The Conclusions and The First Delusion...

The Delusions that Haunt You... (Letter Rewritten...)

Kyung Rin had got on the net and checked her email. There, she saw him. Offline again.


How long has it been? 2 years? Yeah... 2 years since he left. And its been exactly 3 months since he's ever contacted her. She was starting to get worried... The North Korean and South Korean bombing had just happened.


She gasped and mentally slapped herself. How could she think of something like that?!


She sighed and logged out her email and plopped down her bed.


She dwelled off to sleep...




She jumped as she got off the bus. It was another tough day at school. Her younger sister followed her behind. They were having a walking backwards contest and she was winning.


But all of a sudden, a taxi passed by and her face showed pure shock.


Her sister, Kyung Mi, asked her what was wrong.


"Kyung Mi, did you see the person in the cab that just passed by?"


"Ehhh? No sis. No one was in the cab! It was vacant!" Kyung Mi assured her sister.


Kyung Rin nodded and continued to walk back home.


She was so sure she saw Dong Ho in the cab... He was smiling at her...

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hmm, your background isnt visible!!~
doraemonmojacko #2
dfmsklajfdiasjfkfuase! cute and awesome!
Soooo goood~~~ this was so simple yet cute XD thank u~!
ChemicalLuvs #5
This is sweet and simple~ >__<<br />
You should do more ^^<br />
I like this story but I wished Dongho's message could have been longer. Like a sweet love confession. But thank you for the story :)
ppz_uk #7
OMG! Dongho died???<br />
it wasn't true, was it??<br />
update soon plz! so curious of the next chapter!(:
haha~ okie~ ts been edited n added~ sry f it ~ lol~
ppz_uk #9
oh gosh!!!<br />
update more plz!<br />
a longer chapter maybe?:D
pinkypn #10
i love you was the message, thats it