
If Things Could Be Undone



Today is the 1st March 2012, Thursday. White and Blue day! I woke up and did my morning routine. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast with my parents. I have always been wondering, how did Jiyong oppa always went out so early?! Oh, right. Girls take more time with themselves than boys. I went outside and walked to school. Then, Sulli came by my side and linked my arms with hers.

“Morning!” I greeted them.

“Morning.” They greeted me back.

“So, how was your dinner last night?” Minho asked me.

I kind of blushed to think about my kiss with Donghae oppa.

“Umm, it was okay” I shrugged innocently.

Look, I do love Minho but I think I also love Donghae. I don’t know but I think I will just keep them as my friends. I have to focus my studies than boys.

”Oh, dammit! I forgot to tell them.” I quickly open my phone and texted to Dino oppa and Sica unnie.

From: Yulie

To: Sicachu // Dino Rawr


Phew. Please don’t tell anyone, you pabo couple. I was walking at the back of Minho and Sulli. I didn’t noticed they stopped and Minho turned around to me. I was walking and I bumped into Minho til we fell down. While we fell, we accidentally kissed. Oh god! How many boys had kissed me?! I can see that Sulli covered her eyes when she saw us. I quickly broke the kiss and stood up.

“J-jeongsohabnida.” I apologized to him.

“It’s okay. It was only an accident anyway.”

Then he continued walking and I can notice that he was smiling and grinning like an idiot.

When we arrived, Donghae oppa walked past me and grinned at me. I think he still remembered about last night. Ugh, pabo Yuri! I should have known that he’ll trick me. I just glared at him so he asked his friend, Siwon about Fany unnie. He nodded at me like he understood and gave me thumbs up.

Minho nudged me, “Yah! What was that about?”

“What do you mean?” I asked him innocently.

“You and Donghae. What’s up with you two? Did something happen last night?!” he yelled.

“Nothing happened. It was just a dinner” I told him.

He just nodded. Sulli waved at me and Minho as we arrived in front of her class. Then, me and Minho went to our class and sat in our seats. As usual, the teacher was late again. So, Minho asked me about last night.

“How was dinner last night?” he asked me.

“Kind of awkward” I laughed awkwardly.

“Why?” he asked again.

“Because I just met them but Hyoyeon unnie is very nice to me” I lied.

Sorry I lied, Minho. If I told you that I had a date with Donghae, I’m afraid that you’ll be upset with me that I ditched you because of him, I thought. But the part which Hyoyeon unnie is nice was 100% true.

“Hmm, I’m sure Donghae-ssi checked you out last night, right?” he teased me.

I blushed a little, “Yes, he did”

“Of course, who wouldn’t checked this hot and y woman” he winked at me.

I just pushed him playfully.

“You said that Megan Fox was hotter than me. Now that you admit that I looked hot, how about I’ll try wearing something new tomorrow?” I winked back at him while I giggled.

“Yah! Andwae! Boys will take you away from me” he denied.

“What about Taemin and Jongin?” I raised my eyebrow.

“Them… Hmm…” he tapped his chin, “NO! NEVER! I will not give you to anyone!” he yelled at me.

“Okay okay, Mr. Selfish. By the way, I’m not owned by you. Mehrong.” I stuck out my tongue at him.

“Yah! I’m not selfish!” he denied.

“Yes, you are!” I .

“Aniyo. I’m Choi Minho, the coolest guy ever.” He praised himself.

“No, you are not. You are Choi Minho, the most self-centered and the most arrogant guy ever!” I stuck out my tongue at him again.

Minho just mimicked me over and over again. We were bickering with each other until the teacher came. When the bell rang, I immediately grabbed Fany unnie and Sica unnie. We walked together to the cafeteria. We took our food and went to our table which was filled with our friends. After we finished eating, Fany unnie and I went to class early while Sica unnie wanted to spend with her boyfriend, Dino oppa. You know what? I created that nickname for Jonghyun oppa. Yeah, he looks 100% dinosaur and 99% puppy. He looks more like a real dinosaur and that makes him more cuter. Hey, that doesn’t mean I like him, kay? Friends can compliment friends, I thought.

“I want a boyfriend like Sica unnie!!” I groaned at Fany unnie.

