experience’. It consisted of finding your high school sweetheart, skipping, getting wasted and just plain out fun. Key wanted that badly. He never admitted it to anyone, not even himself, but he really did want friends. It was always the impending thought of his future that stopped him. He couldn’t afford to slack off just because he was lonely. Key wanted a high school sweetheart, he wanted to have fun, and he wanted it badly.

                Still, he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. It was his dream to be a choreographer, just like his father. He took a sip of his drink and let out a small sigh.

                “Okay, here we are.”

                Key looked out the passenger window. “It’s big.”

                It truly was. The green courtyard was littered with trees and students, the occasional bench and tables for student information. The steps connecting the entrance of the school to the courtyard seemed to shine, beckoning Key to climb them. The building itself was glowing, its massive windows giving students a full view of the cafeteria. Everything was glowing, according to Key’s mind.

                “Key, the first bell rings in 15 minutes. Shouldn’t you go find your locker?”

                Key looked at his mother. “Yeah, I’ll see you later. Bye Mom.” He gave his mom his drink and smiled. He stepped out of the car feeling much more energized.

                With only one goal Key started walking forward, the glowing steps calling him. He had worked hard for this moment and the satisfaction of walking up the steps and into his high school life was something he couldn’t wait for. Smiling to himself, Key was oblivious to the group of boys that were running around playing an immature game of tag.

                He stopped at the bottom of the steps. He wanted to savor this moment; after all you’re only a freshman once. He knew he was being overly dramatic and he was already receiving weird looks from people but he didn’t care. He never cared. The only opinions that mattered were his mother’s and his dance instructors. Smile still big, he raised his left foot to start ascending the beautiful glowing stairs. Then he heard the yell.

                “Dino! You’re going to run into Amber!”

                Key didn’t know what happened but the next thing he knew he was on the ground, his elbows stinging and his head spinning.  He tried to get up but something, or someone, was preventing him from doing so.

                “Damn,” The boy who had fallen on Key started. “I’m so sorry.”

                Key glared. “Get off me.”

                The boy immediately pushed himself of Key. He extended a slightly tanned hand to Key, which he slapped away. Key stood up, wavering in place when a wave of dizziness hit his head. Key dusted himself off, checking to see if his clothes were okay. He sighed seeing that no harm had come to his outfit. He frowned when he noticed that both of his elbows were scraped and bleeding.

                “Just great,” Key spat. “First day of school and I’m already wishing people would just disappear.”

                He looked up to glare at the boy who had knocked him down but froze when he noticed a crowd had formed. He looked around; a blush crawling onto his face, his glare was replaced with a look of embarrassment.  He lowered his head and started walking up the steps, not wanting to deal with the crowd.


                Said boy turned around with a look of surprise. He was sure he knew no one at school. After all, he didn’t have a single friend. He looked at the boy who had knocked him down, a smile was plastered on his face and his eyes gave you the mental image a puppy. Recognition hit Key.

“Jjong…?” Key blushed. He had forgotten the boy’s name.

                “Never had someone nickname me Jjong,” Jonghyun said as he climbed up the steps. “I like it.”

                Key gave a shaky laugh. “Uh, nice seeing you again…”

                “Yeah, I’m happy to see you too!” He frowned. “I really am sorry about knocking you down. I wasn’t really paying attention.”

                “It’s alright,” Key replied, shaking his head. They both stood awkwardly for a few more seconds, the crowd slowly dispersing; disappointed that there wouldn’t be a fight. “Well, I’m going to find the nurse before I bleed to death.”

                Jonghyun puckered his lips. “I’ll take you there. It was my fault.”

                “It’s fine, you don’t-“

                “Let’s go!” Jonghyun said, already walking up the stairs.

                Key sighed. This was not how he imagined his first day. It definitely wasn’t how he imagined walking up the steps. He followed after Jonghyun. Key definitely didn’t expect to see him here. He didn’t think Jonghyun would remember his name let alone his face. He suddenly felt bad for not remembering his name.

