Bittersweet Treat

Baby, Don't Cry




"What are you doing here," Baek Hyun repeats, facing Kai. 
"I noticed Chanyeol crying earlier, I just wanted to comfort him," Kai explains. 
"Oh," Baek Hyun replies, smearing on a fake smile. He got over me already? Baek Hyun thinks miserably, well I guess this is good. Now just have to get over him...

“What are you doing here?” Chanyeol questions, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I just, uh, came to get my jacket!" Baek Hyun lies, grabbing his jacket from the floor. "D.O. and I are going to play games at the arcade,” he finishes with another lie.
He smirks as he sees Chanyeol tense up and blush like a cherry tomato. 
He said he didn't like D.O., Chanyeol ponders to himself. Was he just lying to me earlier or did he tell me he was going to play with D.O. to...get me jealous?! 
Chanyeol immediately perks up at the thought of his hyung still having feelings for him. 
"Have fun, then," Chanyeol smiles, getting up to give Baek Hyun a hug. 
He loosely snakes his arms around the older boy's waist and smirks when he feels Baek Hyun stiffen at his touch. Kai just gives confused glances between the two boys before Baek Hyun leaves the room. 
When Baek Hyun shuts the door, he places his hand on his chest, closing his eyes, attempting to level out his breathing before searching for D.O. 
"Yeollie, don't you know what your doing to me?" He mutters inaudibly. 
Suddenly, D.O. runs up to him and hides behind his back. 
"Yah, what are you doing?" Baek Hyun asks, swatting D.O. away. 
"Playing tag with Tao, Se Hun, and Su Ho!" D.O. explains, screaming as Tao pops up from no where to tag him. 
"No fair, you're freaking ninja," D.O. pouts. 
"Eleven years of martial arts makes you a pro at hide and go seek," Tao jokes, sticking his tongue out tauntingly at D.O. 
"Not to ruin your guys' bonding moment, but Tao, I need to steal D.O. from you," Baek Hyun interrupts. 
"Why?" Tao inquires. "Why don’t you ever hang out with Chanyeol? You guys are roommates, after all." 
"Never mind why I never hang out with Chanyeol," Baek Hyun replies defensively. “I just want to go to the arcade with D.O.”
Tao rolls his eyes, but gives in. "Fine, I'll go play video games with Xiu Min then! See you guys~" 
When Tao leaves, D.O. faces Baek Hyun. 
"Ok, spill it," D.O. says. 
"What?" Baek Hyun asks with pretend innocence. "There's nothing to 'spill'. But come on, I really want to go to the arcade!" Baek Hyun pouts, batting his eyes. 
"Aish, I hate you," D.O. frowns. 
"I love you too, D.O.!" Baek Hyun grins, dragging the younger boy, who was actually secretly happy, all the way to the arcade. 
Inside of the room, Chanyeol hears Baek Hyun tell D.O. he loves him. Yah, that little liar! Chanyeol thinks, he actually does like D.O. Aish, I'm really going crazy because of that stupid boy. He ruffles his angrily, causing Kai to give him a concerned look. 
"Are you ok, hyung?" Kai asks, his arms find their way back to Chanyeol's waist. 
"Yeah, Kai, I'm just...perfect." 

