More than a feeling?

Love Dust (HIATUS)

As if his return hadn't been agonizing enough as he tried to get her out of his head the whole way here. Then he bumps into her at the coffee shop. It had been two years and his heart still soared at the sight of her. He wanted to bunch the swarm of butterflies that filled his stomach, but that would be ridiculous. He shook his head, trying to forget that he even bumped into her. Trying to forget the feeling of the rain on his skin, the wind blowing past him, the sting of the cold. 

Seeing her re-opened the hole that he finally managed to make himself believe was closed. He ran back to Seungri's place and pushed passed the maknae, going into the extra room he had been given. He slammed the door and buried himself in the blankets and breathed heavily. 

"Hyung?" Seungri's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Come in," Daesung muttered into his pillow, hoping he wouldn't have to repeat himself. "Are you alright?" the maknae asked, obviously worried about his hyung's strange behavior. Daesung just shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, his face still in the pillow. "What happened?" "I saw her," he whispered. He could hear the maknae muffle a gasp. "I can't do this, Ri," he said hopelessly.

Seungri put his hand on Daesung's shoulder and squeezed gently, "Hyung, you can do it. Just give it more time. Don't leave when you just got here." Daesung lifted his head and nodded, his eyes sparkling with tears that threatened to spill over. "I can try, Ri. But no promises." "As long as you try, hyung. That's all that matters. You've spent two years running away from her. You can find someone else," the maknae said, trying his best to comfort the distressed Daesung. He nodded and wiped his eyes, "Yeah. I can. Thank you, Ri." 

Seungri left Daesung to sleep off the events of the day, believing all he really needed was a good night's sleep. 

Short chapter is short. Hey it's Ji/Min-ji/Nova/SeungJoMin-ji! This chapter is short because the story is kinda old now, and I don't have a whole lot of inspiration at the moment. It's obviously a filler to get the story going again. Also, you'll know it's one of my updates when it says (Insert Fancy Title Here) because I'm terrible with chapter names. I think naming the story is enough of a brain storm. Luckily one of my triplets, Min-ah/Nani/Minho_Minani, just used the name of our inspiration so I didn't have to think too hard. LOL. Anyways, I love you readers. We want more views and subbies because we love the pretty little things you comment~

ANNYEONG!!! *jumps around* during Spanish class I came up with a name for this chapter!!! (I'm sooo good xD) HEY SARANGHAEYO YEOREOBUN!!!

<3~Exam Crazy Nani~<3

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My exams will be over soon! I will update after that! -love you lots! From:Nani


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aww so sad i want to know what happens it please update soon