
If Things Could Be Undone



I woke up from my coma and I saw that I was in a white room with full of people laying down their beds. I looked down to my clothes and noticed that I was wearing the same thing as the other people that were laying down wore. I felt I was . Well, I was . But that doesn’t matters. I have millions of questions in my head. Who am I? Where am I? How did I get here? How old am I? Who are these people? Why am I wearing a robe with underclothes inside? Why is this place full of whiteness? And etc. Finally, someone in a white coat is coming towards me. He has a mixture of brown and grey hair, his face looks like he was in his forties.

“Are you awake already, miss?” he said in a language that I don’t really understand.

I raised an eyebrow and answered in a language that I knew which is English, “Urm, I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you were saying.”

“I guess you only understand in English” he said in the same language but he continued in English, “I’m sorry I thought you were Korean. Do you know who you are?”

I shook my head.

“Do you know who your parents are?” he asked me.

I shook my head again. He frowned and told me to rest for a while. Before he could leave, I asked him if I can walk outside. He refused it but I said that I won’t be far away, just in this building area. Then, he gave up and accepted it. He asked a girl in white uniform to give me some comfortable clothes with some underclothes as well. The girl in the white uniform gave it to me while she smiled. I changed my clothes and went outside. I closed my eyes and smelled the fresh air. But when I opened my eyes, I just realized that I was not in America. I sat down in a bench and thought about my past. But I couldn’t open up to anything. All I know is that I got into an accident in America and ended up in this country. I tried to remember anything but nothing came through. I sighed and went back inside my room. Wait a minute, the doctor said that he thought I was Korean. Koreans are the people from Korea. Now, I know where I am. I am in South Korea.

When I laid back in my bed, the same man was coming into my room again.

“Hello, miss. I’m Doctor Kwon. So, miss. I think you have a lost memory.” Dr. Kwon said.

I was kinda shocked when he said ‘lost memory’.

“Do you have any idea how I got here?” I asked him.

“Well, a young man brought you here and just left. That’s all I know.” he answered.

“How long have I been in this coma?” I asked.

“For five years.” He answered.

Now, that one I was really shocked.

“Who am I?” I asked Dr. Kwon.

“I don’t know, miss. Do you have any friends? Maybe they’ll help you” he said.

“I don’t remember anything. I’m sorry. May I ask, where am I?” I asked.

“You are in Seoul International Hospital, miss. You are in Seoul, South Korea. Do you have any home?” He asked me.

I shook my head and he frowned.

“Hmm, I guess you can stay in my house. How does that sounds?” he said.

“I think that will be okay. But what should I call myself? I don’t know my name, my birthday, my family.” I asked.

“I should call you ‘Kwon Yuri’. Your skin is like glass. Do you know how old you are?” Dr. Kwon asked.

“Well, I was 11 when I got into the accident which the only memory I knew. So, I guess I am 16?” I said.

Dr. Kwon nodded and said, “Alright then, Yuri. You cannot leave immediately though. You must stay in this hospital for maybe, two weeks I’m afraid.”

“Okay, Dr. Kwon. I think I need a rest now.” I said.

“Then, I’ll leave you for now. “ he excused himself.

Two weeks passed and now I am in the car with my new appa. Dr. Kwon adopted me as her daughter so he told me to call him appa.

“Are you excited, Yuri?” he asked me.

“Yes, appa.” I answered him.

He started the engine and started to drove to his house. When we arrived, I opened the door and looked at my new house that I’ll be living. It was a medium sized, a bit modern, green garden at the side of the house and full of nature. I smelled at the wonderful breeze and walked in the house with appa. The inside was really big than the looks of it. It was full of white things again in the house.

Then, a beautiful, young-looking woman came down from the stairs and exclaimed, “Oh, you must be Yuri!”

She hugged me tightly til I couldn’t really breathe.

“Oh, I’m so sorry about that. I’m Kwon Nakyung, your new and cool step-mother. Call me Omma.” She said.

I giggled and replied with a wide smile, “And I’ll be your pretty step-daughter, Kwon Yuri.”