                “You’re not pissed are you?”

                Key looked up. “What?”

                “Well you slapped my hand away and you said that you wished people would disappear.”

                Key looked at the small pout that Jonghyun was giving him. He smiled a little. The mental image of a whimpering puppy popped into his head.

                “You look like a puppy,” Key said, giggling a little.

                Jonghyun gave him a look of confusion, a blush apparent on his cheeks. “What?”

                “Nothing,” Key mumbled. He cursed himself for not having friends. He really didn’t know how to talk to anyone besides adults.

                “I get dinosaur more often but puppy is nice…I guess,” Jonghyun said with a loud laugh.

                Key looked up. “You have a loud laugh.”

                Jonghyun smiled. “If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard that.”            

                They walked in silence the rest of the way, neither knowing what to talk about. Key took the silence as a chance to admire the inside of the school. The hallways were squeaky clean, tall one-tier lockers lined the walls, students were walking around or standing in clumps talking about their summer. They passed the double doors that led to the gigantic cafeteria. Key feared cafeterias. He was never comfortable eating alone but he wasn’t comfortable eating with other people, besides his mom.  He shook his head and caught up to Jonghyun, despite having short legs he was a fast walker.

                “Here we are,” Jonghyun said, stopping in front of a white door. Key looked at the name plate, Nurse Macy.

                “Thanks,” Key mumbled as he pushed the door open. He was greeted by the immediate stench of vomit and cleaning supplies. A small brunette woman turned to regard him.

                “What is it? Stomach ache? Fever? Just want to go home?”

                Key raised both of his arms to show her the scrapes.

                Nurse Macy shook her head. “Go wash the dried blood on the blue sink over there. I’ll put some ointment on it, give you a ban-aid and you’ll be a happy camper again.”

                Key frowned, he didn’t like her tone. He walked over to the sink. He let his elbows run under the warm water, hissing when he felt the sting. The door to the room opened again, slightly startling him.

                “Nurse Macy!”

                The small woman glared at the new arrival. “What?!”

                “Nichkhun hurt his ankle!”

                Key turned the faucet off, his scrapes finally clean. He looked at the new arrival, well arrivals. A tall boy with big ears had one of his arms wrapped around the waist of a slightly shorter boy. Key looked at the latter. His face was scrunched up in what seemed like pain and his left foot was suspended above the ground.

                “Really Nichkun? School hasn’t even started and you’re already hurting yourself!”

                Said boy held his free hand up. “It wasn’t my fault! Taecyeon decided it would be funny to watch me trip!”

                The taller boy blushed. “What? It wasn’t my fault! You fuc-“

                “Enough!” Nurse Macy yelled. “Put him on the bed and go to class, the first bell should be ringing soon.”

                Taecyeon nodded and did as told.

                “Seriously you’re both juniors!”

                “Taecyeon is still mentally in middle school,” Nichkun said with a smirk.

                Key couldn’t help it. He let out a small laugh.  Three pairs of eyes turned to regard him. He gulped. He stood there, arms raised; exposing his damaged elbows. The blush that appeared on his face was inevitable. This was not how he imagined his first day of high school would be.

                “Taecyeon go to class. Nichkun stay in that bed and keep your mouth shut. And you,” Nurse Macy snapped, pointing a boney finger at Key. “Come here.”

                He walked towards her, head low due to the three unwavering gazes he was receiving.

                “This will sting a little; make sure you don’t get your elbows dirty and make sure you don’t take the Band-Aids off until tonight.”

                Key nodded, hissing at the stinging sensation that ran up both of his arms.

                “Are you a boy?”

                Key snapped his head in the direction of the voice. His blush extended to his neck.

                “What the hell Nichkun?” Taecyeon said, glaring at his friend.

                “What? He/she is pretty and look at his/her figure,” Nichkun said, point a finger at Key.

