
Running from Fate

So this is it.

After nineteen years of pain and solitude, I was going to die. Life didn’t bother to look me in the eye anymore and cruelly threw me away. But I refuse to believe that this is the end.

There has to be some kind of happiness at the end waiting for me.

I’ve suffered this long, so couldn’t I at least get a happy ending? I’ve worked so hard all my life, and in the end, Life just pours it all down the drain.

I’m no superhero, nor am I trying to save the world. So couldn’t you just give me my happy ending?


Instead, Lu Han towers over me with a cold expression. I try to defiantly look him in the eyes, but his aura sends shivers down my spine. That soft look in his eyes never changes and I want to believe that he’s still the warm and caring Lu Han I had met a few months ago. But his words cut deep and I can’t help but feel as if he’s gone from my reach forever.

“I, Lu Han, have been assigned to kill you, Kwon Sung Mi.” My heart sinks a little.

“Under whose orders?” I ask with clenched teeth.

“Fate’s.”  I back away slightly and attempt to glare at all of them. Who? Fate?

I usually use Fate as a figure of speech, not as a real person. Why does it sound like Fate is a real person? But that’s not the real problem right now. The real issue is Lu Han’s threat and motives.  Before I can say anything, Chan Yeol comes over to me and shields me from Lu Han with his arms stretched out.

“I can’t accept this, Hyung,” he whispers. “Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?! How could you even think about following through?! You’re not doing anything to her. Not while I’m here.” All of the others nod and face Lu Han with their backs toward me. Xiu Min unties the tight ropes that bind my wrists and I give him a grateful look.


“Do you know what you’re doing?” says Lu Han scornfully. “You know the consequences of going against Fate and still you dare go against him?”

“Pretty much,” speaks a chilly and deep voice.

Immediately, all twelve boy tense up and surround me. I look left and right for the scary voice, but we all see nothing. That voice sounds so familiar. “Here, princess,” he says again from above. All of us look up to see six blonde guys jumping down into the room.

“How’d they get in?!” mutters Su Ho under his breath, but we all can hear him. The fierce looking blonde one in the middle rotates his neck and smirks.

“You forget that I’m Bang Yong Guk, Kim Joon Myun. Anything’s possible for me.” He looks over to me and Chan Yeol’s muscles flex from under his shirt as if he’s ready to attack at any moment. I look at all of them and notice the boy with the mask staring at me with a longing gaze.

Jung Daehyun.

That look in his eyes. All I know is that even though he’s looking at me, it’s not meant for me. I can’t help but feel as if I’ve been defeated again. Yun Seol, since you’ve been the reason and answer for everything so far, I’m assuming that this boy is here for you. Whoever you are, you are one lucky girl.

“It’s sad,” says Yong Guk while examining his fingernails. “SM’s fearless and perfect group EXO is being torn apart over a mere human girl.” He clucks his tongue in a disapproving manner and I can hear Tao growl at him.   

“What the hell are you doing here, Bang Yong Guk? This is no longer your business,” hisses Kris.

“On the contrary, it is, Wu Fang,” retorts Yong Guk. “You’re smart. Think long and hard about it.” It’s Kris’s turn to growl in frustration and he steps forward with a dark glare.

“Stop playing word games and answer the question.” Yong Guk ignores his aggression and shrugs.

“One hundred years ago, we were on a mission to assassinate her with you on the opposing side. And since your mission now is to kill her, what would ours be?” It takes a moment for the information to sink in. Su Ho looks up with big eyes.

“No way…” he murmurs. Yong Guk smirks at him and glances over to Lu Han.

“Interesting, isn’t it Lu Han? Our roles are reversed this time around.” Lu Han clenches his teeth in anger but stands his ground.

Am I the only one who’s lost? One hundred years? I don’t think I’ve been alive for that long. And if Lu Han is set to kill me now, then this guy …

“Some things never change,” he says with a chuckle. “Even after one hundred years, Fate still treats you like trash. I guess he couldn’t afford to lose his best to a human girl, could he?”

Lu Han charges at him, but in a flash, Yong Guk has him pinned to the floor.

“Being emotionally attached to your mission is weak, Lu Han. Even I know that,” he taunts with a chuckle. EXO just stands there, unsure of what to do. They had said that they were going to protect me even though it’s against their orders, and yet they were going against these blonde guys who had come to protect me also. 

Should I be afraid of them? He says that they are here to protect me, but how can I trust that? Protect me from whom? Fate, whispers a voice in my head. They’re here to protect me from Fate. But why does Fate want me dead?  

In a flash, Daehyun is standing in front of EXO, but they refuse to let him pass through. Chan Yeol shifts in front of him and gives a murderous stare.

“Move, Park Chan Yeol,” he says through the mask. After a moment of contemplation, Chan Yeol swiftly punches Daehyun and sends him to the ground.

A single punch had chaos raging in the room. And in that moment when no one was looking, I was pulled into the darkness.       


GAHH!! I'm sorry for not updating! My computer crashed and I was NOT about to write this on my dad's computer. (awkwaaaard)

Do you guys understand the jist of things so far? If not, just tell me! I don't have a problem explaining things and the next chapter is when they tell her everything.

On a random note, I have a new story forming in my head (three actually) and I'm contemplating on whether I should write the description for these are not. -.-

@Schnappletonz : Thanks a bunch! I know.... my poor bias. TT~TT I make Lu Han a pitiful person. Why am I like this?!? hahaha.

@cristn909 : hehehe. Thank you! :)

@csaephanh : LOL. There's no EXO kicking... yet. but here's the update! Thanks for liking my story! :)

Also, a HUGE thanks to my subscribers. There are seriously no words to describe my happiness when people subscribe.

Comments = LOVE! Thanks for reading!  

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I'm really sorry for not updating! I've been really sick and I had to go to the hospital to recover. I'll try to update as soon as I get better!


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histowe-e #1
Ohmykrisus shizz is getting down I can't wait to see what happens next :O I don't know why but I kinda cried in few of the recent chapters I really like this story <33 please update soon !!
UPDATE SOON!! Luving the story!! :D
Love-music-life #3
ohmigooosh~~~ so good ^^ I hope you update soon. Such a kickass story
im only up to chap 16 but this is sooooo intense already!! ><
this story is so gud!! it shud have 1000 subbers~ ^^
MiniTheLittle #5 new reader here *waves arm* anyway I like ur story :D how bout an update?? :P ^^
joojoo6 #6
daehyun pleaseeeeee!
Daehyun :3
I want her with daehyun even though he's acting like a jerk ATM...:/
And I'm happy to comment :)
Is it bad that I want her with daehyun and not Luhan??? :/
PLS!!~ Update soon!!!!!! :D I wanna see if Luhan actually meets Yuseoul!! :D
Ahhh~I'm curious to whats going to happen!!!! Please do update soon;)