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second installment. one more part after this. (:


As the number of days lessened, the stress level of the HONK! members reached an all time high. The director had them staying late nights at the school, with rehearsals from 3 till 7 at night. Adding onto the long strenious hours of the practices, the music director had them changing songs and verses all last minute. It was as if she pulled new lyrics out of her just to piss of the cast! A week before the show and MinJi was already tired of the show. She was ready for this all to be over so she can finally get a normal nights sleep. The stress was really eating her up and she needed someone to talk to, so she choose Hoya.


"I am tired," whined MinJi, "I want to go home!" 

Hoya laughed, "Stop being so whiny. You're such a baby."

MinJi pouted and planted herself in front of her assigned vanity station, "Don't tell me you're not tired. Aren't you just ready to go home?" 

Hoya nodded as he leaned himself onto the counter of Miyoung’s vanity station, "Of course I am. But it isn't that bad. I mean, at least we're not spending this many hours with people we completely dislike right? At least you're doing this with me. If I wasn't here, you'd probably die!"

"Psh, I have Taeyeon and Miyoung, I could have gotten along perfectly well without you,” Miyoung said with a brief pout.

“Sure, you could have. But it wouldn’t have been as much fun without me.”

You’re right, Miyoung thought. Miyoung had thought similar things to this for a while now, but there was no way she was going to tell him this. It would just boost his already mile-high self-esteem. “Well, we don’t exactly know, and we probably won’t because you decided to be my friend on the first day.”

“You and I both know that I made a good choice of saving you from your isolationism,” joked Hoya, “Right bestfriend?”




I don’t understand why it bothers you? Isn’t being his best friend a good thing?

sent to Choi MinJi from Lee Taeyeon

Yeah, I guess. It just bothers me for some reason.

I guess it was the word…

sent to Lee Taeyeon from Choi Minji

I think I understand now…


I’ll tell you when you realize yourself. ;D


Honey, you’ll realize soon enough.


“Okay cast gather round,” called the director.

It was the end of the last rehearsal and the cast had finally finished a full run through of the show. The director seemed pretty content with the show, but you never really knew. One by one, the cast members sat on the stage in front of the director.

“I just want to say one thing, congrats. You are the strong ones. You finished the show; unlike many of your cast members who were either dropped or were forced out. I want to thank you also. I thank you for being such an amazing cast. You guys pulled through together.”

Hoya and MinJi smiled at each other. They really did pull through together…

“This show will be a success because of all of your participation. Let’s gather round for one last hug, then I want you to go home, and rest up!” smiled the director.

Hoya stood up first and extended his hand to MinJi. After helping her up, he didn’t release her hand. Instead, he held it tight as he pulled her into the group hug…


It’s all a sign. This handholding, I promise.

sent to Choi MinJi from Lee Taeyeon

What the are you talking about? EXPLAIN?!

sent to Lee Taeyeon from Choi Minji

You’ll see!


On opening night, MinJi was a total wreck. She was all over the place. She would run from one location to another just in preparation for the show. One second she’d be doing make up, the next she’d be taping a mic to her skin, the after she’d get the stylist to fix her hair, and the next second she’d be putting on her costume, THEN she’d run back to the stylist to fix her falling hair. It was chaos.

When MinJi finally got a break, she was ready to cry. She plopped herself in a chair and pressed her forehead in her palms.

“You okay?” a voice asked.

MinJi looked up. In front of her, in full costume and a calm face, stood Hoya. He kneeled in front of her and clasped her hands. The warmth of his hands enclosed hers, hiding her hands in his big ones. “Smile,” he said.

“I’m just freaking out a little. This is my first show and this is just way too chaotic,” whispered MinJi.

Hoya just smiled, “I know the feeling, trust me. You’ll get through it and you’ll be amazing for whatever scenes you have onstage.”

“Thanks Hoya,” said MinJi. MinJi wiped the stress away and clasped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. “You’re really the best. You know that?”

“I know.”


The first show out of three was a complete success. Although there were moments of slip-ups, it ended up all right. Everyone still enjoyed the show, and the cast was completely happy.  When the show was finally over, MinJi breathed a sigh of relief. She looked for Hoya, but he was busy with some of his friends who came to watch the show.

She knew most of them. She saw her “bus buddy”, Myungsoo, in the group. She waved at him and he gave her thumbs up, and then turned back to his other friends. They were juniors, except one of them who was a sophomore. MinJi knew the sophomore girl, Alexis; they were best friends at one point, but not anymore. But… that was a different story for a different time and place…

MinJi didn’t like the fact that Alexis was there to greet Hoya. Actually, she didn’t like that fact that Alexis was in the same room as her, so MinJi left.

MinJi found her friends who came to watch her, and after getting out of costume, she left with them. MinJi didn’t say bye to Hoya, because he was busy with his friends. She would just text him later…


Good job tonight douche.

sent to Lee Howon from Choi Minji

You too, boo.

sent to Choi MinJi from Lee Howon



On the second show night, Hoya chilled with Miyoung every moment they weren’t on stage. For some reason unknown to MinJi, Hoya felt a bit bad for leaving Miyoung hanging. So, Hoya spent almost all of the backstage moments with MinJi, helping each other get ready and warming up together.

To the unknown eye, one would think that these two were dating. But to the cast all they could see were two best friends.

The show went on as usual, except for the fact that once Hoya and MinJi’s parts were done, the two did something that none of the cast members would have expected. It was unexpected for two reasons: One – It was unexpected because once you finish your scenes, you sit backstage with the rest of the cast.

Two – Because they did that, but the two…

…fell asleep on each other’s shoulders… 


I honestly wasn't very content with this. I might have to go back and re-edit. (:

SO this chapter was basically the developement of Hoya and MinJi's relationship

tell me how it is? 

oh, and I'm not gonna lie this is gonna be a more unexpected ending.

OH AND I NEED A POSTER. recommendations?






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Guys, check out my other Hoya story "A Tale of a Backpacker" (:


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Chapter 3: This is so cute~
mylovely_hy #2
one more chapter..huhu please update author-nim.. i like your A Tale Of A Backpacker beside this story btw! ^^
Tsykplv #3
Gahhhh! I just love your stories! :D
hyo_511 #4
opening a poster request~ ^-^
easy to request!
come and visit!
oohh they're so adorable :D
That was adorable xD
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
eLiSey #7
its really good:) i cant wait til the next chapter:) update soon~
haha that's one genius way to get someone's phone number XD
I liked the whoel chapter! please update soon ^^
im looking forward to this (:
a different writing style is always eye-catching (:
This sounds really interesting. I look forward to reading it and welcome back~ ^^