Day with Jiho


"Do me a favor" Jiho asked suddenly. We had been sitting on the bench, my hand still in his. I had contemplated letting go, that it wouldn't be fair to Sungyeol, but I didn't. I didn't have to will to tear away from Jiho, after he had told me everything. 

"What is it?" I spoke softly. He squeezed my hand, wanting me to look at him. When I did, he broke out into a dazing smile.

"Spend the day with me." He smiled. I curiously looked at him.

"'s school." I said carefully. he waved his hand, brushing my concern away.

"I could care less." He mimicked my words. A tiny smile spread across my face. I nodded. It didn't matter to me anyways. I wasn't part of that school anymore. He stood up, pulling me up as well. He took off, out of the school, and to the bus stop.

"Where are we going?" I asked, while he punched things into his phone, checking the bus times. 

"Hm? Oh, somewhere nice. It's a warm, day, so it's perfect." He responded, grinning. The bus came, and we stepped on. He scanned his bus card twice. I scanned the bus for seats, and saw one near the back. As soon as I lifted one foot off the ground, the bus jerked forwards, and I tumbled sideways. Jiho caught me, his arm wrapped securely on my waist. I straightened, and flashed him a smile, before safely reaching the seat. I slid into it, slightly amused that it was as usual, a window seat. Jiho sat down beside me, and we rode in comfortable silence. Suddenly, Jiho slipped off the seat. I sat up, startled, but softened. He had tapped the shoulder of an elderly woman. He motioned for her to sit down beside me. I gave a small wave, and the elderly woman chuckled. She sat down beside me, and thanked me.

"Your friend is so lovely." She smiled. I smiled back.

"He sure is." I locked eyes with Jiho, and beamed, realizing how much different he was. A few stops later, Jiho called my name.

"Hye Mi! It's our stop!" He called out. I scrambled out of my seat, bowing to the lady again, and jumped off the bus, where Jiho was waiting. I looked around.

"Where are we?" I wondered outloud. Jiho grabbed my shoulder, and pushed my forward, past a couple of high trees and buildings. I froze. 

"Welcome, Hye Mi, to the water park." He chuckled beside me. I stared at the park before me. Water gushed from sprinklers. Miniature slides led into small pools, where kids were playing. I felt Jiho's hand in mine, tugging me to the gates.

"I didn't bring you here to ogle at the water. Kittycat, you scared of water?" He mocked. I snapped out of my daze. 

"No. I am not scared of the water." I gave him a dirty look. Jiho laughed, and walked through the gates. Before I knew it, he had pulled me into the center. I squealed as cold water sprayed across my shirt. I whirled around, and saw that two kids were aiming the water guns at me. Devilish grins adorned their faces. I shrieked and hid behind Jiho.

'What the-" He didn't get to finish before he was soaked from the water. He gaped at himself, his uniform drenched. I backed away from his soaked body. 

"You.." He stared at me. I turned around, and ran. I heard his laugh as he chased me. I kept running, and stole a glance behind me. He was nowhere to be seen. I stopped, and turned around slowly. suddenly, water exploded from my back. 

"PWAHAHAHA" Jiho burst out. I realized I was standing right infront of a huge sprinkler. I stared at my drenched clothes, and giggled bubbled from my mouth. I ran all around the sprinkler, savoring the feeling the water had against my skin as the sun bore down on us. After a few more minutes of chasing Jiho, and being shot by water guns, I collapsed on the grass. Jiho sat down beside me. I tried to catch my breath.

"I'm wet." I said finally. Jiho gave me a queer look.

"I'm glad you noticed." he raised a teasing eyebrow. I lightly punched his shoulder, but smiled. 

"You feeling better?" He asked. I was surprised, but I realized, this entire day, I had nothing on my mind. 

"Yes..yes I do." I said slowly. It felt so good to be away from everything. I realized I was slowly suffocating from all the chaos. As much as Sungyeol was part of me, he was someone I had to tear myself away from. But Jiho..he just wanted me to have fun. I beamed at him.

"I was wrong about you." I fiddled with the grass.

"Enlighten me." Jiho chuckled.

" told me the truth today, and I can't help but think I was doing you injustice by hating you." I said finally. 

"Kittycat." He said. I looked at him. His face was serious.

"I know you love Sungyeol." he said quietly. My eyes widened. How did he...

"I can see it." Jiho said, his eyes leaving mine. 
"The way he looks at you. The way you look at him. I.. I had no chance, even when I wanted to try. I lost before it even started." Jiho murmured. I suddenly felt odd-this wasn't possible. Jiho..liked me? I opened my mouth, but shut it again.

"But don't worry. I won't fight. Because, I've hurt you enough. I'll just be your friend, or just someone you can be with, and forget all your problems." He said. I felt myself move forward, and I hugged him.

" can I thank you enough.." I said quietly. I felt the deep rumble of his laughter.

"I should be the one thanking you, kittycat." 

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Petsociety123 #1
:'D Happy Ending, even though Minwoo died..
Such a tear Jerker! Aigoo.. Her book must have
been a best seller!
thank you everyonee <3 I love you all so much
GOODNESS!! I cried so much reading this...well not literally cried...but there were moments when my eyes watered up! I really love this story~♥ But why does it make me so emotional ;~; -sobs-
acirela #4
I hate you because I don't know who I want her to end up with ;___;
Please update sooooon~ (:
L-Myungsoo & Yeollie <3333 :""">
I just love Infinite's fanfic!~ Jjang!~
Loving it soo far <3
oh dear, im sorry AHAHA. it was hard changing Hye Mi to Jules. sorry!
keyz_locket #7
aaha, no it's not the end. I'll try! :D
hazel_2801 #9
so this is not the ending right! nice...please update soon really love this ^^
Shirleyjangjjang #10
ARGGHH STUPID MINKI. WHAT A D<. And zico? Mind explaining??