Back to Love

Love Dust (HIATUS)

Daesung leaned back in the seat of the yellow taxi he had been riding in. His palms were sweating, his mind was reeling. He wiped the sweat off of his hands onto his pants with a somewhat disgusted look. He looked outside the window at the building buzzing by. It's been two years since he's been here, since his heart and been torn in two. He couldn't think about her. It was so long ago, it didn't matter anymore. He could still hear and feel the pounding of his heartbeat, the sting of the freezing rain against his face. It almost felt like a dream.. no, a nightmare. He shook the negative thoughts out of his head and leaned back, closing his eyes.

Mi Sun stood at the large window in the kitchen of her apartment. She smiled as the warmth of the sun prickled her face as she sipped her tea. She felt arms circle her waist and a kiss was planted on her soft cheek. "I'm going to work, be back soon yeobo," whispered a voice in her ear. She giggled almost like she did when they first met, "Araso." They've been together for two years. After that rainy night she left the man, who's name has been pushed from her memory, in the rain. Sighing contently she picked up a nearby newspaper and glanced at the front page, some awful news about a robbery at a local store. The store's name seemed familiar though, it was a local jewelry store. Dropping the paper back on the counter she let it slip from her mind, she'd think about it later on.

"Gamsahamnida," Daesung said, waving to the taxi driver. Struggling with all his luggage he lifted each piece one-by-one onto the sidewalk. "I can help you with that," someone said behind him. Daesung laughed, "Nae, jaebal Seungri. Gomawo." Seungri was his cousin, one of the last of his family members that had stayed here after he disappeared. Splitting the baggage load they began walking towards Seung Ri's house, "I'm glad you're back and all, Daesung. But why? I thought you'd never come back after what happened." Daesung winced, "Don't say her name or mention it again, I missed this town, isn't that enough?" Seung Ri just shrugged at Daesung's answer and walked on. Daesung pushed on and shook the thoughts of her out of his head, he had moved on with his life and was fine with being without her, or at least he told himself that.. everyday.

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My exams will be over soon! I will update after that! -love you lots! From:Nani


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aww so sad i want to know what happens it please update soon