나의 세상으로


At Coffe Bean & Tea Leaf
Segyung's POV

We closed the shop a little bit early today because of the welcome party for me. Everyone is decorating the shop while me, I'm just sitting here and can't help them. I'm not lazy, ok? Jungroo sunbae told me not to work again because she's worried that something might happen to me and this is a party for me, why would I work? But I want to help. I feel so special because some are concerned because of my poor health, oh irritating, it feels that they pity me. I suddenly thought of going out.

I went to Jungroo sunbae, "Sunbae, can I go out first?" I asked.

"You can, come back around 7:00-7:30pm so that we can prepare." Jungroo sunbae said and she smiled.

I nodded and went out then I went to the playground a bit far from the shop but I can manage walking. It'll just take 20 minutes to walk there. It's not that tiring. I need exercise.

At the playground

Kids are usually playing here but why is it that no one is here? Even on child, I can't see anything but my shadow following me. Define boring? Tsk, I'm alone here, no one to talk with. I wish someone's here beside me that I can lean on. No other can do that but my brother, only him and no one else but...where the hell is he? I really miss you and I love you so much but my heart says that I hate you...even if I don't want to hate you, I can't follow heart shouts HATE. I hate all of you who left me alone.

"Oppa..."  I whispered and smiled. "I'm sorry I hate you." I said and cried. I can't help but to cry. Who cares? Would someone comfort me her? No one would do that I wish there is. "Even if I hate you...I want to see you once more." I cried again. "Sehun..." HUHHH?????? Why did I said that?.. He's not your brother...There's no way but...why did I say his name?


At S.M. Ent. building
At the big studio
Luhan's POV

I'm just sitting here at the corner with Sehun and Kai. The three of us were quiet. We're not even talking and no one dared to do so, even me. I looked at my wrist watch and it's already 6:30pm. I suddenly remembered that we're going to the coffee shop where that Oh Segyung is working, it's Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Ah~~~ I'm can drink Americano once again!

I looked at Sehun and I was about to talk with him but he seems to be busy looking at something so I didn't managed to disturb him. Kai, at the other hand...he looks scaryㅋㅋㅋㅋ Aigoo...It's so boring whenever you don't have anyone to talk with.

"Hyung..." Sehun suddenly held my arms. Gosh, I was a bit shocked.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing." He answered. Eh? What was that?

"I'm going there first." Kai suddenly said as he pointed where the other members are.

Me and Sehun nodded then he left us. Sehun went closer to me and I looked at him, he also looked at me and he smiled. I laughed and he also laughed too. Aigoo, what does this guy want?

"I'm going to tell you something." Sehun said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's about Oh Segyung." He said. Why did this guy suddenly got interested with Oh Segyung?

"Why? You like her?" I asked and smiled.

"No...she's my..." Sehun said and looked at me with his serious eyes. "It's just between you, Sulli and me, ok?" Sehun asked and I just nodded. "Segyung's my sister." He finally said.

"Is she the one you're talking about when you told me about what really happen to your family? The one that you mom and dad abandoned? Is she that one?" I asked him. "If that's her, are you planning to tell her later?" I asked again.

"She's that one, she's my sister. The one that my mom and dad abandoned." Sehun answered. "But, I'm not planning to tell it to her first. For now, I just want to be friends with her, would you help me to get close with her?" Sehun asked me.

"I can help you and since you also told Sulli about this, we'll be needing her help too." I said and smiled. "Ah, Sehun...I know how you feel right now, but who do you think is more hurt? You or Segyung-ssi? I think Segyung is more hurt than you. I know you're not ready to tell her later but I hope you won't take this long because the more you take it long, the more it'll be hard for you to tell her because she'll be hurt again. Why? She already treat you as a friend and someone can trust on but once she knew that your her brother that left her alone, she might not trust you ever again." I told him.

He just looked down and nodded.

"Don't be sad...I'm here! Your best friend, right?" I said and tapped his back.

He smiled and nodded, "Thank you for understanding how I really feel hyung." He said.

"No problem...I'll help you with Segyung-ssi." I said and smiled.

"Thanks hyung..." He said and tapped my arm.


At F(X)'s Studio
Sulli's POV

"What? You mean you can't come later??? Why?" I asked Krystal.

"Aigoo, manager sunbae needs me and Victoria eonni later at the shooting, Amber and Luna has other schedules so I think you'll be going alone. Jinjja mianhaeyo." Krystal said and held my both arms. "Don't worry, if there's a chance that we can go to Coffe Bean & Tea Leaf, I'll be bringing Victoria, Luna and Amber with us!" Krystal said and smiled.

"Aish, fine! Are you going now?" I asked.

"Ne, if you don't have someone to talk to...uhh..I saw Luhan and Sehun at the big studio awhile ago, they're talking about...I don't know but yeah, I need to go now." Krystal said.

"Fine, go!" I said and laughed.

She nodded and she went out. "Hmm, does Sehun already told about Segyung already? I should check it out!" I said and I also went out and I headed to the big studio.

At the big studio

I searched for Sehun and Luhan then I saw them at the corner laughing at each other. Aigoo, they're really like twins. They so look alike. I went to them and I sat infront of them.

