New Girl

Reborn Young [Discontinued]
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05 | New Girl 




Mrs. Im had a busy morning, looking after the people under her care, making breakfast for the elderly, and secretly visiting her daughter, a detail known by only a few. As she wiped her feet with a damp cloth, she occasionally glanced at her serene and lovely reflection, engaging in conversations about things she had kept to herself.


As she was engrossed in her tasks, her phone buzzed in the pocket of her jacket. She paused her work and retrieved her phone. Seeing Seohyun's name on the caller ID, she answered with a delighted smile.


"Oh, Seohyun-ah?"


[I apologize for reaching out to you at this hour, Mrs. Im, but may I request a favor?]


"How can I help you?"


[I honestly forgot to bring the key to my locker; would you mind if I asked you to bring it to me in school?] ask Seohyun politely.


"Anything you need, Seohyun. I should be able to make it in about an hour, I believe."


[Please don't rush, Mrs. Im. I'll see you shortly.]


"Goodbye," she replied, ending the call. "Your girlfriend just rang. I'll finish the cleaning later, my beloved daughter," she said with a warm smile, then rose from her seat, leaving the room after ensuring that she locked the door. 




Entering the cafeteria, Seohyun's face lit up as she received a warm greeting from a fellow student. She then joined the queue designated for teachers near the buffet. As she waited her turn, her attention was drawn to Yuri, who was sitting alone at a table. It was apparent that no one dared to sit with him, treating him as though he were an outcast or a troublemaker at school.


"I thought he had plenty of friends," she pondered, considering his status as one of the school's popular students.


While collecting her food onto her tray, she opted to include an extra fried egg and double up on her chicken soup. Then, as she made her way to the seat opposite Yuri, she inquired with a warm smile, "I hope it's alright to sit here, isn't it?"


"Ah... yes, Ms. Seo." Yoona/Yuri smiled at her. 


She placed the extra soup on his tray and the fried egg. "You're eating less, eat some more."


"Um, but... I don't think it's a good idea."




"I'm actually trying to watch my diet," Yoona/Yuri confessed with a hint of shyness. "However, because it's from you, I'll make an exception. Thank you, Ms. Seo." He graciously accepted the fried egg and took a delighted bite.


Seohyun smiled in relief. "Do you... usually eats alone?" she can't help but ask.




"Chincha? That's good to know." She's happy to know it.


Yoona/Yuri giggled. "My friend just didn't come today, that's why."


"I see. Um, who?"


'She's getting curious about this kid, isn't she?' Yoona noticed before he answered her. "Jung Jessica." 


"Jessica? That kid from the next section?" Seohyun knows the person.


"Yup. She's been keeping me company."


"She has been released from the hospital?"


Yoona/Yuri was confused. "What?"


"I mean, I was aware that she was in the accident with you as well... But... I haven't received any updates about her," she remarked with a casual shrug. "So, it's confirmed that she's back as well, then," she added with a fleeting smile, taking a bite of her meal.


'So Yuri and Jessica are indeed friends... but... how come she never told me she was with me in that accident?' Yoona/Yuri felt strange about it. Jessica should've even asked if he's doing fine after the accident but she just keeps trying to make her remember her. "I should probably ask when I see her." muttered him. 


"Hmm?" Seohyun looked at him with a smile.


"Ah, nothing." Yoona/Yuri smiles brightly back. 'And my girlfriend also knows about Yuri's accident. She's really looking after some of the students.' His heart flatters knowing his girlfriend concerns students that she doesn't handle. He finds himself quiet as he continues his meal while admiring secretly the beauty in front of him. 


Suddenly, Seohyun phone vibrates in the pocket of her blue jacket, she casually fetches it out and realizes it's Mrs. Im. "Omo, I'm sorry but I gotta go."


"What? You haven't finished, Teacher Seo."


"I have an important guest. It's nice talking to you, Mr. Kwon." She smiled and immediately got up as she waved her hand to him before he left the cafeteria in a hurry. 