Several days later, all 12 EXO boys were in the living room, having a rock-paper-scissors battle to see which pair of roommates would have to get out to buy dessert for the rest of the boys. 
"Yah, you cheated!" Baek Hyun shouts as he forms a fist with his hands for rock and Lay holds out his hands flat for paper. 
"Actually, you were the one who put out your choice last! I was just being polite for not pointing it out earlier," Lay scoffs. 
”I won!" Kris suddenly shouts, exchanging a victory high-5 with Lay. 
"Why did I get stuck with the worst game player ever?" Chanyeol frowns, whispering to Se Hun. "He's lost every single game! And now I have to go out buy and buy dessert with him. Alone." 
"But I thought you lik--" Se Hun begins innocently before Chanyeol clasps his hand over the maknae's mouth. 
"Yah! I don't like him anymore," he grits through his teeth. "He's a cocky, arrogant--" 
"Well, looks like Baek Hyun and Chanyeol are the ones who have to go to buy dessert!" Su Ho announces, cutting him off. 
"But I don't want to go~" Chanyeol whines. 
"I'll go with Baek Hyun," Chen volunteers. 
"Ani," Chanyeol quickly says. "He's my roommate. I'll go!" 
"Seriously, just make up your mind," Kris mutters. 
"Let's go," Chanyeol says, walking out the door, not bothering to wait for Baek Hyun. 
Along the way, Chanyeol stops in front of large glass display, admiring the clothing hanging in front of the windows. 
"Aren't these hoodies cute?" Chanyeol says to Baek Hyun excitedly, jumping up and down, pointing at a set of couple's jackets. They were both pink with half a heart on the side of both hoodies, so when they were side by side, it looked like a full heart. 
"You're so girly," Baek Hyun mumbles, without stopping to look closely at the hoodies Chanyeol was talking about. "Don't think I'm going to buy couple clothing for you and me, we're not even a couple." 
"Hmph, you're no fun. Even if we were a couple, I wouldn't want to get matching clothing with you because then the whole world would know I was stuck with you! I wish Kai or Su Ho came instead of a boring person like you. Huhu~" Chanyeol grumbles, complaining to himself. Baek Hyun freezes. He doesn't mean that, right? he frets to himself, aish, whatever. His words shouldn't affect me…but then why do they? 
"Come on, stop playing around," Baek Hyun says. "We need to get dessert for the other members." 
"Arraso!" Chanyeol agrees, starting to skip around the street, making Baek Hyun roll his eyes. 
"You're so-- CHANYEOL!" Baek Hyun screams, suffocating the unaware boy by the waist just before a random motorcycle has a chance to run Chanyeol over. The motorcycle rides away quickly without even checking to see if Chanyeol was fine. 
"Yah!" Baek Hyun yells, feeling his heart beat wildly because of worry. He slaps Chanyeol's delicate face. "Don't you know how scared I was just because you were being careless? Aish, no. You don't." 
"Well, I didn't ask you to be worried for me," Chanyeol retorts. 
Baek Hyun blows out hot air angrily. "I just saved your life! Why are you being so rude? Sheesh, people these days." 
"Shut up and let's just get the desserts quickly so we can get back to the dorm faster," Chanyeol says, running ahead of Baek Hyun to the dessert's shop. 
"Yah! Yah! You!" Baek Hyun yells at the back of Chanyeol's head, chasing after him.You...why are you being so cute even when you're mean to me? Stop it, before I completely fall for you! 
Chanyeol swings open the door of the dessert shop, shutting it quickly behind him. But just then, a pretty girl starts walking in as Chanyeol accidentally slams it in her face. When he realizes what he's done, Chanyeol quickly leans down to help her up. 
"Mianhae!" Chanyeol says, bowing many times towards her. "I-I thought you were my friend..." 
Baek Hyun smirks as he watches as Chanyeol embarrassingly apologizes to her. 
Aish, I'm stupid! Chanyeol frowns to himself Wipe that grin off your face, Baek Hyun!
"Y-You're Chanyeol!" The girl gushes. "I'm really a big fan of yours!" 
Chanyeol laughs and gives her a heart-stopping smile. "My fan? Already? I haven't even debuted yet!" 
"Yes, but I've heard you rap," the girl blushes. "We attend the same school. I'm just a grade above. All the girls in my grade adore you!" 
"Ahh, komawo," Chanyeol replies. "Please support EXO!" 
The girl gives a thumbs up then asks him for a picture with him. 
"Or do you want to eat something delicious with me? I'll let you choose the treat and I'll pay," Chanyeol suggests instead. He knew that if he took a picture with this girl she'd spread it around the internet and fangirls would hunt him down, but if he just ate a simple dessert with her, no one would believe her if she told them, but it would be enough to get Baek Hyun fired up with jealousy. 
That'll teach Baek Hyun to treat me like a little kid, Chanyeol giggles to himself. 
"Really?" She asks with widened eyes. 
Chanyeol just smile and nods. 
Giddily, the girl eyes the collection of cakes, cookies, and candies behind the glass display while Baek Hyun comes up to Chanyeol and punches him in the arm. 
"What was that for?!" Chanyeol glares, rubbing his arm. 
"Don't you remember why we're here? Or did your little brain forget already?" Baek Hyun sneers. "We don't need some distraction." Baek Hyun says, nodding at the girl. 
"But she's a fan," Chanyeol reasons. "Shouldn't we be kind to her?" 
"THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO GO ON A DATE WITH HER!" Baek Hyun fumes, gaining the attention of all the customers. Chanyeol just smirk with satisfaction. 
"I-I mean, I think the other members would appreciate it if we got back quickly. You know them, always demanding," Baek Hyun mutters. 
"Haha, fine," Chanyeol laughs, clutching his stomach. "I'll tell her we're on a tight schedule. You're really funny when you’re angry!" What I meant is, you're stupidly cute when your angry, Chanyeol sighs to himself, walking up to the girl. 
"Hey, I'm sorry. But I'm actually on a tight schedule. I have to get back to the dorm as quick as possible. But I still buy you a treat," Chanyeol says politely, feeling the need to at least carry out one of his promises. 
"Oh, no. It's ok!" She says, smiling brightly. "You don't need to, I'm just glad I got to meet you." With that, she bows once and leaves with a light blush on her face. 
Chanyeol was thankful that this girl wasn't some saesang fan and let him go easily. 
"So do you have the list that says what all the members want?" Chanyeol asks, looking at the display of sweet foods. 
"I thought you had it!" Baek Hyun replies, alarmed. 
"Yah! Pabo," Chanyeol smacks Baek Hyun lightly on the head. "You forgot it?" 
"Hehe...just kidding! I have it right here!" Baek Hyun giggles, swiping the list out of his pocket. 
"You really are an idiot..." Chanyeol murmurs, turning his head so Baek Hyun wouldn't see his smile creeping up on his face.


OHMYGOSH! 42 suscribers already? Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!!! I wanted to update earlier but I was suffering from a case of a little something called "writer's block". Sorry, if it's boring :/ Well, I don't know if any of you guys noticed, but I changed for foreward from "two-shot" to "story". Yep, I've decided to make it a chaptered story! *jumps around happily* Thanks for those who took the poll :) Also, I just want to let you guys know: no silent readers allowed. Hehe, the more comments I get, the more motivated I am to update more. (wow, I said "more" a lot ._.) So yes, comment~ And suscribe :D 

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Vanja77 #1
Chapter 4: Update please :(
Chapter 4: admin-nim, hope you can continue soon :)
wow,,so dramatic..good one admin-nim! oh uurm, when are you going to update btw? looking forward for your next chapter ^_^
Chapter 4: sorry, i meant the pairings ^^"
the story is so cute :3
please update soon^^
Chapter 4: this isn't going well :'(
Bunnykawai #7
i hope you can update soon :3
omgee<3 I love this. update soon! - princess lulu.
SkeeOnMars #10
A new reader here~ This is sooo cute :3

Update soon!