Heading To Hawaii

The Handsome Devil

Sun Hee's POV

"Look at the ocean!" said Chanyeol as he looked out the window plane.

We were all heading to Hawaii for Seohyun's wedding. The seating pairs were Seo and me, Kai and Se Hun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, and D.O and Su Ho.

"I'm really nervous," whispered Seohyun.

"It will be fine. Don't worry," I reassured her.

Then I felt on bonk on my head.

"Hey Big Head, give me your ipod," said Se Hun who sat behind me.

"Why should I?"

"Because my ipod ran out of battery."

"No, that's your problem," I said and I turned away from him.

"Give me your ipod, give me your ipod," he repeated as he kicked my seat. Man this guy is really a kid.

I quickly turned around and threw my ipod at his head hard enough to give him a bruise.

"Ow, what the heck," he said shocked.

I didn't respond, and went back talking to Seohyun. But the flight attendent soon made an announcement.

"Attention. We will be landing in Hawaii in 10 minutes. Please make sure you have all your carry on items and luggages, and mahalo for flying with us." 

"Oh my stars we're landing soon! Oh my god, oh my god. We need to turn this plane around!!!!" Seohyun shouted.

Other passengers started looking at us.

"Nothing to look here people," said Su Ho.

After Seohyun finally calmed down, the plane had landed and was heading towards the gate.

"Ok passengers. It is now safe to remove your seat bealts, and mahalo for flying with us," smiled the flight attendent.

Seo and I got out of our seats quickly to get our luggages that were above us. Sadly, my shortish height is a problem because Seohyun got her luggage down easily while I jumped to reach mine.

"Here, let me help you," smiled Baekhyun. He reached over and got my luggage. 

"Thanks," I smiled back as he handed me my belongings.

We headed out of the plane and into the airport.

"Wow, this airport is amazing!" exclaimed D.O.

"Miss Joohyun," a man called. He was extremely tall and held a sign with Seohyun's name on it.

"Hello Miss Joohyun. We have the car ready to head to the hotel now," said the man as he took Seohyun's luggage.

"Thank you Butler Kim," said Seohyun. A butler?! She has a butler?! Is she rich or maybe he's a friend of her that has the job of a butler? Dang it, now I'm confusing myslef.

"Come on everyone," said Seohyun as we followed Butler Kim.

We arrived outside of the airort and infront of a limo. Butler Kim opened the door and motioned us to get in.

"Um...Seohyun. I'm just wondering, but why is there a limo and a butler?" I asked her.

"Kyuhyun's parents prepared all of this. I met Butler Kim before we left Seoul," said Seohyun.

As we rode through the strees of Honolulu, Baekhyun thought it was fun to roll down the windows and shout to people in the streets.

"Herro Hawaii!" he said in Engrish.

"Put your head back in the car before you choke on a bug dummy," said Chanyeol.

"Fine, fine. But you should've seen all the people waving hi back," said Baekhyun.

After another 5 minutes Butler Kim announced that we arrived at the hotel.

I stepped out of the limo and looked at the hotel.

"Omo, it's fancy looking," I whispered. I stared at the building to soak in it's gorgeousness.

"Come Big Head," said Se Hun as he slapped my arm.

"Come on Se Hun. That's not how you treat a lady," smiled Baekhyun.

"Miss Sun Hee, your lugagge," said Butler Kim.

"I'll take that," smiled Baekhyun. "We don't want a lady to be carrying something heavy."

We walked into the lobby, and I swear it was bigger than my whole house put together.

"There's our Joohyun," smiled Seo's parents who had waited in the lobby for us.

We all bowed to each other.

"We've already checked you guys in," said Mr. Seo

"Joohyun and Sun Hee will be in one room, Se Hun and Kai, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, and D.O and Su Ho," said Mrs. Seo as she handed us the keys.

"Great, I'm stuck with you again," said Baekhyun.

"My sleeping habits aren't as annoying as yours!" exclaimed Chanyeol.

"Ok guys cut it out. You're both too old to be acting like this," said Su Ho.

"Hpmh!," They both said.

"You children should get to your rooms and rest tomorrow since it's already getting late," said Mr. Seo as he got waved to the bellman to get our luggages.


After the bellman left Seohyun plopped on the bed and let out a huge dolphin scream. 


Tears soon dripped from her face. "You what I don't get?" she asked me. "It's if I like him. He's sweet yet mysterious in some way, but also weird."

"Well maybe......," I started to reply as some knocked on the door. 

"You go answer it," she pouted.

I opened the door to see Kyuhyun.

"Hey, can I talk to Seohyun for a little?" he asked.

"Uh yeah I guess," and left to give them privacy.

"The sun's probaly setting," I said to myself as I walked down the hallway. "Maybe I should check it out since it's a once in a life time experiance."

I headed to the porch that was on the first floor. The hotel we were staying at was right by the ocean so it was perfect to look at the sunset.

"The sun already setted," I whispered to myself as I stood alone outside. "But the sky is still so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," whispered a voice from behind.

"Se Hun what are you doing here?" I asked when I turned around.

"I need to tell you something," he said.

"What is it?"

He walked closer a closer to me until we were face to face. As he grabbed for my hands he said,  "Saranghae Sun Hee."

" When I first saw you, I knew you were different from any other girl I've met.  Ever since then I've starting to love you," he smiled. "So will you be mine?"

That's when it hit me. All the things Se Hun has given me, and all those random kisses all make since. I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out, but now I know my answer.

"Yes," I smiled.

He slowly bent over and gave me a passionate kiss. 

"Now you're mine forever," he smiled.



Sorry it wasn't romantic guys. But don't worry because I'll fix everything by showing you some past k-pop videos.







Do you guys remember the old SM Town before SNSD, SHINee, and f(x) came?






Aww! I miss those old Super Junior videos with all 13 members





And this is my summer song of the week! Enjoy!



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Babbie #1
Chapter 6: They all just became frds like that?
Chapter 29: Aigoo cute sehun and baekhyun hahaha
Chapter 29: Sequel pls
LovelyChoco #4
Sehun is such a kid Dx
OMG!!!! SeHun kissed her cheeks!! How was the cake? Too sweet?
LovelyChoco #6
That's really so cute <3
Awwwwwww!!!!! He kissed her hand!!
But the whole carnival thing was cute! Sehun and SunHee~

Update soon!
NerdyBunny #8
OMG!! What a sweet moment from Sehun! Kyaaaa!
LovelyChoco #9
So romantic >.< <3
Woot woot!! He kissed her hands!!