More Questions and a Terrifying Fate

All Roses Have Thorns

     “Are you alright? He didn’t manage to get a knife in you right?” Zelo’s voice is full of fear and concern.  I laugh slightly realizing that the roaming hands are simply checking to make sure I am not hurt.

     “I’m fine.”

     “You’re fine?” Daehyun asks, raising his eyebrows at me clearly questioning my truthfulness. “The tears on your cheeks would indicate otherwise.”

     “I’m physically fine. Is that better?”  I respond, seeing if Daehyun will accept this answer.  I hadn’t even realized I had been crying, and I raise a hand to my cheek feeling the dampness there for myself.

     “More truthful” Daehyun nods, acknowledging my answer.

     “Come on, I know the best cure for shaken nerves.” Zelo commands while helping me stand up.

     “Oh, really? What’s that?” I question, already feeling comforted by their concern for me.

     “Ice cream!” the young man declares with a smile as we turn to leave.  Zelo suddenly halts dead in his tracks as he turns to the door.  He is too tall, I can’t see around him, but I know almost immediately why we have stopped.  A low, husky voice drifts past Zelo meeting my ears.

     “You’ve become too close, haven’t you?” Though it’s phrased as a question, it’s really not a question at all.  “Zelo, go wait in the meeting room.  Daehyun, go get Himcha-“ Yongguk orders as he pushes past them and towards me.

     “You can’t!” Zelo exclaims, “He knows.”  The look of fear in Zelo’s eyes makes me freeze up. Is Himchan really out to get me?  What is it that I’ve done?

     Yongguk stops swiftly, he turns back around, in a slow and calculated way, to face Zelo.

     “He knows? And she’s still alive?” Amusement and shock coat his husky voice. “He has more self control than I thought.”

     “But still, you can’t let him watch –“ Zelo is cut off by Yongguk, whose expression hardened at Zelo’s lack of obedience.

     “I will do what is best for the Bunnies, and if that means putting a Rose in danger then so be it.” This was clearly Zelo’s and Daehyun’s dismissal.  Though both men hesitate slightly looking from Yongguk to me and back to Yongguk, they both turn and leave.  Now it’s just Yongguk, me, and all of my unanswered questions.

     “You” Yongguk starts towards me, “what is it about you that keeps breaking my boys’ defenses?”

     “I should be the one asking the questions” I stubbornly point out.  I had been backing up to avoid being close to Yongguk, but my legs have now found the edge of the bed.  I have nowhere else to go. 

     “Have you been playing with them?” He asks the question in a way that is extremely suggestive.  He shoves me on to Zelo’s bed.  “Do they think they can get you into the position I have you in now?”

     “Why is my title of the Gilded Rose so important?  What have I done that upset Himchan so much?”  The questions fall from my mouth.

     “Why do my boys seem to think you’re so important while the Roses practically gave me permission to kill you?”  Yongguk hits a nerve, but I refuse to acknowledge it. 

     “What revenge has he already taken? What was the cost of it?”  I question Yongguk back with much more ferocity than I feel.  At the current moment I am petrified.  I am at the will of Yongguk, and though I don’t have Yongguk pegged for that kind of guy, the current position I am in seems to indicate otherwise.

     “Can you show me what you’ve been doing to my guys?  Huh?  You want to play those games with me?”  Yongguk has now climbed on top of me.  He’s straddling me.  He is sitting up right over me, while I am lying down.  I’m completely at his mercy. “You are really becoming a thorn in my side.” He snarls moving close to my face. This is it.  I think as both terror, and resignation set in. I can’t get away from him; this is it.  Yongguk’s next action shocks me.

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I only updated the thank you to Roses - I am writing an entirely new story abotu BAP called "Prophecy"


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Chapter 36: Wow.... That was a very harsh but great story. I loved the ending! She gets with Himchan and Wonbin is not dead! Aww it made me cry so much too!
Chapter 36: at first, i hesitated to read this fic but suddenly changed at the end. i tell you author, it is indeed a good story. i just read it in one go. i stay up late just to finished this and it was worth it. though i admit uhm.. i'm quite not satisfied with the ending. for me, it would be great if you just elaborate what happened to the gang like that. coz you know author-nim(doing a pouty face?) i don't want an open ending. hul~~~ kamsahamnida authornim. :)
Chapter 36: Omg stayed up late to read this xD slightly confusing with pov changes but damn your story was badass good
onewjr #4
Chapter 36: ahh! i cried for nothing! grr!!! i loved it though
SimplyJady #5
Chapter 36: You played us! >:( I loved it!!!
Chapter 36: OMYGOSH WHAT?!! Hongki is still alive?!! Whaat?!! Whaat?!!!!!
Oh you, you're so sneaky!!! I knew Himchan was still alive but I actually fell for Hongki's death!! =0
soo I shed tears for no reason?! Lol
I was suspicious over Hongki's death but I was thinking maybe Jonghoon was responsible for it or something..but WOAH HE ENDED UP BEING ALIVE!! YAY!! =D

I liked how the end was bitter-sweet <3
Ah I can't believe you've finished it already =(
I know you took your time writing this and I waited life for updates but boy was it worth it and that's why I'm asking if there's any chance of a sequel?? (if you have time)

P.S ThankYOU for writing such an awesome story!! I loved it!! =D x
Chapter 36: loved it! from beginning to end
dragonsoup_ #8
Chapter 36: Woah.. Love this AWESOME story a lot. I didn't expected everything ended up this way tho.. You make this story completedly fit myself.. from the start till the end.. that's totally my style :) Btw, seriously this story is the best i've read.. and this will be the first time i comment on someone fanfic .. There's slightly confusion in it witch when you changed the person.. i mean i hope the next story you make.. you mentioned whos part this is xD I know im not allowed to give comment like this but I REALLY REALLY ADMIRE YOU GUYS! sincerely. <3
Chapter 36: This deserves a second part. JUST SAYIN.
And congratulations on this story. This is honestly the first story that has made me cried.
KittensCanKill #10
Chapter 36: *CLAPS* Loved this story so much! <3 Thank-you,a thousand times over, for writing this story! I loved every bit of it :D And I'm so glad Hongki is alive!!!