
Monday morning, I opened my eyes to a new day. I stretched, and reached for the picture frame I always kept by my table-side. When I couldn't find it, I struggled out of my blankets. I spotted my picture frame on my desk, and staggered forwards, sleep still having power over my body. When I reached it, I flipped it over, and went limp with relief. I sat down on the chair, and ran my finger over the faces of the photo. I remembered I had removed the older photo I had of Jin Gook, and replaced it with a photo of his birthday we had just celebrated. I giggled at the silly face Dongwoo was making, and softened at the beautiful smiles from each face. I looked at Jin Gook in the middle, wearing Hoya's shoes, and wearing a smile so large the sun would be jealous of the brightness shining from his face. I kissed the frame, and placed it on my bedside. Fully awake now, I got ready for school. 

Walking into the school, I noticed most people had a sheet of paper with them. I wondered if it was a school notice, and headed to the office. I didn't see any boxes containing the paper, so I just shrugged and left. I heard Sohee's voice as I walked to my locker.

"Hye Mi! Wait!." Sohee called out. I turned around, and waved as she caught up with me. She bent down and panted.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned. She took a few more deep breaths, and faced me. I noticed her face was pale. I reached out and touched her forehead.

"Wae, you look really pale. Did something happen?" My voice climbed a bit in concern. Sohee warily glanced at me, and hugged me.

"I'm..so sorry." Sohee sputtered. I hugged her back in confusion, but released her.

"Let's go to my locker, you can tell me what's wrong." I proposed. Sohee bit her lip, but followed me. When I got close, I noticed a taped piece of paper on my locker. I reached for it, but it was snatched away. I stared at Sohee. She hid the paper behind her back.

"What is it?" I asked. I held out my hand, waiting for her to give it to me. Instead, she just shook her head.

"Sohee? What's wrong? What is it?" I asked again, concerned and confused. 

"Oh Sohee, why don't you show Hye Mi?" A sickly voice called out. I curled my hand into a fist, and faced Minki. She wiggled her fingers at me, and laughed. I looked back to Sohee.

"What's going on?" I commanded. Sohee stood infront of me, and her face became rigid.

"Don't you dare mess with Hye Mi." Sohee drawled out, every word accentuated with anger. Minki just chuckled. She walked over, and waved a piece of paper in my face. Sohee grabbed my arm.

"Hye Mi..I'm so sorry." Sohee said again, and I noticed tears in her eyes. I grabbed the page. What I saw next the life out of me. My hand shook as I read the tile, and stared at the photos. All the photos, were of me at the birthday party, with all the guys. A photo of Dongwoo holding my hand when we high-fived. A photo of Sungjong embracing me. A photo of Hoya knocking my head lovingly with the shoe box. A photo of Sunggyu holding my hand on the cart. A photo of Woohyun with his arms around me, picking out clothes. A photo of Sungyeol and I walking with Jin Gook, laughing. Then there were the many photos of me with L. Photos of when he rested his chin on my shoulder, when he hooked his arm around mine, when he caught me as I twirled in my dress, and when he leaned in to tell me how much they all cared about me. My vision was blocked with tears as I read the title. "WOOLLIM HIGH ." was plastered in red sharpee in the middle of the page. I bit my lip in anger, and glared at Minki.

"Do you recognize these photos?" Minki whispered, almost threatening. She opened her arms.

"Imagine that! Innocent, little Hye Mi, turned into a not so little ." Minki sneered. Sohee pulled me behind her.

"What the hell Minki? Are you some stalker that can't get facts right?" Sohee shouted, resentful. Minki only shrieked with laughter.

"The facts? What facts, Sohee, can you tell me about? Those FACTS, are shown in these photos." Minki laughed, and I listened in horror as a chime of laughter erupted from the growing crowd. Minki pointed her finger at me.

"You, Hye Mi, are a . I thought you had a thing for Sungyeol.." Minki shook her head. A devilish grin replaced it.
"But, you went along, and messed along with these other guys too?" Minki shouted, her eyes full of hate.
"You don't deserve them!" Minki spat. I bit my lip harder to keep the sobs from escaping my throat. Sohee was speechless and Minki continued to lash out. 

" I told you not to mess with Jiho Oppa." Minki sneered. My head snapped up. I realized suddenly that Jiho was a part of this too. He was the one that saw Sohee planning the party with me. He heard everything. I glanced around the crowd, and spotted him, not too far away, but not part of the crowd. He was looking at me with another mixed expression. I didn't care. Adrenaline coursed in me as I staggered towards him. The crowd parted in amusement, and I approached him slowly. Tears fell down my face, but I felt nothing but anger. He watched me, but didn't move. 

"How..could..you.." I croaked, looking at him. He didn't move a muscle, but continued looking at me. I felt another wave of anger, and I couldn't hold it in any longer. **SLAP** My hand whipped his face. 

"How DARE you meddle with my life?" I shrieked. Jiho rotated his jaw, and turned his head to me. He still made no movement. I heard Minki scream with rage. 

"you UTTER ." Minki screamed, and stalked towards me, rolling up her sleeves. I didn't move. Everything in me was ruined. I closed my eyes, and waited for the onslaught of pain, but I didn't feel it. I opened my eyes, and saw Sungyeol's hand wrapped around Minki's wrist. She squirmed to break free, but Sungyeol hung on tighter.

"Dont.You.Dare.Touch.Her." Sungyeol hissed. Minki ripped free from his hold. She pushed the paper in his face.

"DO YOU SEE THAT? SHE CHEATED ON YOU!" Minki yelled. Sungyeol merely glanced at the photos, and ripped the paper. He towered over Minki.

"Allow me to englighten you." Sungyeol whispered, eyes hard. Minki went silent. Sungyeol grabbed my hand.
"This girl..is my best friend." Sungyeol started, his piercing eyes still on Minki.
"I don't know where the hell you got these photos from..but you're absolutely wrong. She didn't do anything wrong. Those guys? Those guys are her friends. They care for her like brothers. I guess you don't know what having friends feels like, Minki, because you sure as hell aren't making any." Sungyeol shoved past Minki, and pulled me along, away from the mess. 

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Petsociety123 #1
:'D Happy Ending, even though Minwoo died..
Such a tear Jerker! Aigoo.. Her book must have
been a best seller!
thank you everyonee <3 I love you all so much
GOODNESS!! I cried so much reading this...well not literally cried...but there were moments when my eyes watered up! I really love this story~♥ But why does it make me so emotional ;~; -sobs-
acirela #4
I hate you because I don't know who I want her to end up with ;___;
Please update sooooon~ (:
L-Myungsoo & Yeollie <3333 :""">
I just love Infinite's fanfic!~ Jjang!~
Loving it soo far <3
oh dear, im sorry AHAHA. it was hard changing Hye Mi to Jules. sorry!
keyz_locket #7
aaha, no it's not the end. I'll try! :D
hazel_2801 #9
so this is not the ending right! nice...please update soon really love this ^^
Shirleyjangjjang #10
ARGGHH STUPID MINKI. WHAT A D<. And zico? Mind explaining??