“Go and take Minho. He seems to like you” Fany unnie mumbled while she keeps fixing her nails.

“Yah! Minho doesn’t like me. We are just friends.” I said.

“Yeah, more like lover friends” Fany unnie said sarcastically.

“No we’re not!” I said again.

“yes you two are. Now, stop arguing about Minho. He seems nice and good looking. Why don’t you date him?” Fany unnie finally turned her attention to me for a while.

“Because I don’t know what do I feel about him. I don’t have anyone in my heart and I wish someone could just take my heart and put my heart in his pocket” I said.

“Eww. Don’t be cheesy, Yul. You are making me have goosebumps.” Fany unnie said while she rubbed her arms to make her goosebumps go away.

Suddenly, my phone rang. Beep! Beep!

From: Donghae Oppa

To: Yulie

Yah! I already asked Siwon hyung about your friend.

“Ooo. Who could that be?” Fany unnie tried to peek my phone but I pushed her face away.

“Andwae andwae andwae!” I screamed but not that loud.

I think she saw the contact since she teased me about him.

“Oooo. Donghae-ssi! What did he asked you about?” Fany unnie asked.

Right, I didn’t told Fany unnie about my date with him last night especially about the kiss. Only me, Donghae oppa and Sica unnie will know.

“None of your business, unnie. Mehrong” I said to her.

I quickly typed back to him.

From: Yulie

To: Donghae Oppa

What did he said, fishy oppa?! Need details A.S.A.P.!!

Fany unnie sighed, “I’m going back to the cafeteria. I’ll leave you and your” she coughed “boyfriend” she coughed again “alone” then quickly left.

Donghae replied me back after Fany unnie left.

From: Donghae Oppa / To: Yulie

Fishy oppa? I like that nickname. It suits me very well. Then, I shall call you ‘My Poodle’ because your eyes are cute and they almost looks like poodles’ eyes.

Hmm, I should change his name in my contacts then. From Donghae Oppa to Fishy Hae. Then, I texted him back.

From: Yulie / To: Fishy Hae

Is that supposed to be a compliment? Anyway, don’t change the subject! What did he said?

He replied me when I was just about to take my pencil to play with. But then, I dropped it since he texted back. He is a fast typer, I thought while I smirked.

From: Fishy Hae / To: Yulie

Of course! I wish I could pinch your cheeks now but I’m not there. I changed your contact name into ‘My y Poodle’. He said that she had the prettiest eye smile ever but he was afraid to confess or whatever.

I blushed when he typed that he wished to pinch my cheeks now and also when he typed that he changed my contact name to ‘My y Poodle’. I texted him back.

From: Yulie / To: Fishy Hae

Well, that’s good to know that I am really y. You should say thanks to my body and also to my oppa. Oh right! About my oppa. Why did he look so umm…. I don’t know what is the word but like, Angry with you? Awesome! Tell him to confess to her soon before I blind dated her to someone else!

Then, he replied me back.

From: Fishy Hae / To: Yulie

Yeah yeah yeah. You ARE y but not Y HOT like Megan Fox! Hahahaha. You want to know about it? Dinner with me, tonight. Pick you up at eight, neh? Okay okay, y poodle!

I laughed at his texts. He is so cute yet looks like a ert just like Minho oppa.

From: Yulie / To: Fishy Hae

Yah~ You are just like Minho oppa! He told me that Megan Fox was hotter than me. I am sad. If you can see, I am pouting now. Huhu. Arasso. I’m bored tonight. I hope Jiyong oppa doesn’t mind. tee hee. Hmm, what should I wear? Something cute and innocent or something hot and y?

I realized that we have texted each other for like 5 minutes and Park sonsaengnim is not back yet. Meeting, I guessed.

From: Fishy Hae / To: Yulie

Aigoo. Fine fine, poodle. You are the most iest, hottest yet innocent as ever girl I’ve met. Happy, poodle Yul? Aish, you just make me wanna die. Don’t pout! Impress me all you can. Steal my heart or kiss me again. Btw, no teacher in class?

I made a disgusted face when I read the last text.

From: Yulie / To: Fishy Hae

Very. Don’t die! I’m innocent. I didn’t do anything to you! Blehh, steal your heart or kiss you again? I have to think that for about 100 years. Please do, wait if you please. Mehrooooong! And yup. You too?

