Turn Everything Upside Down, Why Don't You?

Life's Unexpected Turns


I let out a soft sigh. All my hope, I could feel draining down into the pavement. ‘So this is what YG thrives off of? Lost hope?’ I sarcastically commented to myself.


My head snapped up as I heard the door on the other end open, I watched as six men exited, all wearing sunglasses and hats. They were talking amongst themselves. I found myself filling back up with hope even as the door shut behind them.


I took a few steps towards them without any of them noticing. I got within earshot of them, “Annyonghaseyo Big Bang-ssi.” I kept my voice low enough that the people on the sidewalk a few feet away couldn’t hear, but they stopped dead in their tracks. They all turned and the only one that I didn't recognize stepped in front of the others.


“Miss, you need to stay on your way. We are in a hurry and don’t need any incidences this morning.” He said in a rough voice.


I just stared at him, ‘I guess this is as close as I’ll ever get.’ I though to myself as I glanced past the body guard at the five guys who started the change my life had made over the past decade. I knew that there was longing in my eyes but I’m not a good actor, so even as I tried I knew it was plain and visible. “I’m sorry, to have bothered you.” I said, trying to keep my eyes from finding the pavement.


The one with a beauty mark on his right cheek stepped to the side, “Sorry,” I heard Ji Yong’s voice say, “but maybe we can see each other again soon.” His smile was truly apologetic.


I involuntarily smiled back out of reflex, “Ok, I hate to ask. But the door seems to be locked. Is that for security reasons?”


“Security, yes.” The body guard said as he looked down at his watch.


“If you want I can let you in, well maybe.” Ji Yong stated as his eyes drifted sideways towards the bulky man who was next to him, “Why do you want in? Do you have business here or are you just a fan?” He let out a small chuckle as he finished his question, his smiled grew wider.


I couldn’t help but grin and let out a small laugh too, “I was wanting to see if I couldn’t get an internship as a translator for the summer. I’m here taking classes at Seoul University and would lov-” I was saying but was cut off by SeungRi who pushed a few of the other members towards the building and into me.


“Big Bang!” We all heard a by standard scream. Before looking I could feel all the eyes of everyone on the street turn towards us. There was a girl probably around the age of fourteen that had her arm extended pointing at us. The look of delight on her face faltered as her eyes landed on me.


I felt my face heat a little before I saw the body guard start to shield the guys from the oncoming entourage of girls and cameras. I felt fear begin to creep into me at the thought of one of them getting a hold of me. But just as quickly as the thought came, I felt someone grab my wrist and carry me along with the guys.


We ran around to the back of the YG Entertainment building where I saw their black vans sitting under an awning. The boys expertly split as the body guard stayed in the back. Ji Yong grabbed my arm, pulling me around to the driver’s side of the vehicle. I saw Taeyang throw the door behind the passenger’s open and swung into the far back. TOP and SeungRi followed him in as Ji Yong opened the door that was in front of us. He picked me up, ‘helping me’ get into the middle of the seat.


I used my hands to brace myself as I fell a little too far towards the passenger side. I looked up to find Daesung swinging into the seat I was currently halfway laying in. I quickly pushed myself up and out of the way a split second before he collided with the seat, the door slammed closed behind him.


He looked over at me and smiled. I felt my face heat a little as I tried to fix the shocked face I had been wearing prior. Before I could contemplate to look down at the console in between the front two seats, that was in front of me, Ji Yong jumped in. And of course he couldn’t sit in his seat when he gets in, he jumps, no hurtles himself into the vehicle which in turn threw me up against Daesung.


I tried to cover up the small squeak that escaped my mouth by clearing my throat. I felt his arm twitch, which let me know that he had indeed heard me. I heard the door slam as Ji Yong scooted into his seat, “Mianhae.” He murmured as he put his seat belt on.


“It’s ok.” Daesung said before I could respond, but he said it more to me than to Ji Yong.


The body guard slammed his door and revved the engine to life. “Hold on tight guys.” He said as he stepped on the gas and made a sharp u-turn.


I slid into Ji Yong, who caught me. I looked at the seat between Ji Yong and found the buckle for my seat belt. I felt someone tap my shoulder, “Here.” Daesung said handing me the already extended belt.


“Thank you.” I smiled up at him as I pulled it around me and buckled in. The screams of people outside the vehicle pulled us out of the serene moment and into reality. We were in the middle of a very big and possibly dangerous pod of fans.


As I thought this, I heard the doors relock, “Just double checking.” He said from the front seat.


The car was filled for silence as no one would look out the windows. I decided to look at the floorboards, not wanting anyone that was outside to see my face. We saw a flash and I looked up to see a girl who was standing in front of the vehicle, camera raised. It flashed again, the horn was honked, She didn’t move. She looked directly at me and I saw it flash again.


I felt horror shoot up from the pit of my stomach, I immediately covered my face and bent forward. I felt some material land on my back, falling in front of my face. “We can’t let her be seen.” TOP’s voice came from behind me.


I felt the van lurch forward and hit the small bump that lead to the main road. No one spoke, not even after the screams had dissipated. After awhile I heard SeungRi’s voice, “Is she ok?” And I felt a little pressure on the right side of my lower back.


“I sure hope so.” Daesung’s voice softly said as his hand softly rubbed below my right shoulder blade.


“She’s not traumatized is she?” SeungRi’s voice came again as his hand lifted.


“It probably just shocked her.” Ji Yong’s whispered as his hand mirrored Daesung’s for a second before they both disappeared. “She’ll be alright.” He said as he gently patted my head, “Right?”


I felt my body start to tremor as a thought engulfed me, 'What was I going to do now? What was going to happen?'



Yay! Chapter 1 is finally up ^_^ So what does everyone think? I love input and comments, they are what make writers keep writing! So please don't forget to click the subscribe button and leave a comment :)

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I'm sorry guys but I'm being bombarded with way too much work at school so I'm unable to update any of my stories atm. I'll resume updating on June 1st~


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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wonnder if they were they are gonna hire her!!!!! oh and is there gonna be a fourth chapter? well, SUCH A CUTE STORY!
sis_cute #2
hahaha! jaemi isseo! i'm glad that you update ^^ can't wait for the next chapter ;D
JaeJayBaby_3 #3
Yay! Looking forward to the next chappie. ^_____^
OMG! They saw her dancing! [djofbj! update soon, so good :)
Like this! ^^
lovis89 #6
wait she was going be a translator right?
sis_cute #7
seems interesting :) your writing style is pleasant to read but there are some parts that seem illogical such as 'I' never told them that I'm gonna be their translator but somehow daesung knows it..and in chap 1, the tallest member approach 'me' (I guess it's TOP?) but then a taller member (GD) step to the side..things like that

sorry for the long post :P
I really like your story so far!
Keep it up!~