"Well, at least I get to eat with her after months." said Yoona/Yuri, satisfied with the little moment she had with his dear girlfriend. His heart is fluttering thinking of her.




Tiffany has been at work for four hours now, yet her thoughts are still occupied by the teacher Yuri mentioned, who apparently shares a mutual friend. She finds herself curious about this person and has been regularly checking her social media profile, where she sees more pictures of dogs than the teacher's face, particularly the close bond with a husky dog.


The unexpected vibration of her phone on the edge of her desk jolted her back to the present moment. As she glanced at the screen, a radiant smile crossed her face, and without any hesitation, she swiftly answered the call.


"Hey, boo." she giggled. 


[You answered quickly, you're not doing anything?]


"Not yet at the moment. I mean, it's still light work." She replied as she scanned the office. "Why are you calling at this hour?"


[Um, you know I'm starting to work on my new album, right?]


"You haven't mentioned about that."


[Oh, I just received the announcement from my producer earlier. Hahaha] Taeyeon awkwardly laughs next line.


"Tsk, talking about how excited are you to share this with me. Congrats on a new album!" She chuckled softly.


[Honestly, it's regarding the project my creative team and I were talking about. They're looking for someone to play the role of a barista in the music video. Are you interested?]


"If the filming takes place at night, I'm all in." Tiffany suddenly got excited when she heard it.


[Omo, I think it's going to be filmed in the morning. You know, it's a coffee place concept.]


"Chincha?" But her excitement eventually dropped. "Aish." And she's annoyed.


[But... I could suggest to film it in the evening. It'll be next week's Friday.]


"Tsk, we'll see about that. Just don't get your hopes high."


[I'm pretty sure you're going to stare at it though. So, I'm very excited to see you working with me again.]


Tiffany smiled giddily when she remembered the first time she was on her best friend's music video, it was a summer concept so she went with her to Jeju and filmed a lot of swimming and volleyball beach scenes. It was memorable for her because she got to have fun with her best friend while working. And the fact that it was such a huge hit song. "Fine, I'll definitely work with you again, boo."


[Can't wait to see my barista best friend.] Taeyeon giggles.


She was just about to reply when she noticed her boss observing her from his office. "I need to end this call," she quickly placed her phone down and resumed her work, her heart racing nervously. Once her boss's gaze finally shifted away, she released a sigh of relief and stifled a quiet giggle at her desk.


Upon opening Seohyun's social media profile, she discovered a recent post. After clicking on it, she found herself strangely familiar with the middle-aged woman featured in the post. "Have I seen her on TV?" she wondered, furrowing her brow as she attempted to recall where she might have encountered this woman before.


seojuhyun: the best day already to see @lim_Yoona's mother in my working place.


"Wait, she's Yoona's mother?" she exclaimed as she read the caption. "No wonder she looks so familiar, and that teacher, I had no idea they were... close. Did I somehow miss her during the tennis player's funeral? But Yuri, does he know about this? It doesn't seem like it," she recalled Yuri mentioning his newfound interest in late-night tennis on TV. "His teacher being friends with a tennis player would definitely pique his interest," she considered, contemplating a visit to the school to share the news with him and see his reaction.




As Mrs. Im turned to leave, she suddenly remembered the paper folded into a swan under Seohyun's jacket and she turned her body back to see Seohyun was already walking back inside the school. She hastily followed her. "Seohyun-ah! Wait!" and tried to stop her.


Seohyun heard Mrs. Im's voice and eventually stopped and then turned.


"Mother, what is it?" asked her with a sweet smile.


"There's something in your jacket that I think you should see." said Mrs. Im. 


"What is it?" Seohyun casually checked the pocket of her jacket and found a swan-folded paper. 


"Isn't that like the way my daughter wrote you a letter every time you guys celebrate your anniversary?" 


"Y-yes." She felt goosebumps as she had a closer look. It was neatly done and she could see through the writings and the paper looked new. Her heart doubled its pace. "There's no way she will write me a letter, Mrs. Im." she nervously said especially that it was also the same favorite color as her girlfriend, which is sky blue.


