The Third Delusion.

The Delusions that Haunt You... (Letter Rewritten...)

Kyung Rin was out with her sister today. They were headed towards a bookstore.


Kyung Mi was busy chatting away on her cell phone, walking ahead of Kyung Rin while Kyung Rin was slowly walking, looking around.


But then, something caught her eye. There was a group of boys and the last one was definitely Dong Ho.


She slowly ran up to the group and tapped on 'Dong Ho''s shoulder.


The boy looked up and Kyung Rin blushed.


"Yes?" the boy asked.


Kyung Rin shook her head and ran towards her sister.


That WASN'T Dong Ho. Not at All! But the boy was HOT!


But... she was so sure it was him...


With a flustered face, she caught up with her sister.

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hmm, your background isnt visible!!~
doraemonmojacko #2
dfmsklajfdiasjfkfuase! cute and awesome!
Soooo goood~~~ this was so simple yet cute XD thank u~!
ChemicalLuvs #5
This is sweet and simple~ >__<<br />
You should do more ^^<br />
I like this story but I wished Dongho's message could have been longer. Like a sweet love confession. But thank you for the story :)
ppz_uk #7
OMG! Dongho died???<br />
it wasn't true, was it??<br />
update soon plz! so curious of the next chapter!(:
haha~ okie~ ts been edited n added~ sry f it ~ lol~
ppz_uk #9
oh gosh!!!<br />
update more plz!<br />
a longer chapter maybe?:D
pinkypn #10
i love you was the message, thats it