                “Yah! Taecyeon I said leave! Nichkun I specifically said to keep your mouth shut!”

                Key silently thanked the nurse, liking her more and more.

                Taecyeon mumbled obscenities under his breath as he stepped out of the room. Nichkun was still staring at Key, making the latter feel uncomfortable.

                “There you go,” Said Nurse Macy, a small apologetic smile on her face. “Go to class now.”

                Key nodded. He was thankful that he didn’t have to be in the room more than he needed too.  He stepped back and reached for the door.

                “Hey! Wait!”

                Key cringed.

                “What’s your name?” Nichkun asked from the bed.

                “Key,” Key replied in a strained voice.

                “Ah, so you are a boy,” Nichkun replied, a small smile on his lips.

                Key nodded and left the room. He knew it was rude to ignore the other boy but the embarrassment was killing him.

                “Aish, this is not my day,” Key mumbled, leaning back on the door.


                Key let out a rather girly shriek. “What the hell?!”

                Jonghyun stared at Key’s shocked face before letting out a loud laugh. Key glared at the shorter boy.

                “It’s not funny Jjong,” He hissed.

                “Y-yes it is,” Jonghyun said, clutching his stomach.

                Key scoffed. “Whatever.”

                He gave Jonghyun one last glare before setting off to find his homeroom.

                “Yah! Key, wait!” Jonghyun yelled, running after him.

                Key kept walking, now he remembered why he didn’t associate with people. It only led to embarrassment.

                “You’re not mad are you,” Jonghyun asked, matching Key’s pace.

                Key stopped walking to look at a map of the school that was conveniently placed next to the stairs. Freshman floor was on the fourth floor. He groaned, just great. Jonghyun noticed the same thing.

                “Well that ,” He mumbled.

                “No kidding,” Key replied. “And no I’m not mad.”

                Jonghyun smiled. He threw his arm over Key’s shoulder. “Awesome! Now let’s climb these stairs.”

                Key felt his cheeks warm up. He hoped his blush wasn’t noticeable.

                “O-okay,” He stuttered.

                Walking up the stairs was something Key didn’t enjoy. Not only did Jonghyun keep his arm on his shoulder the whole way but it was painfully crowded and apparently everyone decided it was the perfect day to walk at a snail’s pace. By the time they reached the top, Jonghyun was out of breath.

                “Man,” He gasped. “That freaking blows.”

                Key smirked. Being a dancer had kept him fit. He looked at Jonghyun and frowned.

                “You didn’t bring a book bag?”  He asked, cocking his head to the side.

                “I did,” Jonghyun answered. “Why do you ask?”

                Key smirked. “Where is it?”

                Jonghyun’s face paled. “Fuc-“

                “Yah! You stupid Dino! You left your book bag in the courtyard!”

                Both boys turned around. Jonghyun sheepishly smiled.

                “Sorry Minho, I had to walk-“

                “Amber! Krystal kept nagging about not being able to find you. She said she was going to kill Jonghyun for knocking you over like that, you should probably text her,” Minho said, directing his gaze to Key.

                Key glared. This was the second time someone called him Amber. “What? I’m not Amber.”

                Minho frowned, slowly realization spread across his face. “Oh, sorry. You just really look like her. You even have curves.”

                Key’s glare intensified. That was also the second time someone confused him for a girl.

                Minho gulped. The blonde’s glare was making him feel uncomfortable.

                Jonghyun scoffed. “How can you confuse Key for Amber? Have you seen his eyes, they’re so feline and he has no s, I mean come on Minho.”

                Key shot Jonghyun an appreciative look. He turned around and started walking; the bell was bound to ring any minute now.

                “Sorry…Key,” Minho said.

                “Yeah you better be,” Jonghyun replied, a smirk plastered on his face.

                Minho glared and with a bit more force than necessary threw Jonghyun’s book bag to him.

                Jonghyun pouted. “Why so harsh.”


