On The Run And Off To Imladris

Through The Mist Of The Mountain, I See You (Rewrite!)
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"They must have come from the Ettenmoors, Mithrandir. Nevertheless, there will always be rocks in the road ahead of us." I said cheekily as I gazed at the statues in wonder upon closer inspection.

"How very amusing," Jeered  Dwalin.

"Since when did trolls venture this far South?" Asked Thorin, running his hands across its surface.

“Oh, not for an age, not since a darker power ruled these lands.” Responded Gandalf," They could not have been able to move in broad daylight."

"That would mean that there is most likely a cave situated nearby."

There was a horrible stench that permeated the air as we made our way towards a cave situated nearby.

"What is that miasmic odour? It reeks!" Grimaced Nori.

"T'is a troll hoard, be careful of what you touch," Reminded Gandalf as we entered.

Many of the Dwarves  broke into  paroxysmal coughs, retching at the pungency. Inside,  we saw piles of gold coins and plenty of treasure haphazardly tossed into caskets. 

"Such a shame to leave it lyin' 'round here," Said Bofur aloud."Anyone could take it."

"Agreed," Noted Gloin, who looked at Nori,"Get us a shovel."

I wandered alongside Gandalf, who occasionally would rummage through a few chests filled with rusty old swords and eventually toss them over his shoulder. He came across two fairly long ones, still intact, riddled with layers of dust and cobwebs that were accumulated years ago. As he unsheathed it, there was a glimmer of pale, beautiful silver that reflected in the wizard's eyes. 

“These swords were not made by any troll.” Said Thorin in a sotto voice, gazing at it as he was handed the second blade by Gandalf.

“Nor were they made by any smith among men.These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the First Age.”

I watched as Thorin's face turned dark, a look of disgust on his face, and was about to return the sward back to its original place when Gandalf snapped at him, “You could not wish for a finer blade.” Thorin let out a sigh of exasperation, and muttered,

"I suppose so...."


I stood near Gloin, my brows furrowing as they started cramming in jewels and gold into a chest and placing it inside a hole that was freshly dug in the earth. Gloin read the quizzical expression on my face and answered proudly,

"We're making a long term deposit."

"I never asked , but alright."

“Let’s get out of this foul place. Come on, let’s go. Bofur! Gloin! Nori!” Called Thorin, motioning for us to leave the cavern.


We stood outside, debating what to do next. Gandalf was having a discussion with Bilbo, and handed him what seemed to be a letter opener to me at first. I walked towards the Hobbit and asked,

"Is it a sword?"

"Well, it is a dagger, for people your size, but it is about my size, so I would consider it as a sword." Replied Bilbo, examining the dagger. "Gandalf said something about Elven blades glowing blue when Orcs are around."

"Quite a handy mechanism, isn't it?" I grinned."Swords made in Gondolin glowed blue in the presence of Orcs, and I presume, other minions of Morgoth such as trolls and Goblins."

"How did you learn about that?"

"Like I said," I smiled,"I am the keeper of knowledge."   I stopped to think for a moment, "Most of it, I think."

"you must have had a great mentor then, that Saruman."

"Indeed. He mainly let me wander the many archives of the tower, I've spent most of my days reading about legends like that of Kullervo, Tuor and Túrin, and plenty of others-"

"Something's coming!"Cried Thorin to the rest of us.

“Stay together! Hurry now. Arm yourselves.” Warned Gandalf, his staff held high. There was the sound of bushes and trees rustling as a blur of brown appeared in front of our eyes. It was an odd looking man, who donned dark brown coloured robes, matted grey hair and  had a glint of madness in his eyes. He screamed in a shrill voice,

“Thieves! Fire! Murder!”

"Is that...." I asked.

"Radagast. Radagast the Brown! What on earth are you doing here?” Said Gandalf, striding towards his friend.

“I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something’s wrong. Something’s terribly wrong!” He howled, before turning to me, "And well met once more, lady Ara."

"The favour is mine, Radagast," I replied, "Did you consume too many mushrooms again?"

"N-no!"Exclaimed the crazed wizard, "I wanted to say something, but-" 


"Oh , just give me a minute. Um, oh, I had a thought, and now I’ve lost it!" He whined."It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue!" He then curled his tongue outwards , saying, “Oh, it’s not a thought at all; it’s a silly old...”

"Stick insect." Finished Gandalf, who pulled the little creature out of Radagst's mouth.  I covered a hand over my mouth with a feeling of unease, whilst the Dwarves  gingerly moved back, extremely bewith

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