Fany, Sica, Minho, Jonghyun and Taemin came in the class. Taemin cutely waved at me as I waved him back. Then, Beep! Beep! As Minho oppa just sat beside me.

“Nugu?” he asked me.

“A friend” I shrugged.

I looked at the text.

From: Fishy Hae / To: Yulie

Yes, you are an innocent poodle. No, I cant wait that long! I want the answer tonight or something will happen, girl. I’m smirking now so you should be scared. Mwahahaha. Yes, Can I go to your class? Puppy eyes?

Minho oppa tried to peek the message but he failed so he snatched my phone away and raised his arms up in the air while he read it. Gosh, why is he so damn freaking tall?! I tried to get it but he is just too tall!!

“Fishy hae? Nuguyaaa?? Y-Your boyfriend?” he seemed disappointed.

“Aniyo. Fishy Hae-“ I stopped and saw the fishy was leaning at my class door.

“is him” I pointed towards Donghae and Siwon.

“Oh” he pouted.

I really want to kiss those lips again but focus Yuri! You are here to study, not boys. Study study study! I mentally slapped myself.

Donghae came towards me with Siwon tugging at Donghae’s back.

“Hey, poodle” he smirked at me.

“Hey fishy.” I said as I gave him a bitter smile.

“What’s he doing here?” I asked Donghae oppa.

“Business” he shrugged and gave me a wink.

I rolled my eyes.

“Why don’t you just sit down or go around or just leave. Go and lose control. Leave me alone with Minho oppa.” I said to Donghae.

He just shrugged and looks around the class while Siwon was trying to make his first move to Fany unnie. I giggled at them and went back to my seat with Minho oppa.

“Come on, froggy” I tapped his seat for him to sit down.

He sat down and asked me, “Froggy?”

“Yes, froggy.” I stuck out my tongue at him and he just pinched my cheeks.

“You have apple cheeks. I think someone told me that they were kissable” he looked at me, wait, is he blushing?!

I giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“That’s for being a cute froggy” I giggled and pinched his cheeks.

“U-urm.. Yuri… W-would you like to go out w-with me today?” he stuttered.

“Sure” I nodded.

I could sense that he was grinning ear to ear.

Ring Ring Ring! Ring Ring Ring! Ring Ring Ring! I heard that my phone was ringing. I picked it up and as unexpected, it was the fishy.

(Phone Convo)

“What you want?”

“You, silly! I’m bored. Play with me.”

“No and as you can see Froggy just asked me out.”

“Aww. But dinner is still on, right?”

“I don’t know. Maybe yes.”

“Yay! Don’t you dare ditch me”

“I won’t. But someday I will.”

“Yah! You better not! Who wouldn’t resist the Lee Donghae?”

“I would. Who wouldn’t resist the Kwon Yuri? I get more fanletters than you, fishy. DREAM ON!”

“Y-yah. Ara ara. You win. No one could resist this y poodle.”

“I know no one can. Even you, fishy oppa. I just captured your heart. Mwahahaha”

“Yes, you did poodle. Now its my time to capture your heart.”

“Why are you like this? The first time I met you were cold and icy and all with me. But now, you are like… hmm I don’t know, flirting with me. Is that how playboys do?”

“What if I say yes?”

“Then you are such a jerk. You’ll be a total fish jerky. I don’t even treat boys like that.”

“But you tease them”

“I do but that was just for the audience, . You treat them more horrible than me”

“Oh, now you are accusing me. FINE.. What do I have to do to make this all better?”

“Find the girl that stole your heart. That can make you have butterflies in your tummy and make your heart dance inside when you see her. Mark her ‘yours’ forever and also, don’t be a playboy anymore. I’ll stop teasing people including you and also I’ll find the boy who stole my heart. How about that?”

“Gosh, can you even slow down when you talk? I don’t even understand you at all! I only got the part ‘FIND THE GIRL THAT STOLE YOUR HEART’. And that part, I already found her.”

“Really? Who is she? Do I know her?”

“Oh yes you do. In fact, you know her better than everyone else does.”