                Key walked into his homeroom, Jonghyun and Minho trailing behind him. He didn’t know when they decided that Key was their new friend but somewhere along the way it had happened. Key didn’t know whether to feel excited or mortified by the fact that he now had two people to consider friends.

                The room was still fairly empty and the few students present were awkwardly staring at anything but each other. Key smiled; at least he wasn’t the only loner. His sight went to the back corner of the room, farthest from the door and closest to the window.

                ‘Perfect.’ He thought. He walked to the seat and once there he sat down with a sigh.  He set his book bag beside his seat, taking out his schedule and map to make sure he knew his way around.

                ‘Okay so I’m in homeroom for 4o minutes. Then Algebra II, AP World History, Language Arts II, Biology and then one hour for lunch. Ugh, one whole hour? What am I supposed to do? Talk to myself the whole time? What’s next? Dance I for 2 hours followed by Vocals I  for another two hours. Aish, Dance I love but singing is going to . Mandatory English after school? Well Fu-"

                “Let me see your schedule!”

                Key shrieked for the second time that day. He turned to his left to see that Jonghyun had occupied the seat. Minho casually sat down in the seat in front of Jonghyun. So they really were serious about this whole ‘friends’ thing.

                “Why?” Key demanded.

                “’Cause I want to see if we have another classes together,” Jonghyun said, a slight pout on his lips.

                “You do that on purpose don’t you,” Key mumbled, reluctantly handing him his schedule.

                “Do what?” Jonghyun asked, smirking a little.

                ‘Bastard.’ Key thought. He tore his gaze away from Jonghyun to look at all the students piling in. Some walked in looking shy while others came in talking with old friends or new friends, Key didn’t know. He was about to put his head down and pretend to sleep like he did countless times before but he stopped once he saw himself walk through the door.

                He saw himself. Himself. Key did a double take on the boy who had walked through the door. He had his blonde hair, his milky white skin, his pink lips, and his body figure. He continued to stare more and he knew who she was. She was Amber. No wonder Minho confused him for Amber. The only difference was the obvious chest bumps and the eyes. Of course he had an Adam’s apple while she didn’t. What really made Key shudder was the fact that they practically wore the same clothes, save the fact that her shirt wasn’t a V-neck.

                Key was confused. He didn’t know if he could pass for a girl or if she could pass for a boy. He feared that the former was the answer. He was, after all, confused for a girl twice.

                “We only have Dance and Vocals together,” Jonghyun said, snapping Key out of his trance. “AP and Honors courses? Did you really have to be all smart?”

                “Uh,” Key was still thinking about Amber. “Yes?”

                Jonghyun pouted. “Well at least we see each other the last four hours of the day.”

                “Did you even bother to check my schedule?” Minho asked, glaring at Jonghyun.

                “Whatever, we’re both equally dumb. We’re probably in the same classes.”

                Minho scowled. “You mean you’re dumb.”

                “Shut up you toad,” Jonghyun said, glaring at the taller boy. He looked to his left and smiled. “Look, its Amber! Hey Amber!”

                Key paled.

                Amber’s head turned to the direction of the voice. She smiled and made her way to the corner.

                “Hey guys!”

                Key sighed; at least her voice wasn’t manly. He sat still, trying to be invisible. She sat to Jonghyun’s left, not even sparing a glance at Key. For that he was grateful. Key let out a shaky breath and turned back to stare at the class. He didn’t know when the bell rung but everyone was rushing through the door. It was rather comical watching 3 people try to fit through such a small doorway. The room started filling up, Key counted more than 30 heads, leaving only a few seats empty.  Once the last few people squeezed through the door there were only four seats. Three of them were towards the front and were occupied rather quickly. The last one was in front of Key.

                Key sighed. He seemed to be doing a lot of that and it was still morning.  Key turned back towards the window but not before he caught sight of bright red hair. He felt the green-eyed monster crawl back into his mind. The boy looked like competition and Key never liked competition. He knew that the boy was bound to sit in front of him. It was the only empty seat. He stopped cloud watching long enough to see the thin boy quickly walk to the seat in front of Key.

