Kim Baekhee

Not badass enough for you?

HI GUYS I'm just gonna be really honest and say that I don't have any more inspiration for "Only Look At Me" and it's kind of killing me :/ I feel like I'm letting everyone down yet I can't do anything about it. Oh well :/ Short and boring chapter to start off the story! :P




"Baekhee-ah, get ready to meet your father."

"He's coming back?" Baekhee brightened. She hadn't seen her father in a while ever since his business in Seoul started to progress. Baekhee's mom her hair and smiled at her, "Yes, he's coming to tell us something important too."


A few hours later, they settled down at a table in a restaurant in a prestigious hotel. She fiddled around with her glass of water till her dad came. Seeing him walk towards them, she sprung up and ran up to him, giving him a big hug. Her dad let out a hearty laugh and patted her back while she proceeded to lead him to their table. They ordered dinner and while they were eating, her dad made an announcement. "Baekhee-ah, you will be moving to Seoul with your mother." Hearing the shocking news, she choked on her pasta. "B-But why? I have my friends here and everything is just right here in Busan. Why do we have to move?"

"My business in Seoul is starting to grow and I will be living there to manage it. I don't want to stay apart with you and your mother anymore. Move to Seoul, Baekhee." She solemnly nodded, knowing that even if she resisted, she would still have to move to Seoul sooner or later. For the rest of the night, she kept quiet and said the minimal amount of words, thinking about the move.


2 weeks later, she found herself in her mom's car, ready to move to Seoul. She had tried to convince herself that the move was a positive thing. Her friends had made her promise to keep in contact with them and to meet up with them once in a while. *At least from now I'll get to see Dad everyday.* She thought with a bitter smile. She stared out of the window longingly as the car started to move off. 

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Chapter 12: Author-nimmmmmmm !! >< Please Update !! Your story is very interesting !!
AncientWriting #2
Chapter 11: Thanks fine :) Same thing happen to me too
BangHimShipper #3
Chapter 11: ooh, but why? ok, if u don't have time, maybe u can do it later?
I really liked this story :(
monokalisto #4
Please update soon~ >.<
It's really interesting~
update soon please! :D
@Jessika98: huh what Big Bang? who said anything about Big Bang being in this story? O_O Thanks for taking interest though!
@yeollikeabuffalo: T___T Thank you LOL. He'll come...soon I hope :P
Jessika98 #8
Lol when will big bang come up? It would be cool if a guy frlom Nuest bigbang and Exo liked her! Can't wait for update!
@pandagirl84: LOL you're probably too used to my lengthy chapters ~.~ Thanks! :) Lol yeah ikr, but I still thought the song and MV didn't disappoint, especially the dance break part teehee. I really like Not Over You too! :)