An Empty Storage Room?

Life's Unexpected Turns


I felt the van come to a smooth stop. I heard the leather on one of the front seats move, “Ok, here’s what we are going to do. You five are going to go do this shoot, and when we are done we are going to go check her back in with her school.”


Silence filled the car for awhile. “We can’t do that.” Taeyang’s voice came from behind me. I felt a shiver go down my spine for more than one reason when he spoke those words.


Daesung and Ji Yong hauled me into a sitting position as the body guard spoke, “Yes we can. She has to go back to where she came from.” He looked at me, “We are going to take you back to where ever you are staying.” His statement seemed rock solid.


“I don’t want to seem disrespectful, but Youngbae is right. We can’t take her back. They saw her.” Ji Yong said calmly.


“That girl got a picture, I was looking right at her.” I murmured.


The bodyguard stated rather harshly, “I believe that we need to take her back.”


TOP’s voice had an edge to it, “No. We will take responsibility for her.” The silence that followed him words was chilling.


The body guard sighed, “I guess I’ll take her back to YG with you but I’m going to take her to Yang Hyun-Seok’s office. You can explain this to him.” He eyed Ji Yong and temporarily gazed at the others as he spoke but ended by looking at Ji Yong again.


“I’ll tell him.” Ji Yong said, less confidently than I would’ve liked to hear.


“We’ll tell him.” SeungRi commented.


“Well that is that then.” The body guard said before turning around and shutting off the engine. Without saying another word he exited the vehicle and ascended the stairs to the back of the building we were at.


Silence fell over the van as we waited for him to return. I heard someone shift in the back seat, “Yang Hyun-Seok scares me.” Taeyang whispered.


I turned around to look at him, “You guys don’t have to see him. Just send me back to school and then you don’t have to see him.”


He just looked at me with a sad expression, “It’s not that easy. We have to take you, they may hurt you if you go back.”


“I don’t want to be a burden.” I said before turning back around and facing forward.


I heard someone hit someone, followed by another impact. SeungRi let out a small yelp, “Mianhae hyung.”


“You won’t be a burden.” Ji Yong said as he softly moved my chin to make me look at him.


“Yeah, it’ll be fun to have a personal translator.” Daesung smiled as I turned to face him.


I smiled back, “Thank you guys.” I said turning to look at both as I spoke. The smile on my face faltered. “Are you serious?” I asked Daesung.


He nodded, “I wouldn’t lie to you. This is going to be fun, I can feel it.” He said smiling so big that his eyes disappeared.


“Don’t worr-” Ji Yong began but was cut off by the body guard opening the door.


“Put the glasses back on and follow me.” He ordered. They all covered their eyes and I just looked down as we were guided inside the dimly lit building.


When we got inside, I could hear a faint hum of music from somewhere down the hall. I looked up to see that the building wasn’t as impressive as I had imagined a place for a photo shoot would be.


The walls were white-ish and bare for the most part. The doors that we passed as we glided down the hall were mostly closed. The music grew louder as we passed a door that was slightly ajar. It looked like a prop storage space. From the split second I got a peek, I saw various hats in several different shapes and sizes among other things. For the most part I imagined it looked like a page out of an I Spy book.


The music grew to a point that it was almost unbearable as the body guard opened the door at the end of the hall. The music turned down and I could hear someone who seemed very happy inside as Big Bang entered the room. I was in the back but before I could enter, their body guard stopped me. “They don’t want visitors during the shoot. I’m taking you to a room that you can wait in.” He said as he waved to a guy who had a rather interesting outfit on. The guy wore a purple shirt that had gold flakes all over it and puffy sleeves. His green pants were rather tight on his skinny legs, and his shoes looked like big black boots.


The body guard stepped outside the door, causing me take a step back. He quickly closed the door behind him, preventing me from looking at any other details of the room. The hallway seemed eerily quiet. He stepped around me and started to descend down the hallway a short ways, I had to pick up my pace to keep up. He opened a door to what was once a dressing room. Mirrors aligned one wall that had wood countertops jutting out from under them. Chairs was below the countertops in even intervals. “You need to stay here, we will come and get you once they are done.” He said rather coldly before closing the door behind him.


I glanced around the room for a second and I couldn’t help but think, 'What am I going to do in an empty room for the next few hours?'

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I'm sorry guys but I'm being bombarded with way too much work at school so I'm unable to update any of my stories atm. I'll resume updating on June 1st~


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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wonnder if they were they are gonna hire her!!!!! oh and is there gonna be a fourth chapter? well, SUCH A CUTE STORY!
sis_cute #2
hahaha! jaemi isseo! i'm glad that you update ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ;D
JaeJayBaby_3 #3
Yay! Looking forward to the next chappie. ^_____^
OMG! They saw her dancing! [djofbj! update soon, so good :)
Like this! ^^
lovis89 #6
wait she was going be a translator right?
sis_cute #7
seems interesting :) your writing style is pleasant to read but there are some parts that seem illogical such as 'I' never told them that I'm gonna be their translator but somehow daesung knows it..and in chap 1, the tallest member approach 'me' (I guess it's TOP?) but then a taller member (GD) step to the side..things like that

sorry for the long post :P
I really like your story so far!
Keep it up!~