Roast Dwarves For Dinner

Through The Mist Of The Mountain, I See You (Rewrite!)
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"Gandalf, are there other wizards like you?" Asked Bilbo as raindrops trickled Down the hood of the cloak he had borrowed from Bofur. It was sodding wet, and the ground was disgusting and turbid, a murky light brownish colour.

"Well my dear Bilbo there are five of us.The greatest one of course would be Saruman the White,The other two I have forgotten."

"There's still one that you haven't  yet named," Added Dori.

"That would be Radagast the Brown," Replied Gandalf.

“Is he a great Wizard or is he...more like you?”  Questioned Bilbo.

Gandalf looked slightly annoyed by that phrase. 

“I think he’s a very great wizard, in his own way. He’s a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East, and a good thing too, for always Evil will look to find a foothold in this world.”


"We shall camp here  for tonight," Declared Thorin. "Fili, Kili, look after the ponies, make sure you stay with them." I chuckled as I heard both of them groan. 

"A farmer and his family lived here...." Mumbled Gandalf as he examined the ruins of granite and broken wood.

"Oin, Gloin," Called Thorin.


"Get a fire going."

"Right you are," Responded Gloin, rolling up his sleeves.

"I think it'd be wiser to move on," Advised Gandalf, raising his voice."We could make our way to the hidden valley."

"Why?" Asked Bilbo.

"Go to the Elves, you mean?" I chirped in.

"I have said it already and I shall say once more: I will not go near that place," Said Thorin , cynical.

"But the Elves  can help us! We can be offered food, shelter, advice," Pleaded Gandalf.

"I do not need their advice."

"We have a map that we cannot read, Sire. Elrond Peredhel knows the many ancient tongues of Middle Earth. Surely he can help us!" I retaliated.

"Help? Help? When Smaug attacked Erebor, who came to our aid?  When Moria fell to the hands of the very same creatures that killed your father; Ara, Who came to the aid of the Dwarves? No one, no Eledâim dared help. You ask of me to seek out the very people who betrayed my father and my father before me!" Roared Thorin as I staggered back in fright.

"Thorin!" Boomed Gandalf, "You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold on to the past.”

“I did not know that they were yours to keep,” He scowled. Gandalf glared at the Dwarf with utmost loathing, his heel, and stormed off towards his horse, muttering under his breath. Bilbo looked at Gandalf, visibly confused.

“Everything alright? Gandalf, where are you going?”

“To seek the company of the only one around here who’s got any sense.” Riposted Gandalf, climbing onto his saddle.

"Who exactly?"

"Myself, Master Baggins. I've had enough of Dwarves for a day. Take care of those harebrained little monsters, will you, Araënd?" He snapped

"Depends,"  I said as  he rode into the distance, disappearing into the woods.

"Come on Bombur, We're getting hungry," Said Thorin, rolling his eyes at the pudgy, ginger haired Dwarf.

"Is he coming back? Asked Bilbo to Balin and I.

"You never know, honestly. He just goes off, pops out of nowhere in a few days or less," I shrugged.


A few hours later we were all seated next to a fire, eating a stew that Bombur had whipped up using a few taters and other ingredients.

"He's been a long time," Murmured Bilbo, staring into his stew.

"Who?" Asked Bofur.

"Well Gandalf of course!"

“He’s a wizard! He does as he chooses. Here, do us a favor: take this to the lads.” He said, handing Bilbo two wooden bowls, ushering him to find Kili and Fili who were watching over the Ponies. Bombur attempted to serve himself some of the soup, but Bofur slapped his hand away with the wooden spoon that he held, snapping at him,"Stop it, you've had plenty already."

"May I join you, Master Baggins?" I asked courteously.

Bilbo  nodded. As we strode through the woods, we came across the Dwarven princes who stared into the darkness, a worried expression etched upon their faces. 

"Fancy some soup?"

"No, not really..." Mumbled Kili.

"What's wrong?"

"We're supposed to be looking out for the ponies." Continued the Dwarf, twiddling his thumbs nervously.

"Only we encountered a slight problem."

"There's supposed to be sixteen ponies and one Stallion."

"Now there's only fourteen left."

"Don't say...,"I groaned.

"Daisy and Bungo are missing!" Cried Bilbo after he did a thorough check on the animals.

"That's not good, not good at all," I Said, biting my lower lip uneasily.

"Shouldn't we tell Thorin at least?"Asked Bilbo hastily.

"Don't be hasty," I quoted. "I heard an Ent say that once."

Fili paused for a moment, then at length he responded with a flat no.

"As our official burgular, we thought you might want to look into it." Bilbo noticed a few uprooted trees that lay there, limp in the grass, roots outstretched.

“Well, uh...look, some-, something big uprooted these," He said.

“Something very big, and possibly quite dangerous,” I observed.

"There's a light!" Said Kili, pointing in the direction of a 

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