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Ding! You Have A Text



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here is the first part of "DING! You Have A Text"


Bro, let's audition for HONK! We have nothing better to do... 

Sent to Nam Woohyun from Lee Howon.


Sent to Lee Taeyeon from Choi MinJi


He was just a cast member. He was just another person who auditioned to be a part of this children's musical. He was a member of the cast family. He was just a close friend. He was just a cast member, nothing less nothing more. She loved to convince herself that, that was all he was to her, but she knew deep down that he was more than just that. 

The two first acknowledged each others presence at HONK!'s first rehearsal. On the first day of rehearsal, the two were on completely different sides of the stage. MinJi stood awkwardly, almost timidly, with her only two friends on the far end of right stage. Unlike MinJi, her two friends, Taeyeon and Miyoung, were extremely excited to be on the stage. Their eyes danced around the room with excitement, wandering from the stage lights to the comfortable actors on the other side of the stage. MinJi's eyes were also watching the actors. She watched the relaxed and happy cast mates with a hint of jealousy. She wanted to be comfortable too. 

"Let's go onto that side," urged Taeyeon. Without waiting for reply, Taeyeon pulled her two friends, by their wrists, across the stage to the group of happy actors.

In this group stood Hoya. 

Hoya was a veteran actor. He was comfortable, unlike Minji, and easily mingled with the people around him. Mingling was easy for him, especially since he spent the past three high school years with these people. Hoya casually greeted friends and comfortably made jokes with the people around him. Next to him, his friend Woohyun stood awkwardly confident. Nam Woohyun was new to theater, but he was a musical prodigy so he had the right to be confident. 

"Yoooo~ Sungyeol!" Hoya yelled happily from across the stage to his friend. Hoya ran to mingle with him and the other people around him. 

As MinJi and her friends finally joined the group, stretches, prep-time, and games began. Taeyeon and Miyoung easily got the hang of things, playing and laughing at all the jokes made, but MinJi awkwardly played the games. With an incredible lack of confidence, she shyly ignored the cast and only participated when necessary. Finally, a bonding game had to be played: The Mirror Game. You were to choose a member of the cast and mirror their exact moves. 

MinJi looked towards her two friends... and saw that they were already partnered together. "Bastards," she mumbled to herself. With no one else to partner with, MinJi waited for another cast member to be forcibly paired with her.

From across the stage, Hoya saw MinJi awkwardly looking for a partner. Hoya took the initiative. He put on his big boy and walked across the stage towards the shy girl.

"Do you need a partner?" Hoya asked with kind eyes, "I can be you're partner. My name is Hoya."



Yeah, Hoya is nice, but he probably won't talk to me. He has too many friends already. 

Sent to Lee Taeyeon from Choi MinJi


MinJi was completely wrong. 

The director decided that she would work backwards with this play. The second half of the musical was the hardest and she believed that she should approach it with more time. The second half required more scene changes, costume changes, microphone changes. It just needed changes. And with changes, you need time. 

Well, those were her words... 

Unfortunately for both MinJi and Hoya, their characters weren't big roles in the second half. All their lines, solos, and scenes, though not many, were in the first half of the play. For MinJi, her character, Henrietta, was not in the first three scenes of the second half. She actually just sat backstage in silence as she watched the other cast members sing and dance on stage. The same was for Hoya. He made a small cameo in the third scene, but besides that he was stuck with MinJi.

This is why they were close. 

When the second half rehearsals began, MinJi always sat backstage, stage left and watched what was happening on stage. Everything about acting interested her. MinJi was always excited about watching her cast mates speak their lines. She admired them. But, the admiration slowly faded as she watched her cast mates repeat the same scene, the same lines, the same choreography again, and again, and again. 

"I am tired of this!" MinJi mumbled to herself as she pulled out her IPhone. 

Beside her, Hoya was also extremely bored. As he laid his body on the backstage's floor, he watched MinJi with wondering eyes. She looked so concentrated on her phone, with it's screen pressed against her face, her hands clasped tightly around the phone, and her thumbs sliding across the screen. 

"Hey, what are you playing MinJi?" asked Hoya. He pulled himself off the floor and dragged his next to MinJi. Hoya looked over her shoulder to see her playing a game of Temple Run. "Yah, Minji!"

Just the sound of her name was enough for MinJi to lose all attention on her game. The split second that she looked up at Hoya caused her character to lose his life.

"DAMMIT HOYA!" yelled MinJi.

Hoya's eyes widened at her language, which caused MinJi to cover in embarrassment. That kind of language rarely left MinJi's mouth, but when it did you can be sure it's for a legit reason. "Just pretend you heard none of that."

Hoya chuckled and nodded his head. He pretends to zip his mouth shut and throw away the key, promising to not tell a soul about what he just heard. "So what were you playing?" he asked. 

"Temple Run, I legitly at this game," Minji said with a frown. MinJi loved the game, but for some odd reason, maybe it was her hand-eye-coordination skills, she could never reach the millions that many of her other friends reach. It was impossible!

Hoya smiled, "You know, I'm kind of a pro at that game. I think my highest school was around, 50,000. I think that was with all those powerups." MinJi laughed. He was either joking, completely serious, or did not understand how easy it was to achieve that kind of score. On the bright side, it was nice to know that someone just as bad as she did, "I bet you that I can beat you then."

