Won't let you down.


I entered Jin Gook's room. He was propped against the wall behind his bed, reading a small book. When he saw me, his face lit up.

"Noona!" Jin Gook smiled. I ruffled his hair, and sat down on the chair beside the bed.

"Are you scared?" I ask carefully. He knew the operation was tomorrow. 

"Not really. The doctor is really good. The nurses said so." Jin Gook replied. I smiled. My Jin Gook was so brave. 

"I'll be all better after tomorrow, right?" Jin Gook's big eyes searched mine. 

"Yes." I said, after a few seconds of hesitation. *STUPID. Of course he'll be fine.* I thought to myself. Jin Gook yawned. 

"Do you want to sleep?" I his cheek. He nodded, and wriggled into his blankets, before laying on his side facing me.

"Sing to me, noona." He requests, blinking at me. I tap his nose, and nodded before I started humming. His eyes closed, covering the beautiful hazel eyes of his. Minwoo also had hazel eyes. At the thought of Minwoo, my heart squeezed in appreciation and hurt. Tomorrow was the day. The day Jin Gook is saved, and the day Minwoo leaves the earth. My hum broke off, and I looked down quickly. Jin Gook was breathing evenly already. I bent down and kissed his forehead. 

"I love you, Jin Gook-ah. You'll get past tomorrow, and become a healthy boy." I whisper.


I poured coffee into a mug, and collasped into a chair. I had slept only a few hours last night. And those hours had been fretful. Empty dreams..where all I could see was white. A knock sounded at the door, and I almost threw it open. my whole body felt like a live wire. my nerves were running on my anxiety.

"I'm guessing you didn't sleep." Sungyeol attempted at a light joke. I didn't even blink. He tousled his hair, and I noticed rings under his eyes.

"You didn't either." I reached to touch the rings. His eyes closed from the contact.

"Have some coffee. I'm leaving for the hospital soon." I moved aside to let him in. He leaned against the counter as I poured a second cup. I rested against his chest as we drank in silence. After we finished, we headed out. The bus was almost empty, the only people seated were the few that scored unlucky shifts. I fixed my eyes to the window, watching the streets pass, without really seeing them. Anxiety. Fear. Love. Gratitude. Guilt. I felt every single of those emotions as we neared the hospital. When we got to the operation floor, 9 people were already waiting. They all stood up when I approached them.

"You all came?" I said, in awe. Sunggyu raised his eyebrows.

"Of course we did. Jin Gook means a lot to us as well." He stated. he came forwards and hugged me.

"It'll be ok, Hye Mi." He rubbed my back. One by one, everyone embraced me, uttering words of encouragement.

"My Dongsaeng will fight through this." Sungjong said firmly.

"Thank you, guys. It'll mean so much for Jin Gook that you're all here for him." I said gratefully. Sohee grabbed my hand.

"We're here for you as well." She squeezed my hand with reassurance. I manage a smile, and sat down. We waited in tense silence as the seconds ticked away. Finally, a bed was wheeled forwards. I scrambled to my feet. It was Minwoo. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I clamped it shut, and desperately looked at him.

"Noona..don't freak out." He said calmly. I noticed the nurses silently slipping away. They were bringing in Jin Gook. My hands clenched at the sides of the bed harder. I struggled to say something. Anything.

"I'm so sorry." Was all I could say. Minwoo shook his head.

"Do you want to hear a story?" He asks. I nodded. Anything he wanted, I'd allow it.

"Ok. There was once a family. A mom, a dad, and their son. They were happy. Not perfect, but happy. One day, the boy went to his friend's house. They played for hours in the sandbox. The boy waited for his mom to pick him up, but she never came. The friend's mother decided to bring him home himself. But there wasn't a home anymore. A blazing fire was consuming his house. He didn't see his mom or dad anywhere. He watched in confusion and fright as men with red suits shot water at the house. He cried for his mom. He cried for his dad. But they never comforted him. He never saw them again. The boy lived with his friend for years. But he never felt at peace. There was nothing worth living for. Then one day, his friend introduced him to his older friend. And that friend was carrying two photos. The boy looked at the photos, and listened to the older friend's story. Then everything clicked. The boy knew what he was going to do." Minwoo recited. I felt water on my cheeks, and didn't try to wipe away the tears. Minwoo reached up and wiped it for me.

"And you know what happens after." He whispered. I nod, feeling deep sorrow for him. 

"Look at me." Minwoo commanded. I slowly met his eyes. His beautiful face. I needed to remember this face. The nurses had come back, ready to wheel him into the operation room.

"I won't ever let you down, noona. Trust me." He smiled. It was the smile of an angel. 

"Minwoo...Min woo-ah.." I said slowly, and repeatedly, not wanting him to go. He closed his hands around mine.

"I'll be happy there. With my parents. Finally." He tightened his grip on mine for a second, then he was gone.


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Petsociety123 #1
:'D Happy Ending, even though Minwoo died..
Such a tear Jerker! Aigoo.. Her book must have
been a best seller!
thank you everyonee <3 I love you all so much
GOODNESS!! I cried so much reading this...well not literally cried...but there were moments when my eyes watered up! I really love this story~♥ But why does it make me so emotional ;~; -sobs-
acirela #4
I hate you because I don't know who I want her to end up with ;___;
Please update sooooon~ (:
L-Myungsoo & Yeollie <3333 :""">
I just love Infinite's fanfic!~ Jjang!~
Loving it soo far <3
oh dear, im sorry AHAHA. it was hard changing Hye Mi to Jules. sorry!
keyz_locket #7
aaha, no it's not the end. I'll try! :D
hazel_2801 #9
so this is not the ending right! nice...please update soon really love this ^^
Shirleyjangjjang #10
ARGGHH STUPID MINKI. WHAT A D<. And zico? Mind explaining??