                Key turned back towards the window. He wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it, he didn’t even know if the boy was that good.

                “Holy Crap! No freaking way.”

                Key turned to his left. Amber’s shocked gaze met his.

                “Dude! Are you my long lost twin or something,” She asked, still staring at Key.

                Key blushed. “Uh, no.”

                She smiled. “I’m-“

                “Amber,” Key said, cutting her off. “I know. People have been confusing me for you all morning.”

                He glanced a Minho long enough to see him blush.

                “Well you are pretty,” Amber said. “And hot.”

                Key blushed.

                “Oh! Your blush is adorable.”

                Key covered his face with his hands, knowing full well that his face was almost as red as the thin boy’s hair.

                “Sheesh Amber,” Jonghyun started. “You sure do know how to embarrass a guy.”

                “What? I was only being truthful.”

                “Dude, don’t listen to her,” Jonghyun said, reaching over to pat Key’s shoulder.

                Key let his hands drop to his lap. He kicked himself for allowing people to talk to him. If he had tried to be a loner again none of this would’ve been happening.

                “It’s fine,” Key said. “Just embarrassing.”

                Jonghyun gave him an encouraging smile which caused Key to feel a slight warmth in his chest. Having friends gave him all types of weird feelings.

                The rest of the period was uneventful, Amber occasionally asked Key random questions and he would reply with short answers. By the end of the 40 minutes Key was ready to go home.

                Too bad the day had just begun. 


HERRO! Sorry for the late Update but I went to see The Hunger Games and it was FANTASTIC! (baby) 

There was this ***** who wouldn't shut up. She complained about things they missed...during the whole movie. Then every 10 minutes she would say 'Oh! Oh! I remember this! ___________ is going to happen!' I was just like:

I know this is starting out slow but I want to introduce characters and all that first. ALSO I will probably update again in 2-3 hours maybe tomorrow night if I decide to be naughty and sleep instead

But no, I really am sorry for the wait. 9 subs so far. I want to say that I love you 9 so much♥ My original 9!

Any mistakes will be fixed, eventually. Please don't hate me too much♥

@butterflybabe13 Thanks<3 First comment so I love you forever♥ I love you because you have put so much faith in my crappy fic<3<3 FLUFF!

@Macyblak THANKS!<3 I'm loving you for loving my story which means you love me...right?<3 (I didn't like the original nurse's name so I used Macy ^.^) 

See you soon!


*Gifs not mine

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I'm sorry I've been away! :( I'll have chapter 5 by the end of the weekend


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kreiisi96 #1
Chapter 5: Comeback! I love this fic :((
eunhaeron #2
Chapter 5: Take your time :) I enjoyed this fic way too much, definitely will wait until you update again ^^
Chapter 5: Oh god. I just finished this and i think, i fell in love with u. I hope ull come bsck soon to finish this amazing story
soondubutofu #4

imma be a subscriber till i die, homie.
wheresmylamb #5
Chapter 5: You mentioned almost every single idol I adore ♥ I love this story and the writing style. I hope everything is well and you won't be on hiatus long, but for whatever reason it may be, we'll be here waiting for your return to lead us in this great adventure you created! :)
This story is pretty awesome. Please update soon! I wanna know what happens next =]
Chapter 5: Hey. I'm a new reader. This story is really amazing! It's also really realistic, and...just wow.\
And I really doubt anyone will hate you for putting this on hiatus. You s=do have a life outside of aff....
Chapter 1: new reader. c:
the first chapter is just adorable - jonghyun is such a cutie. key nervousness is something realistic, even though he's really confident & blunt, he would get nervous at something like this.
thestrangelittlegirl #9
new reader and I'm loving this!!!
minhosnoona #10
Chapter 5: this is awesome! I hope you update soon!