"You can?" Hoya sarcastically asked, "Let's see you try." 

Hoya took MinJi's phone from her hands and pressed the "New Run" button. Hoya's character was thrown into the game, running from creatures, hopping over trees, making sharp turns, and ducking explosions of fire. Unfortunately, he didn't last long. Hoya's character died in a matter of minutes with a score of 78,000. 

"Beat that!" Hoya said with a large, smug grin. 

"With pleasure." MinJi took back her phone and pressed "New Run". MinJi placed all her concentration on the game, zoning out everyone in the vicinity, pushing her competitiveness to it's highest level... till Hoya began distracting her. Hoya bumped into MinJi, yelled her name, and tried to grab her attention. It wasn't working till Hoya yelled "HEY, MS. THOMPSON!"

It was a known rule in theater that phones should never be brought on stage. They were a distraction, a nuisance, a symbol of procrastination. If a phone was ever caught on stage by the director you can bet on your mother's grave that you'd never get it back. So when Hoya yelled out the director's name, MinJi froze. She dropped her phone and refused to move a muscle. 

On the ground, her phone blinked, stating that her character just died. Her final score? 56,000.

"HA. I WIN! You're score was close, but it isn't 78,000!" Hoya laughed as he picked up MinJi's phone. 

MinJi unfroze as she realized Hoya's prank. Hoya purposely did that to make her lose! With embarrassment created by the veteran actor, MinJi grabbed her phone of his hands, stuffed it into her front pocket, then gave Hoya a heated glare. "You cheater!" yelled MinJi. Hoya just smirked, loving the angry look that he caused on MinJi's face. It was just so amusing to him. 

/Calling Jaybird on stage/ 

"Gotta go! The director is calling!" Hoya said with a smile as he walked past MinJi, "Oh MinJi... you're score on the Temple Run..."


"It's not 78,000!"


He is such a cheater! I hate him.

sent to Lee Taeyeon from Choi Minji

I think it's pretty funny. And now I know exactly what to say to piss you off!

sent to Choi MinJi from Lee Taeyeon


It's not 78,000!


Because of that one encounter, the "It's not 78,000" joke spread like wildfire across the cast of HONK!. Soon the cast members and even the directors would joking come up behind MinJi and whisper "It's not 78,000", just to see MinJi's crazy reaction. The joke became a hit in the games, using it to reference to MinJi whenever they had the chance.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, it made MinJi a bit closer to the cast. And because of this, MinJi was a bit thankful to Hoya. Even if he was a lying, conniving, bastard. Just like how the "It's not 78,000" joke created a bond between MinJi and the cast, it also brought a new found closeness between Hoya and her. This joke opened their conversations and sometimes even ended them. Soon, this joke because their bridge to the new friendship the two created.

Soon, they two were seen spending every break together and joking around all the time. They became each other's partners for games, they bought each other food, they walked each other to rehearsals, they shared seats backstage, they shared a spot in the dressing room together. This "78,000" joke started it all. 

By the time of performances, Hoya and MinJi were best friends. They knew almost everything about each other, except each other's cell phone numbers. They both thought that if you spent three hours with each other every day, you didn't need to text each other... But not that HONK! was ending they needed each other's number more than ever. 

The way Hoya asked for her number was neither direct, indirect, or discreet. Rather it was a way that did not require questions, just the way that Hoya liked it. During one of the first dress rehearsals, only a week before the show, all the cast members were assigned facial base, like foundation but thicker. The names of the bases were ridiculous like "Wood Tan" and "Brown Pecan". Hoya was extremely forgetful, and this is what he used to get MinJi's number.

When assigned the base, Hoya mumbled it a few times to himself. Out of "frustration" Hoya pulled MinJi's phone out of her jeans pocket. He typed in the code and pressed the message icon on the home screen. 

"What are you doing?" asked MinJi.

Hoya ignored her and typed a few more keys then placed the phone back into her pocket. "I just wanted to remind myself of my base name." 

MinJi nodded, then wrote down her own base color. MinJi was oblivious to the fact that Hoya had his phone in his back pocket. 

So without much question... Hoya received MinJi's number.



Tw - 22 golden beige 

Sent to Lee Howon from Choi MinJi


well, here it is. It was pretty poorly written, not gonna lie.

oh well.

this is what I get for being on hiatus. 

comment and tell me how I did? (:








my other stories:

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Guys, check out my other Hoya story "A Tale of a Backpacker" (:


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Chapter 3: This is so cute~
mylovely_hy #2
one more chapter..huhu please update author-nim.. i like your A Tale Of A Backpacker beside this story btw! ^^
Tsykplv #3
Gahhhh! I just love your stories! :D
hyo_511 #4
opening a poster request~ ^-^
easy to request!
come and visit!
oohh they're so adorable :D
That was adorable xD
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
eLiSey #7
its really good:) i cant wait til the next chapter:) update soon~
haha that's one genius way to get someone's phone number XD
I liked the whoel chapter! please update soon ^^
im looking forward to this (:
a different writing style is always eye-catching (:
This sounds really interesting. I look forward to reading it and welcome back~ ^^