“Okay okay. Let’s talk at dinner later. Let me have some fun with Minho. Arasso? Annyeong”


I hung up before Donghae could even stop from doing so. Phew, that call took longer than I expected. I realized that Minho oppa got bored so he went to Taemin and Jonghyun oppa’s table.

“Minho oppa!” I called him.

He looked at me and grinned at me before he walks back towards his original seat which was just beside me.

“What’s up? Who was that?” he asked me.

“Just an annoying friend.” I rolled my eyes and glared at Donghae who glanced at me then went back talking with Siwon, Tiffany and Jessica.

“I’m bored, oppa” I pouted.

“Can we escape? Cause I’d like to show you a place” Minho said.

My face lit up when he said he was going to show me a place.

“Jeongmal? Wow. Let’s go right now. But wait, we don’t have transportation.” I remind him. “I’ll just call my driver to send the car here” he said.

Minho oppa is rich and he has his own bike and his own driver before he gets his own license but he likes to walk with his sister cause Sulli can make anyone happy with her cheerful and bubbly personality every day. Maybe that’s why I can get so easily with Sulli that made us inseparable and also why Taeminie and Jonginie fell for her. She is a happy-go-lucky girl. I wish I can just be like her but I don’t know where I came from and who I am. How can I be so happy when I don’t know my life?

“Yeah, sure. Go ahead” He calls his driver to send his car here.

“He’ll be here in maybe 5 minutes. Let’s go out” He stood up and pulls out his hand to me.

I took his hand and stood up happily. We walked towards Taemin and Jonghyun oppa’s table first.

“Hey, we’re gonna skip class. Help me, would you?” Minho asked them.

They just gave us thumbs up.

“Thanks guys” I said.

Then, we walked towards Fany and Sica’s table which Siwon and Donghae were also there.

“Fany unnie, Sica unnie! We’re gonna skip class. Cover for us if Park sonsaengnim comes back?” I asked them.

“Yeah, sure.” Fany ruffled my hair while grinning like a mad person.

“Where are you two going anyway?” sica unnie asked.

“Somewhere this girl will never forget” Minho oppa said while I just giggled and punched his arm lightly.

I saw Donghae oppa looked at Minho oppa with full of jealousy and anger. What’s wrong with him?

“Let’s just go, oppa.” I dragged him out.

Sica and Fany unnie waved at me and I waved back.

“Call you later!” the sound of Sica unnie was the last thing I heard when I got out of class.

We ran as fast and carefully as we can, trying not to get caught. When we got outside, we saw that Minho’s car has just arrived.

“Let’s get in.” Minho oppa pulled me in his car at the backseat with him while his driver infront.

Minho oppa whispered something in the driver’s ears and the driver nodded while Minho sat back down beside me.

“I think you should sleep cause it will be a long journey” Minho oppa said as the car started to drive.

“Come on, oppa! Tell me where are we going.” I whined and pouted at him.

“You’ll know soon.” Minho oppa winked at me.

Ugh, that wink just made me wanna die! STOP ITTT!!

“Okay” I pouted while I try to sleep in the car. I kept wondering where we are going.


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So many ff Minyul I have read...
but for this I prefer to Yulhae :)
Khunpeeh #2
minyul +1

love kwon step-sibling ... 4d kwon twins ftw ...

like your story ^^ sound gr8 ... update soon =D
If you all are guessing the main pairing, its minyul and yulhae. But I cant really choose which yuri should end up with. So I need more comments to which couple they wanted. :D
Finally an update! I hope this turns out to be a yulhae fic <3
TheLanguageOfDesign #5
Annyeong. Good day to you. We saw that you needed one of those graphic designers who are able to provide you a poster.

We opened our new shop. (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/160691/the-language-of-design-graphic-shop-open-characterchart-requestshop-graphicshop-posterrequestshop-graphicanddesign)

We are greatly accepting requests. Just message me for inquiries. Thank you and Sorry for taking up space.
TiaYoungminKwangmin #6
i'm agree with Yuu_momo .. it really hard to read . please make a font size big and i really like your story ! update soon !
who are the main pairing?
your story is good. but please make the font size bigger :)
finally some fanfics that include yuri & gd (though they're just step siblings). new subscriber here :D
BlackPearl_Goddess #9
This sounds interesting... Wonder which couple will appear here? MinYul...? ^^