- oh really?!

Ding! You Have A Text

Nearing the end of the show, the cast had several expectations of the upcoming.

It was expected that the show would be successful all three of nights that it was performed. And that happened. It was expected that the cast would have an exciting after party once the last show was done. The party was very exciting. But most of all, it was expected that Hoya and MinJi would begin dating once the show ended. That didn’t happen.

How could that happen, you ask? The two seemed almost inseparable by the end of the show, but relations do not flourish if neither of the involved “parties” pushes through. In other words, Hoya and MinJi just didn’t put the effort into making a relationship happen.

In some ways their relationship as best friends fizzed out as well. Since they were not able to see each other’s face everyday, they began to text each other very often. Their conversations would be very animated and hilarious, but in the hallways their interactions were extremely dull. They simply waved and said “Hello” to each other, then went their separate ways. But whenever they texted, the conversations were long, funny, and almost always random.

Yah, tell me a story.

sent to Choi MinJi from Lee Howon

Do you realize what time it is? -.-

sent to Lee Howon from Choi Minji

Yes, it is 4am. that is exactly why I

need a story! I can’t fall asleep.

Fine, I hate you.

You know you love me. NOW, STORY.

commanding little prick. -.-

that isn’t a very pleasant story.

LOL. Well, once upon s time there was

a dog named Clifford. He was big and red.

The end.

You at stories.

I hate you.

Love you too, night!


The conversation would sometimes even be deep. The two would talk about their futures: their future careers, family, and spouses. And the deeper the conversations became, the deeper MinJi fell in love with Hoya…

Don’t you ever wonder where you’ll end

up in the future?

sent to Lee Howon from Choi Minji

Yeah, but I tend not to worry about

it so much.

sent to Choi MinJi from Lee Howon

Why? Doesn’t the future scare you?

Sometimes it does, but I know that it’ll

be fine.


If I believe in myself and God, it’ll

be fine.

Wow, sounds like something my pastor

would say.

LOL. But, I’m completely serious.

I wish I could be that confident.

MinJi, you of all people have

nothing to worry about. You are

talented, intelligent, and

beautiful inside and out. There

is no way you could not be successful.


It was the texts that made MinJi fall in love with Hoya. Those sincere and long messages that he’d send her late in the late would never cease to make MinJi smile. MinJi’s girl friends would constantly about him. They joke about the glow she’d get in her eyes whenever they texted. They would about the same things Hoya would about. But although he’d , Hoya almost always made it up with a sweet text. The two would text in between and after classes, and even at home the two “best friends” would never stop the ongoing texts.

It seemed like they were already a couple, but they, again, were still awkward to each other in person. Their old face-to-face banters were gone and their texts were the only thing left of their old relationship.


But the two didn’t realize this. They believed everything was fine. Actually, everyone believed that they were fine. No one could see that the fatal flaw in Hoya and MinJi’s relationship was the lack of verbal communication. The two continued to text and flirt. Everything was fine, but the two weren’t getting anywhere farther then the flirty texts, but the two didn’t mind.

It was sometime in April, two months after HONK! was finished, when Hoya learned the MinJi had fallen from him. He walked into the choir room one morning looking for MinJi when he heard his name mentioned in the choir director’s office. Being the ever curious kid that he was, Hoya silently tiptoed close to the office door to listen to the conversation.

“Hoya?! I knew it! I knew she liked him!” yelled Jieun, a friend of MinJi, “She always had this glow whenever they she got a text from him.”

“I know right! I’ve seen that look. She’ll get a text from Hoya and then you’ll never be able to get her attention cause she’s too busy on Cloud 9,” joked another voice, this one was deeper then Jieun’s.

A group of voice laughed together in the office. “Does Hoya know?” asked a different voice. A murmur of negative replies floated around the office. “I’m guessing he doesn’t. Do you think that MinJi would ever have the guts to tell him?”

“I doubt it, MinJi has always been a shy girl.”

Hoya’s face was getting redder the longer her continued to listen to the girls in the office gossip. He silently walked out of the choir room. Hoya needed to pretend that he hadn’t heard anything that they said. He re-entered the choir room, making sure to make a big noise while entering. He ran to the choir director’s office and quickly pulled the door open.

“Have you seen the choir director?” Hoya asked. His eyes quickly scanned the room. MinJi wasn’t in the room. These girls were obviously talking behind her back. Hoya had to remind himself to warn MinJi about these girls.

“Director-nim isn’t here. She’s at a meeting,” said one of the girls, “By the way, how long have you been here Hoya? Did you just get in the choir room?”

“I just ran in here looking for the choir director,” Hoya plainly lied, “Why?”

The girl lowered her eyes at him. She was suspicious, but she didn’t want to say anything. Instead, she got up and began to push him out the door. “No reason. Bye!”

Hoya waived and quickly left the choir room. He went back into the theatre room to lie on the floor. Hoya’s eyes began to stare into the ceiling. His thoughts drifted in the air, high above, reaching the theatre room’s ceiling lights.

Thoughts like, Does MinJi really like me? and Are they just gossiping? were amongst the several in his head.

Who would have known that MinJi had a thing for him? Who would have guessed that MinJi would ever feel that way for him? Weren’t they just best friends?

Things were getting complicated, and this was only the beginning. 


wow, my writing is getting worse and worse as time goes on. 

well, this chapter mainly shows the loss of contact between Hoya and MinJi besides texting. But at the same time, it is their texts that are making them closer to one another. This chapter also shows how Hoya discovers MinJi's feelings. one last chapter and I'm, but this really was the appropriate place to end the chapter. 

well, I'll see you guys in a couple hours, cause I'm still writing


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Guys, check out my other Hoya story "A Tale of a Backpacker" (:


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Chapter 3: This is so cute~
mylovely_hy #2
one more chapter..huhu please update author-nim.. i like your A Tale Of A Backpacker beside this story btw! ^^
Tsykplv #3
Gahhhh! I just love your stories! :D
hyo_511 #4
opening a poster request~ ^-^
easy to request!
come and visit!
oohh they're so adorable :D
That was adorable xD
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
eLiSey #7
its really good:) i cant wait til the next chapter:) update soon~
haha that's one genius way to get someone's phone number XD
I liked the whoel chapter! please update soon ^^
im looking forward to this (:
a different writing style is always eye-catching (:
This sounds really interesting. I look forward to reading it and welcome back~ ^^