"You said it?" I asked Sehun.

Sehun nodded, "aish, it was so different when I talked with him, he was so calm but you, I think you're going to eat me already!" Sehun said and laughed.

"Mwo? Ah jinjja! Yah! Oh SEHUN!" I said and I slapped his head.

"Owww~" Sehun said and laughed. "I was just joking Sulli. You don't have to be so angry." Sehun said and tapped my shoulder.

"Whatever~" I said and rolled my eyes. "Anyways, Luhan...what do you think? Can you help us?" I looked at Luhan.

Luhan smiled and nodded, "I can help but of course, we need your help also. Your friends with Segyung-ssi already and we still need to be close to her, I think it's a bit hard to that...specially, I'm shy." Luhan said and laughed. "Joke, I'm not that shy, I can get together with anyone easily." He added.

"Michin..." I said and laughed. "Anyways, thank you for helping. I love Segyung so much...she's such a nice person that's why I'm affected of what is happening right now." I said.

"It's ok Sulli." Luhan said and tapped my back.

I smiled and nodded. "Luhan, what time is it already?" I asked and pointed at his wrist watch.

Luhan looked at it and looked at me. "7:15, I think we should go now." Luhan said and tapped Sehun's back. "Let's go." he said.

We all stood up and went to the other EXO members, we called them and we went to the parking.


"Who's gonna drive?" I asked.

"I will." Kris said and went to the driver's seat. I just nodded and we all went inside the van. I don't know where to seat but I sat beside Sehun. Luhan's at the right of Sehun and I'm at the left and here beside me it's Chanyeol. Thank goodness I'm also tall.

Kris started driving and I don't know if he knows where Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf is. But why would he volunteer to drive if he doesn't know where to go, right? Why would I worry.

"Sulli, I just noticed this now..." Sehun suddenly talked to me.

"You noticed what?" I asked.

"Krystal is not here...did we forgot her?" He asked and I laughed.

"No, I haven't told you about it...anyways, she has a shooting with Victoria eonni, I can't bring Luna and Amber here because they also have tight schedule and I'm the only one who doesn't do anything. So I'm alone." I said and smiled. "Tsk, It's so awkward ya know, because...I'm the only girl here." I said and laughed.

"As if that were going to do something to you." Kai said and laughed.

I also laughed, "aish! I know right!" I said and smiled.


At the park
Segyung's POV

"What time is it now?" I asked myself and looked at my watch. "Eh? 7:20 already? Why is the time so fast?" I said and I started fixing myself. "I should go back or else Jungroo sunbae will be worried like crazy, aish...I don't want that...then everybody would go crazy and shake my body like whuut? Whatever...I should go." I said and get my bag from the bench.

I was about to cross the road but a fast car was going to me. Oh my gosh, is this the end? I can't move. Please stop your car!!! I don't want to die first, I'm still young! Ah, it's all my fault! Omo, stop please!! Then it stopped. Thank goodness...then the one who's driving went out and the others inside the car.

"Gwaenchanha?" A tall guy asked me.

"Ne, thank you for stopping the car, you know I think I'm going to die first before you hit me by your car because I'm so shocked!" I said and laughed. "Don't worry I'm fine." I said, omo...his voice is so deep, kkkkkkk...maybe handsome. What the Segyung, you were about to die then you're thinking like that??

"Omo, gwaenchanha?" A familiar voice approached me. Tsk, why is it so dark??? I can't even see your faces!

"Gwaenchanha..." I said.

"Huh...wait, do I know you?" She asked.

"I don't know but I heard your voice before..." I said. Suddenly the lights in the streets opened and look who I saw? It's Sulli and maybe the EXO members. "S...Sulli?" I asked.

She smiled, "Segyung-ah!" Sulli shouted and held my hands.




Finally! I finished Chapter 5!! Haha, I'm so busy taking care of my grandfather at the hospital 24/7.
He just got discharged at the hospital yesterday.
I miss EXO so much and I wasn't updated anymore to them.
I just actually watched their Showcase and MAMA mv yesterday!
My gosh! Luhan is just so perfect...I really love him and...hehe I so like Xiumin.
I watched their interview at Sina in YouTube without SUBS!! Gosh..can't understand Chinese...oh well..I can understand Xiumin and Chen anyways since they're speaking in Korean.
Xiumin doesn't know how to speak CHINESE? haha...cutie pie!ㅋㅋjust so cute!

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i'm goin' to update soon!
and don't call me Kiwi juice! Milk Tea! Bubble Tea! and any kinds od Tea! you crazy for TEA! you should've been a TEA!
lol chanyeol /o\
philphil #3
update soon!! haha chanyeol got caught!! 8D
scoobie #4
Update soon!!!! yah Luhan is starting to like her bit by bit!!!
Yay! Aww LuHan I wuv you!
i will continue read your 팬픽션 tomorrow :D keep updating. i am at chapter 3 now :D
the food make me feel hungry~~ 나 정말 배고파 ㅋㅋ
i will read again :D
i will read this story ^^ first chapter <3
Love your story~~~
Update Soon! :D
I wanna find out whats gonna happen next!! ^-^