In the Fray and a Hidden Place

All Roses Have Thorns

     How did so many of them get here without any of the guards noticing? I am staring at the common room which is being torn apart as the Bunnies there fight for their lives.  At least thirty members from another gang – at least I assume it is another gang – are in and among the fighting.  There are too few Bunnies here and too many of these others, the odds are not in our favor.  I am also extremely nervous about Himchan who isn’t moving.

     Without another thought I step into the fray.  I aim my gun at one of those attacking a Bunny and let the bullet loose.  He falls down instantly allowing the Bunny he was attacking to regain themself and attack another of the intruders.  My only goal right now is to get to Himchan; to check to make sure that he is ok.

     I fire my gun repeatedly taking out an enemy with each bullet.  Soon I sense Zelo beside me as the other B.A.P members join the fight and soon the odds start to tip in our favor.  I finally have made it across the room to the unconscious Himchan.  Putting my hand on his neck to check for a pulse I find relief. He’s alive.  He’s alive though maybe not for long, we need to get out of here.  I don’t know if there are more coming, or not.  We need to rally everyone and let them know it’s time to retreat for now.

        I whistle to Zelo, who comes over immediately to help me get Himchan on my back.  I then tell Zelo to go signal the retreat, to start the sign tree so that all Bunnies know we are abandoning the current headquarters.  Within five minutes all the other Bunnies who are still in the headquarters are now in the common room.  The fighting has ended, but it unnerves me that they were able to enter the inner heart of our territory without so much as anyone blinking an eye.  I want to make this announcement quickly and be gone.

     “I want everyone to go to their designated hiding area.  We will get in contact with you all when it is safe to return.  We need to learn more of these enemies.”  I inform those around me. “This may take time, but we will contact you.  Keep a low profile, we’ve already lost too many today.  Let’s not lose anymore.”  And with that I nod my dismissal.

     The B.A.P head out for our secret hiding place – a crappy corner motel out in the middle of nowhere.  It was the safest place though, who would think to look for us there?  It’s in the Roses territory.

     “Ok, first things first.  Youngjae tend to Himchan.  The rest of you dye your hair.  I won’t have us be sitting ducks because of our hair color.  Also if any of you have any idea of who this new enemy is, speak up now.”  I give the orders as I set about pulling out the bags of emergency supplies we pay this motel to keep in this room just for us.

     I dye my own hair first; it’s now a light purple and black – I know it seems like it would stand out, but the Bunnies have a reputation of having wild hair – so I will blend in with the rest of them. I see Jongup dying his hair brown.  Zelo is making his pink – strange guy he is.  Daehyun is going for a grayish – green color.  I head over to Youngjae once I am sure everyone else is doing what they must.

     “How is he?” I ask while crouching down next to the two of them.

     “He will be fine. He’s just knocked out as far as I can tell, but I don’t like how long he has been out for.  He should have come to by now.”  Youngjae’s voice betrays his true concern over the situation.  He doesn’t seem to think Himchan will make it, but he just can’t break it to me.

     “I know you will do what you can Youngjae. That’s all I can ask for.”  I rest my hand on his shoulder trying to offer reassurance to the man next to me.

     “Where did they come from?  How could they just swoop in like that? With so many men?”  Yougjae dares to ask the questions that have been haunting me since I first laid eyes on the scene in the common room.

     “I don’t know.”  I answer honestly, trusting the B.A.P with my own uncertainty. 

     “Did anyone see anything that would have marked which gang they came from?  I don’t think they belonged to Mafia based Infinite, and they definitely don’t belong to V.I.P.  I doubt they belong to the Queens either – they weren’t wearing their appropriate gold color.”  I begin to try to put some pieces together. “They weren’t wearing uniform clothes, and they didn’t display any tattoos as far as I could see; maybe under their clothes?”

     I am now at the desk writing down everything I could remember from the attackers.  The list included what weapons they were carrying, the clothes and colors they were wearing, as well as any other markings that stood out as distinct.  I couldn’t seem to connect any dots.

     “Anyone else have anything to add?”  I ask while turning to the silent B.A.P behind me.  They have all taken on the task of dying Himchan’s hair while they silently listened to my listing. I need to protect this family with everything I’ve got.  I can’t lose a single one of them as we go through this.  I just wish I knew more about these mysterious attackers.  This could prove to be the end of us if they are able to pull more stunts like this last one.

     “Ok, Youngjae.  Stop.  Go dye your own hair now.  I don’t want any one of us to be a target simply because our hair is blonde.”  I give the order in a gentle tone. We’ve been through a lot today.  I finally feel that we can relax a bit, and think out our next move carefully.

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I only updated the thank you to Roses - I am writing an entirely new story abotu BAP called "Prophecy"


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Chapter 36: Wow.... That was a very harsh but great story. I loved the ending! She gets with Himchan and Wonbin is not dead! Aww it made me cry so much too!
Chapter 36: at first, i hesitated to read this fic but suddenly changed at the end. i tell you author, it is indeed a good story. i just read it in one go. i stay up late just to finished this and it was worth it. though i admit uhm.. i'm quite not satisfied with the ending. for me, it would be great if you just elaborate what happened to the gang like that. coz you know author-nim(doing a pouty face?) i don't want an open ending. hul~~~ kamsahamnida authornim. :)
Chapter 36: Omg stayed up late to read this xD slightly confusing with pov changes but damn your story was badass good
onewjr #4
Chapter 36: ahh! i cried for nothing! grr!!! i loved it though
SimplyJady #5
Chapter 36: You played us! >:( I loved it!!!
Chapter 36: OMYGOSH WHAT?!! Hongki is still alive?!! Whaat?!! Whaat?!!!!!
Oh you, you're so sneaky!!! I knew Himchan was still alive but I actually fell for Hongki's death!! =0
soo I shed tears for no reason?! Lol
I was suspicious over Hongki's death but I was thinking maybe Jonghoon was responsible for it or something..but WOAH HE ENDED UP BEING ALIVE!! YAY!! =D

I liked how the end was bitter-sweet <3
Ah I can't believe you've finished it already =(
I know you took your time writing this and I waited life for updates but boy was it worth it and that's why I'm asking if there's any chance of a sequel?? (if you have time)

P.S ThankYOU for writing such an awesome story!! I loved it!! =D x
Chapter 36: loved it! from beginning to end
dragonsoup_ #8
Chapter 36: Woah.. Love this AWESOME story a lot. I didn't expected everything ended up this way tho.. You make this story completedly fit myself.. from the start till the end.. that's totally my style :) Btw, seriously this story is the best i've read.. and this will be the first time i comment on someone fanfic .. There's slightly confusion in it witch when you changed the person.. i mean i hope the next story you make.. you mentioned whos part this is xD I know im not allowed to give comment like this but I REALLY REALLY ADMIRE YOU GUYS! sincerely. <3
Chapter 36: This deserves a second part. JUST SAYIN.
And congratulations on this story. This is honestly the first story that has made me cried.
KittensCanKill #10
Chapter 36: *CLAPS* Loved this story so much! <3 Thank-you,a thousand times over, for writing this story! I loved every bit of it :D And I'm so glad Hongki is alive!!!