"I know but... why don't you read it? You still have plenty of time to spend your break." Mrs. Im softly said as she gently patted her shoulder. "Let me hear about it tonight." she added before she turned to leave. 


Seohyun wanted to call her back but she contemplated and decided to watch the woman until she disappeared. Curious about the letter, she walked to a nearby bench and gently unfolded it. Memories of Yoona's letters came flashing before her eyes especially the ones when she read her anniversary messages on their date. Yoona's sweet and loving messages have to be the reason why she fell harder for her.


Her eyes watered as soon as she was able to open it and a long letter greeted her. "Oh God, there's no way a coma girl would write this." she softly chuckled as she wiped her tears off. "Mrs. Im probably wrote this though." she refused to believe it but she read the letter nonetheless.



My Dearest Seohyunnie,

I find myself at a loss for words, but I'll try my best to convey the feelings that have been growing inside me. From the moment I first laid eyes on you, my world transformed into something incredibly beautiful and new. You are the melody to my heart's song, the sunbeam that brightens my darkest days, and the reason for this letter today.

Our time together, even if it's just been a short while, has been nothing short of magical. Every smile you grace me with, every word you speak, they're etched in my heart like a sweet, everlasting memory. Your laughter is a symphony that plays in my mind, and I can't help but smile, knowing that I'm the reason behind it at times.

Your presence has this incredible power to turn the ordinary into extraordinary, and I cherish every single moment we spend together. I've been trying to find the words to express how you make me feel, and the closest I can come is that you are my first love, and you've filled my heart with a love so pure and profound that it's impossible to put into words.

I admire your kindness, your intelligence, your grace, and your unapologetic uniqueness. You're the embodiment of everything I've ever dreamed of, and every day I spend with you only confirms what a truly extraordinary person you are.

As I write this letter, my heart flutters with excitement, hope, and vulnerability that comes with confessing my feelings. I'm not sure where this journey will lead us, but I do know that I want to be by your side, sharing life's joys and challenges together. You are the reason I believe in love at first sight, and I can't help but hope that you feel even a fraction of what I do.

My dearest Seohyunnie, whether or not you choose to embrace my feelings, know that you've touched my heart in a way no one else ever has. I will forever cherish you as my first love, and the memories we created together, I'll carry with me for a lifetime.

With all my heart, Your Guardian Angel


"This sounds more like a confession from a high schooler than my girlfriend would write. Whoever is this?" She finds it adorable and sweet. "But... it's kinda close to Yoongie's letter too. Cute." She said convincedly and placed the letter back in her pocket. Just then, she heard the bell rang, causing her to run back inside the building.




As soon as the teacher left the classroom, Yoona/Yuri stood up and made his way out of the room. While walking in the hallway, he suddenly smiled when he remembered it was another day to practice with the members of the tennis club. He soon reached their locker room but stopped at the door only when he heard voices inside.


'Aish, they are probably still changing.' He thought. One thing he doesn't like as a member of the club, he has to share the locker with the boys which is definitely awkward for his female soul. He can't walk into them and pretend like he is a boy and has seen their skins like it was nothing. 'Should've brought my uniform with me. Tsk.' he sighed and decided to wait outside. His mind eventually crossed about Seohyun, their little interaction during the lunch break was somehow good progress. "Wait, did she read my letter already?" He blushed when he recalled the letter which he thinks cringe. Instead of revealing everything to her, he really ends up writing a confession letter as his mind flashes back to their college years. "She won't think it was me, I'm pretty sure of that." he giggled.


Suddenly the door opened and a young and tall teenage boy stepped out, looking at him casually. He waved a little at him as he smiled briefly.


The latter only took a couple of steps forward when he stopped and turned to walk back toward him.


"Hmm?" He furrows his eyebrows at the unknown boy. 


"I thought you don't play any sport, Yuri."


"Um, I do now."


"Chincha? Since when?"


'Who the heck is he?' He felt intimated by the way his eyes were piercing him. "You know, since I learned about it."


