Trust me


Along with Sungyeol and his friends, Sohee and I walked the streets of Seoul. I had spent many nights wandering the streets trying to forget myself. I looked all around me, and felt like it was my first time noticing anything. I was always looking at the ground and fighting the tears, I had never looked at the stores. In awe, I pulled Sohee left and right. I saw a huge toy store, and instinctively dragged Sohee with me. Once inside, I scanned the prices, looking for an affordable toy for Jin Gook. Sohee gently removed her wrist from my hand, and massaged it. Woohyun came bounding in, and grabbed Sohee. I couldn't care less. I picked up a little race car. Jin Gook would love it. 

"Do you have a little brother?" Sungyeol jumped in, causing me to drop the car. I dug it out again, and gazed at it. I nodded.

"What's his name?" Sungyeol pressed. I answered without looking up.

"Jin Gook." I froze. I had never told anyone I had a brother. I slowly turned around, and Sungyeol blinked at me. *CRAP* 

"That's cool. How old is he?" Sungyeol continued, and took the car away from me.

"Let me handle the car situation. I loved cars too, so I know what to get." Sungyeol started digging through the pile, and I saw his eyes sparkle as he examined every car. I gathered up courage.

"He's 8, turning 9 in April" I said. I didn't have a reason to look for anything anymore, so I just propped myself against the box of cars. Sungyeol continued to search.

"Hmm, I want to meet him." Sungyeol decided, as he picked up a car.

"AHA! The perfect one!" He pushed the car in my face. I lightly pushed his hand further back, and looked at the car. It had a beautiful design. I looked back at the box, and noticed that it was the only one of that design. I softened-He had dug through the whole box to find a perfect car. I graciously look the car from Sungyeol, and walked over to the cash register. Just when I was going to pay, a hand reached the cashier before me. Sungyeol patted my head.

"Silly you. Did you really think I'd let you take the credit when I found the car? In your dreams." Sungyeol scoffed, and paid. I smiled softly, touched at his kindness. Sohee popped up holding a car set. She quickly smiled, and paid for it. 

"You have to buy the race track if you have the car, you babo." She knocked Sungyeol's head in disapproval. Woohyun's eyes enlarged, and he grabbed her hand. 

"Don't ruin your hand on his ugly face, Sohee." I gaped at him, and Sungyeol's eyes narrowed.

"You.did.NOT.just.say.that" He spat through his teeth. Woohyun released Sohee's hand, and stared down Sungyeol. I bit my lip anxiously. What if they got into a fight? They're best friends! I was comtemplating whether to step in, until Woohyun erupted into laughter and wrapped his arms around Sungyeol. He hugged Woohyun back, and hopped in circles.

"Honey, you're too kind." Sungyeol squeaked in a high pitch. Woohyun removed one hand from Sungyeol's waist and tapped his nose affectionately. Woohyun and Sungyeol turned back to us, and I managed to shut my mouth. I faced Sohee, and saw the same grim expression. We shook our heads, and walked away from them.

"HEY WAIT. IT WAS A JOKE." Sungyeol scrambled, shoving Woohyun away from him.

"SOHEE. DON'T TAKE IT SO HARD. YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE FOR ME!" Woohyun screamed, and raced afer us. I turned back and laughed. I looked at Sungyeol, then at Woohyun begging Sohee, to Dongwoo and Hoya battling over a toy, to Sungjong giddily riding a toy pony while L pushed him with an expression mixed with amusement and shame. Sunggyu stood by L, and his eyes met mine. He held a thumbs up, and gave me an eye smile. I waved back, and looked back to Sungyeol. He walked up to me, and stuck his hands in his pocket.

"What'd I tell you? I told you I'd cheer you up." Sungyeol took his hands out of his pocket, and pushed up the ends of my mouth. 

"Smile wider, Hye Mi. You look like an angel when you do. An angelic princess." Sungyeol patted my head again. I looked up.

"Komawo, Sungyeol Oppa. You've always been there for me. You're the greatest friend I could ever have." I smiled sweetly at him, but somehow I detected waryness in Sungyeol's eyes. He quickly shook it away, and replaced it when a care-free smile. He took my arm and led me to the others. We spent another hour touring me around, until it was time to depart. All left except for Sohee, Woohyun, and Sungyeol. Sohee looked at her watch. 

"I really should be going now. Thanks for the awesome day, best friend." She beamed, and looked at me. Confused, I pointed to myself.

"Huh? Me?" I fumbled. Sohee giggled, and hugged me.

"Of course. You're my best friend. It's been so long since I've had such a good time. Thank you, bestie." Sohee released me, and walked off. Woohyun glanced at me, my cheek once, and ran off to catch up with Sohee. Sungyeol shot Woohyun a thundergous glare. I touched my cheek. I didn't feel any flirting in the way He had touched my was more of a brotherly way. I inwardly laughed at Sungyeol's rage. 

"I should go too. Thanks for everything, oppa." I let my emotions speak for me. Every part of me was thankful to Sungyeol. He had managed to replace all my pain with joy. So much joy that there was no room for negativity. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Sungyeol asked. I shook my head.

"You've already done enough. Do you want me to take that?" I eyed the toy bag in Sungyeol's hand. He gripped it harder.

"Nope. You want to take credit, and I won't have that. I'll give it to Jin Gook when you allow me to meet him." Sungyeol patted the bag. I stared at him. Sungyeol shrugged.

"Hey. I got the toy. And Sohee has the racetrack. So I think you should give us permission to see your brother." Sungyeol softened as he took in my shocked expression.

"I know you don't like to talk about yourself. I'm still trying to figure out who you are. But.." Sungyeol walked towards me, and without hesitating wrapped his arms around me. He spoke into my ear.

"We're all here for you. Myself, Sunggyu, Sungjong, Hoya, Dongwoo, L, Woohyun, and Sohee too. Trust us. You don't have to face everything yourself." Sungyeol released me, and my cheek before leaving. I touched the burning mark left by Sungyeol. Strange. Woohyun had done the same thing, but why was Sungyeol's touch different? A thought tugged in my mind, but I shook it off. I looked at Sungyeol's retreating back one last time, and turned away.

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Petsociety123 #1
:'D Happy Ending, even though Minwoo died..
Such a tear Jerker! Aigoo.. Her book must have
been a best seller!
thank you everyonee <3 I love you all so much
GOODNESS!! I cried so much reading this...well not literally cried...but there were moments when my eyes watered up! I really love this story~♥ But why does it make me so emotional ;~; -sobs-
acirela #4
I hate you because I don't know who I want her to end up with ;___;
Please update sooooon~ (:
L-Myungsoo & Yeollie <3333 :""">
I just love Infinite's fanfic!~ Jjang!~
Loving it soo far <3
oh dear, im sorry AHAHA. it was hard changing Hye Mi to Jules. sorry!
keyz_locket #7
aaha, no it's not the end. I'll try! :D
hazel_2801 #9
so this is not the ending right! nice...please update soon really love this ^^
Shirleyjangjjang #10
ARGGHH STUPID MINKI. WHAT A D<. And zico? Mind explaining??