But I asked her back, “Do I have any step-brother or sister?”

She laughed and said, “Well, a handsome step-brother I’d say. Yah, JIYONG-AH!! Get your lazy down here!”

Then, a guy who was in his twenties came down with his normal clothes. Not too formal, not too gangster. Just a t-shirt, baggy pants and supra shoes. His hair was short shaggy golden blonde.

“Hi. I’m Kwon Jiyong. How old are you?” he asked me.

“I’m 16 years old.” I answered while he said “16? Then you are my new dongsaeng. I’m 17 years old. When is your birthday?”

I totally did not think of that one.

“I don’t know” I said in a low voice and looked down.

“Hmm, I’ll go to 5th December. The perfect day for someone who is pretty.” He said.

I blushed when he said ‘pretty’.

“That sounds good.” I smiled.

If you didn’t knew, they all know that I still couldn’t speak hangul so they are speaking in English for now til they help me learn it.

“Let me show you your new room.” He guided me upstairs and walked in to a room.

The room was fully decorated with the mixture of pink and purple color, purple bed with teddy bears on top of it, a black closet, a study table that’s already packed with pencils, pens and notebooks, pink carpet and a door to the bathroom.

“Omma was really excited about you so she decorated this room by herself.” He noticed that I was looking at the room, amazed.

“She didn’t really have to do all of this. It’s beautiful.”

As I explored the whole room.

“I’ll get going now. Go unpack your things.” He said.

“Thank you, um…” I didn’t know what to call him…

“Just call me oppa and I shall call you… Yul for short.” He said.

“Okay. Thank you, oppa.” I need to get used to that.

Then, he left the room. I just realized that I didn’t have much clothes. I opened my luggage and saw just a few clothes. But when I opened the closet, wow my jaw dropped. Beautiful, gorgeous and cute clothes were hanging, some sneakers, sandals, flats, heels and wedges, some beautiful accessories and of course, underclothes. I hung my clothes that were in my luggage there and closed the closet. I opened the bathroom door and saw the bathroom was all purple colored. The toilet bowl, the sink, the tub, the shower room were all purple. There were brushes and toothpastes too. I closed the bathroom door and checked my study table. I was looking at the books and grabbed a Korean dictionary. I opened it and learned a few words.

Suddenly, I heard omma yelling us that its dinner time. I ran down the stairs and into the dining room. I saw that omma cooked a delicious bulgogi and kimchi soup with rice. We ate and had fun eating. When it’s night time, I was about to go to sleep when my appa came in.

“Yuri-ah, you’ll be going to a new school tomorrow. You’ll be attending to the same school Jiyong goes. Neunggok High School. Your uniform is already in your closet. I have prepared everything. You’ll be a great girl as Kwon Yuri. Now, sweet dreams my new child.” He said as he kissed my forehead.

I closed my eyes and prayed that tomorrow will be a fun day at school.


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So many ff Minyul I have read...
but for this I prefer to Yulhae :)
Khunpeeh #2
minyul +1

love kwon step-sibling ... 4d kwon twins ftw ...

like your story ^^ sound gr8 ... update soon =D
If you all are guessing the main pairing, its minyul and yulhae. But I cant really choose which yuri should end up with. So I need more comments to which couple they wanted. :D
Finally an update! I hope this turns out to be a yulhae fic <3
TheLanguageOfDesign #5
Annyeong. Good day to you. We saw that you needed one of those graphic designers who are able to provide you a poster.

We opened our new shop. (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/160691/the-language-of-design-graphic-shop-open-characterchart-requestshop-graphicshop-posterrequestshop-graphicanddesign)

We are greatly accepting requests. Just message me for inquiries. Thank you and Sorry for taking up space.
TiaYoungminKwangmin #6
i'm agree with Yuu_momo .. it really hard to read . please make a font size big and i really like your story ! update soon !
who are the main pairing?
your story is good. but please make the font size bigger :)
finally some fanfics that include yuri & gd (though they're just step siblings). new subscriber here :D
BlackPearl_Goddess #9
This sounds interesting... Wonder which couple will appear here? MinYul...? ^^