"Liar." He suddenly pressed him against the wall.


"Yah, what's up with you?" Yoona/Yuri was surprised by the sudden attack. He tried to push him off but he kept his hands on his shoulders.


"You, you are not Yuri, aren't you?" 


"Yah, Taeyong-ah, go easy on him." One of the tennis club members said when the rest of the boys stepped out of the locker.


'Taeyong?' Yoona/Yuri finally had the name noted. 


"He's a rookie." The coach approached them and gently pulled the hands off of him. "You should be treating him well."


The said boy bowed politely to their coach and gave Yuri/Yoona one last glance before he walked away and was followed by the rest of the boys.


"Thanks, coach." said Yoona/Yuri as he smiled genuinely at the coach.


"Go change in your uniform now. We'll have a warm-up before some drill." The coach instructed.


"Yes, Coach." He said and finally stepped into the locker. He made sure to lock the door and change into his tennis uniform. He's slowly getting used to wearing the male uniform but he can't still deny the fact that he misses wearing those pleated skirts. She can move in those faster than in male shorts. 




"Sir, we're here."


Upon hearing his driver's voice, Junho swiftly shifted his gaze away from his book. He let out a sigh and redirected his attention to the window, where he observed Shunhwa High School students departing from the premises. His nephew, Taeyong, had sent him a message featuring Yuri in her tennis uniform with a racket in hand, urging him to come to the school and witness it in person.


"If this isn't true, I'm going to kick his ." He muttered as he stepped out of the car once the driver opened the door for him. He fixed his suit and followed his driver's lead who knew well the school too. He heard his phone buzzed in the pocket of his blazer and decided to casually take it out without stopping his tracks. But he stopped when Taeyong once again messaged him.


Taeyong: I'm going to beat him in three sets. Do you wanna bet?


"What the?" He scoffed in disbelief. But he liked the idea and decided to reply.


Deal. Beat him and I will give you and your friends a free 1 day stay in the hotel.


He snickers and continued his walk to the court. He hadn't even reached it when he heard squeals and screams from female students which didn't surprise him. His nephew is one of the popular tennis players in their school, and also a campus heartthrob. 


As he scanned the court from the outside, he found Yuri stretching on the sideline. "Whoa, he's really playing." He can't believe his eyes. He knew him as a timid boy back then. "When did he start liking this sport?" He took his phone out and used the camera to zoom into Yuri. "Seriously, did Taeyeon miss mentioning this to me?" he captured him and saw Taeyong waving his hand. He placed his phone back in his pocket and just looked at his nephew with a smirk. 


Yoona/Yuri noticed what was going on and followed Taeyong's gazes. "Omo, he knows Junho?" He didn't expect to see that guy to be connected with his rival. "How connected am I to Taeyong, then? I mean, this Kwon Yuri?" He can't help but scoff. Every day, he learns

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1214 streak #1
Chapter 11: Lol Fany become serious and probably upset when Tae mention she'll meet teacher Seo that's why she immediately said see you later and hung up the phone...
Chapter 10: Omoo, yuri in yoona's body. Then Seo kiss her >,<
1214 streak #3
Chapter 10: Oh so now it's Yuri's turn to live as Yoona... But what about Jessica? Is the really her or Yoona's soul in Jessica's body?
Chapter 9: Yoona back to her body? Really? How about yuri?
RunningTRussia #5
Hi, I just located this story looks pretty cool! Thanks for continuing this yoonhyun story
1214 streak #6
Chapter 9: Oh so Yoona is back in her body?
multistory #7
Chapter 8: Look forward to your next update.
1214 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh so i think the reason why Jessica hasn't been around is she must've entered Yoona's body?? and oh Seo be careful from now on...
Fire_trek 450 streak #9
Chapter 1: This was an interesting start to a great story! I can’t believe fate brought YOONA and Seohyun back together again(although she’s a “he” now) I’m happy to see where this goes
1214 streak #10
Chapter 6: Cliff hanger hehehe 😁😁😁